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Uncover the foundations of currentresearch Discover how the thinking of leading figures has evolved over 100 years, and put present-day theory intocontext. 1971 Organisational Change: “Top-Down” or “Bottom-Up” Management? The phrase “selling the change” is commonly used to describe a process in which management attempts either to convince those affected that they are likely to gain as a result, or promises them that they will be compensated for any loss of job, pay, orstatus. By Professor TomLupton, PersonnelReview 2003 Building Organisational Culture that Stimulates Creativity and Innovation Values, norms and beliefs that play a role in creativity and innovation can either support or inhibit creativity and innovation depending on how they influence individual and groupbehaviour. By E.C. Martins, F.Terblanche, European Journal of InnovationManagement 1898 Women in American and BritishLibraries We have often mentally discussed the reason why so many of the libraries of the United States are in the hands of women, and so few in Great Britain. Tradition and habit are of course responsible to agreat degree in the latter case. By Miss Hannah P.James, The Library World 2005 Looking at Electronic Resources Librarians: Is there Gender Equitywithin this Emerging Specialty? Reviews the history of gender inequity in libraries, outlines salary issues in libraries, and attempts to define what an electronic resources librarian is, with systems librarians being used for comparison. Results appearto indicate that males are not being favored over females for employment in this library specialty. By Barbara J.Bergman, New Library World 1992 World Wide Web: The InformationUniverse The World-Wide Web (W3) initiative is a practical project designed to bring a global information universe into existence using available technology. This article describes the aims, data model, and protocols needed to implementthe “web” and compares them with various contemporary systems. By Tim Berners-Lee et al, Internet Research 2005 Fathoming Porter’s five forces modelin the internetera Answers and pitfalls of some of Porter’s arguments regarding the internet and strategy are presented, after re-evaluating Porter’s five forces model, the use of the ‘power of innovation’ is suggested as an additional profit factor within industry. By G.D. Karagiannopoulos, N. Georgopoulos and K. Nikolopoulos, info
World RenownedAuthors Dr Helen Tregidga, Royal Holloway University of London, Speaking truth to power: analysing shadow reporting as a form of shadow accounting, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal - primary research focuses on the constructions of sustainable development/sustainability within the corporate context, its consequences, and more recently, the role of academics and others in countering or resisting this. Rita Gunther McGrath, Columbia University, Does Wall Street buy your growth story? For how long?, Strategy & Leadership - globally recognized expert on strategy, innovation, and growth with an emphasis on corporate entrepreneurship. Prof. Sir Cary Cooper, University of Manchester, Electronic Communication in the Workplace: Boon or Bane, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People & Performances - Founding President of the British Academy of Management, Current President of the CIPD & received a CBE in 2001. Prof. Kevin Lane Keller, Dartmouth University, Leveraging the corporate brand: The importance of corporate brand innovativeness and brand architecture, European Journal of Marketing - The world authority on brand - he famously authored the book Strategic Brand Management, a widely used text on the topic. Prof. Jiju Antony, Heriot-Watt University, Lean Six Sigma journey in a UK higher education institute: a case study, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management - the world leading academic in lean six sigma with a Google H-index of 64. Prof. Albert Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Public sector’s perspective on implementing Public-Private Partnership (PPP) policy in Ghana and Hong Kong, Journal of Facilities Management - Prof. Chan is Head of Department of Building and Real Estate - research and teaching interests include project management and project success, construction procurement and relational contracting, construction management and economics, construction health and safety, and construction industry development. Dr Ilan Kelman, Institute for Global Health and Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London, UK, Governmental duty of care for disaster-related science diplomacy, Disaster Prevention Management. Senior Research Fellow at the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research in Oslo (CICERO - main research and application interests are disaster diplomacy and sustainability for island communities. Aggelos Kiayias, University of Edinburgh, UK, Auditing for privacy in threshold PKE e-voting, Information and Computer Security - in Cyber Security and Privacy and director of the Blockchain Technology Laboratory at the University of Edinburgh and the Chief Scientist at blockchain technology company IOHK.
eCasesOverview Authentic business scenarios for the classroom Help students immerse themselves in commercial challenges, testing their assumptions and decision making skills in a safe classroom environment before taking them back out into the workplace. Teaching cases form asignificant element of the educational tools available to faculty as we know using them encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning. We nurture case writers to product stimulating narratives that encourage debate and questioning which is critical as we look to develop responsible managers of thefuture. Teaching cases are available in three products: Emerging Markets Case Studies The CASE Journal The eCase Collection 100% ofEmerald-owned cases haveteaching notes 1,700 cases intotal
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