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OPPI-kyselyyn liittyviä julkaisuja. -Haarala-Muhonen , A., Lindblom-Ylänne , S. & Parpala, A. (in preparation ). Relationship between approaches to learning and study success of first-year law students.

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  1. OPPI-kyselyyn liittyviä julkaisuja -Haarala-Muhonen, A., Lindblom-Ylänne, S. & Parpala, A. (in preparation). Relationship between approaches to learning and study success of first-year law students. -Myllylä, J., Parpala, A., Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Korvenranta, S. ja Mattila, A. (2007). University students’ experiences of teaching and learning in the Faculty of Behavioural Science. Questionnaire for first and thirdyearstudents. Published in Finnish. Pedagogica-sarjan julkaisuja 26. Helsingin yliopisto. Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta. -Parpala, A., Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Komulainen, E., Litmanen, T. & Hirsto, L. (in press). Students’ approaches to learning and theirexperiences of the teaching-learningenvironment in differentdisciplines. British Journal of EducationalPsychology. -Parpala, A., Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Rytkönen, H. (in press). Students' conceptions of good teaching in three different disciplines. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. -Parpala, A, Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Komulainen, E. & Entwistle, N. (2010). Students’ experiences of the teaching-learning environment, approaches to learning and their relation in two different contexts. Under review.-Ruohoniemi, M. & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. (2009). Studentperspectives on factorsenhancing and preventingtheirlearning. International Journal of AcademicDevelopment, 14 (1), 69–81. -Ruohoniemi, M., Parpala, A., Lindblom-Ylänne, S. & Katajavuori, N.(2010) Relationshipsbetweenstudents' approaches to learning, perceptions of the teaching-learningenvironment, and studysuccess - a case study of third-yearveterinarystudents. Submitted for publication.-Rytkönen, H., Parpala, A., Virtanen, V. & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. (2009). Approaches to Learning, Perceptions of the Teaching-Learningenvironment and theirrelationship to studysuccess and studypace of first-year bioscience students. Paper to bepresented in EARLI 2009, Amsterdam. Original ETLQ: http://www.etl.tla.ed.ac.uk/questionnaires/ETLQ.pdf

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