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Projektstyrning och outsourcing

Explore the fundamentals of project management, change management, and risk management, along with the options and challenges of outsourcing. Learn about project deliverables, milestones, and the role of a project manager.

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Projektstyrning och outsourcing

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  1. Projektstyrning och outsourcing Chapter twelve overview • SECTION 12.1 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Project Management • Project Management Fundamentals • Change Management Fundamentals • Risk Management Fundamentals • SECTION 12.2 – OUTSOURCING • Outsourcing • The Outsourcing Phenomenon • Outsourcing Options • Offshore Outsourcing • The Challenges of Outsourcing • Future Outsourcing Trends

  2. 12.1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Project management – the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project • Project management software – supports the long-term and day-to-day management and execution of the steps in a project

  3. Project management • Project management interdependent variables

  4. Project management • Common reasons why IT projects fall behind schedule or fail

  5. Project management fundamentals • Project – a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service • Project management – the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations

  6. Project management fundamentals • Projectdeliverable – any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that is produced to complete a project or part of a project • Project milestone – represents key dates when a certain group of activities must be performed • Project manager – an individual who is an expert in project planning and management, defines and develops the project plan, and tracks the plan to ensure all key project milestones are completed on time

  7. Project management fundamentals • Project management role

  8. Setting The Project Scope • Project scope – defines the work that must be completed to deliver a product with the specified features and functions, and typically includes: • Project product • Project objectives • Project deliverables • Project exclusions

  9. P L1 L2 L1.1 L1.2 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Slut Start M1 M2 A1 A3 A2 A6 M1 Start M2 Slut A7 A5 A4 A8 Från idé/mål till aktiviteter Projektmål och Uppdrag Leverans Aktivitet Milstolpar Tidsplan Hämtat från ProjektStegen Sverige AB

  10. Setting The Project Scope • SMART criteria are useful reminders on how to ensure that the project has created understandable and measurable objectives

  11. Managing Resources and Maintaining the Project Plan • Project plan – a formal, approved document that manages and controls project execution • A well-defined project plan should be: • Easy to understand and read • Communicated to all key participants • Appropriate to the project’s size, complexity, and criticality • Prepared by the team, rather than by the individual project manager

  12. Managing Resources and Maintaining the Project Plan • PERT Chart EXPERT – PERT Chart Example

  13. Managing Resources and Maintaining the Project Plan • MS Project – Gantt Chart Example

  14. Projektledarens uppföljning VeckorResurser Kostn __________________________________________________________________ Utse granskareR KIntroducera granskare R K GranskningR K InsamlingR K ÄndringR K Org ändring & insamlingR K Anvisn för granskningR K Aktivitet 50% klar ! Idag Projektet försenat

  15. Change management fundamentals • Change management – a set of techniques that aid in evolution, composition, and policy management of the design and implementation of a system • Change management system – a collection of procedures to document a change request and define the steps necessary to consider the change based on the expected impact of the change • Change control board (CCB) – responsible for approving or rejecting all change requests

  16. Risk management fundamentals • Project risk – an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project objective • Risk management – the process of proactive and ongoing identification, analysis, and response to risk factors

  17. Successful project management strategies • Top five successful project management strategies • Define project success criteria • Develop a solid project plan • Divide and conquer • Plan for change • Manage project risk

  18. Roller i ett projekt BESLUTSGRUPP (STYRGRUPP, LEDNINGSGRUPP) Ytterst ansvariga för projektet REFERENSGRUPP Intressen att bevaka. Sitter vid sidan om projektet PROJEKTGRUPP Arbetar i projektet (på hel- eller deltid) PROJEKTLEDAREN(även delprojektledare) Rapporterar till beslutsgruppen Leder och fördelar arbetet = Projektets VD PROJEKTADMINISTRATÖR Bistår projektledaren Kan vara allt mellan sekreterare till biträdande projektledare

  19. Investeringskalkyl Initial utvecklingskostnad (U) (Ex. 500.000 kr) Systemutveckling, datoranskaffning, utbildning m.m Årliga löpande kostnader, relaterade till systemet (Kå) (Ex. 100.000 kr) Driftpersonal, service- och underhållskostnader, material, vidareutveckling Årliga intäkter, relaterade till systemet (Iå) Kan vara svåra att kvantifiera Personalminskning, räntevinster, ökad försäljning (Ex 2.000.000 kr) Årlig vinst med systemet Vå = Iå - Kå - U / X, där X är avskrivningstiden i år, ex. 5 år Årlig vinst med systemet = 2.000.000 – 100.000 – 500.000/5 = 1.800.000 kr Pay-back tid = U / Vå 500.000/1.800.000, dvs vi får igen utvecklingskostnaden på ca fyra månader

  20. 12.2. OUTSOURCING • Outsourcing – an arrangement by which one organization provides a service or services for another organization that chooses not to perform them in-house • This section focuses on businesses’ need to undertake every effort to re-think and re-adopt new processes

  21. Outsourcing

  22. Outsourcing • Reasons companies outsource

  23. Outsourcing options • Big selling point for offshore outsourcing “inexpensive good work”

  24. The challenges of outsourcing • Outsourcing challenges include • Contract length • Difficulties in getting out of a contract • Problems in foreseeing future needs • Problems in reforming an internal IT department after the contract is finished • Competitive edge • Confidentiality • Scope definition

  25. Future outsourcing trends • Outsourcing is becoming less of a cost-saving strategy and more an overall context for business • Outsourcing is approaching commodity status • Companies should look for value-based pricing rather than the lowest possible price • Multisourcing – a combination of professional services, mission-critical support, remote management, and hosting services that are offered to customers

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