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NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT LAWS AMENDMENT BILL. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs, 14 August 2012, Parliament, Cape Town. ACRONYMS. DEA – Department of Environmental Affairs NEMA – National Environmental Management Act, 1998
NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT LAWS AMENDMENT BILL Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs, 14 August 2012, Parliament, Cape Town
ACRONYMS DEA – Department of Environmental Affairs NEMA – National Environmental Management Act, 1998 NEM:BA -National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 NEM:PAA- National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 NEM:AQA - National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004
ACRONYMS • NEM:WA - National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 • NEM:ICM - National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008
Presentation Overview • Background • Reasons for Amendments • Process followed • Proposed Amendments to Nema • Definitions • Environmental Plans and Reports • Environmental Impact management • Enforcement • General • Proposed amendments to NEMBA • Bioprospecting • Species • Proposed amendments to NEM:AQA • General
Background • NEMA is the umbrella Act. • Other specific environmental management Acts promulgated to address specific environment mediums. • Amongst others include NEM:PAA, NEM:BA, NEM:AQA, NEM:ICM and NEM:WA. • Most amendments were identified during implementation of these legislation and are therefore intended to close regulatory gaps. • Some amendments raised through Department of Cooperative Governance’s Process.
Reason for amendments • To enhance the implementation and enforcement of the various Acts • To clarify the interpretation of text • To provide for further alignment of the Acts • To provide for flexibility and clarity pertaining to the mandate of the Minister • To make some consequential amendments and corrections to the text.
Reasons for the amendments • To close regulatory gaps identified during implementation of National Environmental Management Act, 1998, National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 and National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004. • To accommodate some of the proposed amendments from the Department of Cooperative Governance’s Process.
Process followed • Legal drafting commenced in July 2010. • DEA internal consultation process finalised in March 2011. • Consultation with provinces, through MINTECH WGs and MINMEC, undertaken in April – July 2011. • Presentation to Cabinet Cluster for the Social Protection Community and Human Development (SPCHD) on 22 June, Cabinet Committee 19 July and Cabinet Decision (public comment) on 26 July 2011. • Cabinet approved the Bill subject to two conditions to be addressed before publication for public comment. • Published for public comment on 26 August 2011.
Process followed • Comments were received from a total of 20 organisations, including businesses, individuals, national and provincial departments and municipalities. • Final draft presented to Cabinet with a Cabinet Decision (Tabling in Parliament) on 23 November 2011. • Revised Bill was submitted to OCSLA for certification in December 2011 and explanatory summary of the Bill published in December 2011. • Certification obtained from OCSLA in March 2012. • Table in Parliament
Process followed • In the main, the comments resulted in minor amendments to the Bill. • Most of the substantive comments received were not addressed in the Bill but deferred to the proposed major amendments to the NEM:BA and NEM:AQA.
DEFINITIONS • Amendments to the following definitions: - “Department” - “Director-General” - “environmental assessment practitioner” - “Minister” - “Minister of Minerals and Energy” - “specific environmental management Act”
ENVIRONMENTAL PLANS AND REPORTS • Change of timeframes from 4 years to every 5 years for preparation of environmental implementation plans and environmental management plans. • Proposed new section on the preparation and publication of environment outlook reports every 4 years by National Department, Provinces and for Metropolitan and District Municipalities (optional) .
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MANAGEMENT • To provide Minister with mandate to restrict or prohibit certain development in certain geographical areas for period of time on certain conditions. • To provide legal clarity on which environmental authorisation applications must be considered by the National Department. • To provide the Minister with legal power to develop norms or standards for activities, listed activities, sectors or geographical areas. Non-compliance with a norm or a standard is an offence.
Environmental impact management • To provide the Minister with legal power to take a decision on an application for an environmental authorisation in instances where the MEC responsible for environmental affairs fails to take a decision within the prescribed timeframes and the applicant approaches the Minister to take the decision.
Environmental impact management • To ensure that an environmental authorisation make provision for if there is a transfer of rights and obligations even when there is no change of ownership in the property. • To allow a competent authority to take into account any adopted environmental management instruments when considering an application for environmental authorisation.
Environmental Impact Management (24G) • De-link from criminal offence requirement. • Increase section 24G administrative fine from R1 million (maximum) to R5 million (maximum). • Clarify the applicability of 24G to waste management activities and activities undertaken in an emergency response situation. • To provide for an exemption from section 24G administrative fine for a person undertaking listed activity in emergency response situations.
ENFORCEMENT • To de-link the duty of care provision from the power to issue a directive. • To separate the offences provision from section 28 and to increase the penalties. • To create an offence for non-compliance with section 30 directive.
ENFORCEMENT • To provide environmental management inspectors with additional powers to seize a vehicle, aircraft, and any other transport mechanisms used in the commissioning of offence.
General • To provide Minister with legal mandate to control products having detrimental effect on environment. • To provide legal clarity on the submission of Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations to Parliament before final gazetting. • To provide for other delivery mechanisms of documents. • To provide clarity that the provisions of NEMA are binding on the State, without exception.
Bioprospecting • Amendments to “bioprospecting”, “commercial exploitation” and “commercialisation” definitions to ensure proper regulation of biotraders. • Amendments to “derivative” and “genetic resource” definitions to include genetic information in line with Nagoya Protocol.
Bioprospecting • To provide the Department with the legal mandate to ensure proper regulation of bioprospecting involving indigenous genetic and/or biological resources as well as to ensure the application of Chapter 6 to genetic resources. • To also support socio-economic development where indigenous plants, animals and associated traditional knowledge is accessed and utilised for bioprospecting.
Bioprospecting • Changing the current provisions to allow the Department to keep all moneys arising from bioprospecting agreements in a separate Bioprospecting Fund for the benefit of communities. • To also allow communities with bank accounts to receive the moneys directly from the permit holder (bioprospector). • To also provide Minister with a legal mandate to exempt certain categories of commercial or industrial exploitation of indigenous biological resources from the provisions of sections 82 and 84 (Benefit-sharing and Material transfer agreements).
Species • To provide clarity that the intention of Chapter 4 is also to ensure that the threatened or protected species are sustainable utilised. • To provide the Minister with a legal mandate to regulate species that are not of high conservation value in order to ensure that their utilisation in the ecosystem is sustainable. • To provide clarity that permits are required for species to which an international agreement regulating international trade applies.
Species • To ensure that specimens in transit through the Republic are always accompanied by the necessary documentation. • To allow the Minister to exempt any person from the permit requirements subject to certain conditions. • To also provide the Minister with a flexible legal mandate to further categorize, in respect of the threatened or protected species, when publishing notices in terms of sections 57(2) or 57(4).
Species • To provide the Minister with a legal mandate to prescribe a system for the registration of the professional hunters, outfitters and trainers in the hunting industry. • To provide the scientific authority with a legal mandate to assist the Department on the scientific work regarding the regulation of species to which an international trade agreement is applicable.
Species • To clarify that the legal mandate of the scientific authority is to make recommendations to the Minister on non-detrimental findings. • To provide the Minister with a legal mandate to publish the non-detrimental findings in the Gazette on recommendations from the scientific authority. • To require the Minister to follow a public participation process when amending or repealing an exemption notice in terms of section 57(4).
Species • To ensure that permits are required for species to which an international trade agreement is applicable. • To provide the issuing authority with a legal mandate to defer a decision to issue a permit if the applicant is under investigation for contravening the NEM:BA in relation to a similar restricted activity. • To provide the issuing authority with a legal mandate to cancel a permit issued in terms of the NEM:BA if the permit holder is found guilty of committing an offence.
species • To provide the issuing authority with a legal mandate to suspend a permit issued in terms of the NEM:BA if the suspension will assist in the sustainable use of the species or if the permit holder is under investigation for contravening any provisions of the NEM:BA or conditions of the permit. • To repeal the appeals provision under the NEM:BA and appeals under the NEM:BA will in future be processed in terms of section 43 of NEMA.
Species • To provide the Minister with a legal mandate to develop regulations on self-administration within the wildlife industry; to control and eradicate invasive species; and on system for the registration of institutions, ranching operations, nurseries, captive breeding operations and other facilities. • To provide the Minister with a legal mandate to differentiate between the penalties for the contravention of the different provisions in the regulations made in terms of section 97 of NEMBA.
Species • To allow the Minister to exempt any person from a permit or risk assessment requirements with respect to alien species (section 65(1) and (2)). • To provide the Minister with a legal mandate to categorise according to persons, areas or species when publishing the exemption notice in the Gazette. • To provide the Minister or MEC for environmental affairs in a province with a legal mandate to categorise according to areas, persons or species when publishing the national or provincial list of invasive species.
Species • To provide the Minister with a legal mandate to exempt a person subject to certain conditions from a permit or risk assessment requirements with respect to invasive species (section 71(1) or (2)). • To allow the Minister to categorise according to areas, persons or species when publishing the exemption notice in the Gazette. • To provide the Minister with a legal mandate to prohibit the carrying out of certain restricted activities involving certain listed invasive species.
Species • To allow the Minister to categorise according to areas, persons or species when publishing a notice in the Gazette. • To require notices to exempt or prohibit invasive species to be published for public comments before final publication in the Gazette.
Species • To insert a new section providing the Minister with a legal mandate to declare an emergency intervention for the control or eradication of alien species or listed invasive species, if the Minister is satisfied that species constitutes a significant threat to the environment. • To insert a new section providing the Minister with a legal mandate to declare amnesty from prosecution for the purposes of facilitating compliance with the provisions of NEMBA.
OFFENCES • To create offences for any person to engage in bioprospecting discovery phase without proper notification to the Minister, for any person to carry out a restricted activity, which has been prohibited, involving a listed invasive species as well as for any person who is involved in an illegal restricted activity but who does not physically carry out the restricted activity. • To ensure that heavy penalties are imposed against large national and multi-national industries found guilty of bioprospecting related offences as well as to ensure the imposition of a fine equivalent to the recovery costs associated with the control and eradication of invasive species.
Penalties • Aligned penalties for contravening regulations under NEM:AQA in line with other specific environmental management Acts.
GENERAL AMENDMENTS • The amendment will rectify the incorrect citation of the National Environmental Management Laws Amendment Act, 2009 (Act No. 14 of 2009). • The amendment will rectify the incorrect citation of the National Environment Management Laws Amendment Act, 2009 (Act No. 15 of 2009).