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Lightning Ridge Central School. List members of the group, roles and % contribution to the presentation Tameika Allport (x%) Susan Barta (x%) Michelle Grogan (x%) Kristy Johnson (x%) Courtley Mancell (x%) Christie Paton (x%). Lightning Ridge NSW.
Lightning Ridge Central School List members of the group, roles and % contribution to the presentation Tameika Allport (x%) Susan Barta (x%) Michelle Grogan (x%) Kristy Johnson (x%) CourtleyMancell (x%) Christie Paton (x%) Lightning Ridge NSW Delete ONE of these boxes to confirm that all group members agree to the percent contributions.
Table of Contents 1. Context Analysis 2. Priority Health Area 3. Outcomes 4. Realising Outcomes 5. Scope and Sequence 6. Scope 7. Recommended Resources
Context Analysis Remote Location Family Diversity NAPLAN Isolated Community Difficulties in accessing health professionals Substantially below national average Above or close to similar schools 40% Indigenous 5% LOTE Located on rural farms, mining communities as well as in town Source: LRCS My Schools Website Narration: When analysing the data on the Lightning Ridge Central School’s My schools website, three main issues stood out. Firstly, LRCS’s remote location which results in an isolated community which leads to the obvious difficulties for the people of Lightning Ridge to access health professionals Secondly, the broad family diversity. The school draws students from families who live on rural farms, in mining communities as well as those who live in town. Some of these families are transient. 40% of the students identify themselves as Indigenous and certainly the Indigenous Community are active in the school. 5% of students have a first language other than English and therefore additional educational assistance is required for many of these students. The final issue that presents itself is the NAPLAN scores. LRCS’s NAPLAN scores are substantially below the national average. However when compared to similar schools, LRCS is successfully achieving results above or close to similar schools.
Context Analysis Lightning Ridge Central School Narration: Lightning Ridge is a school which caters for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. It is located in the remote mining town of Lightning Ridge which is approximately 770 kms north west of Sydney and only 50kms due south of the Qld boarder. It is located in the Walgett shire with the town itself 75kms north of Walgett. Source: Sonja’s Bed and Breakfast Source: Sonja’s Bed and Breakfast Source: Australian Opal Centre
Context Analysis Narration: Lightning Ridge Central School is a government school with 385 students attending Kindergarten to year 12. There are 35 teaching staff members with 14 non-teaching staff. This translates to 36.7 full-time equivalent staff and 11.2 full-time equivalent non-teaching staff. The school will celebrate its centenary in September this year. The 385 students are made up of 175 girls and 210 boys. 40% of these students are Indigenous and 8% have a language background other than English. There is an attendance rate of 88%. (Note: annual report states 43% Indigenous and 11% LOTE). Source: Lightning Ridge Central School
Context Analysis Source: My Schools Narration: Students come from families mainly involved in the opal mining or agricultural industries. Some students live within the township of Lightning Ridge, with many others living on rural properties or on mining camps on the outskirts of the town. Students and their families have a rich variety of backgrounds, all of which contribute to the diversity of this isolated north-western town. LRCS attracts significant additional funding to assist the school provide equity and opportunity for its students. In 2010 the school received funding from the Priority Schools Program (PSP), the Country Area Program (CAP) and the National Partnership (Low SES) program. According to the ‘My Schools’ data, LRCS achieves an ICSEA value of 810 compared to the average value of 100. As you can see, the majority of families fall into the bottom quarter and very few in the top. LRCS’s NAPLAN results show the students to be above or close to schools with a similar ICSEA value, however they are generally substantially below the national average.
Obesity Narration: Group 11 have identified obesity as a priority health area for LRCS to focus on. Approximately one-quarter or around 600,000 children aged between 5 and 17 were identified as overweight or obese in 2007-08 as identified in the 2007-2008 National Health Survey. This is a four percentage point increase from 1995. Looking at obesity only, the rate for children increased from 5.2% in 1995 to 7.5% in 2007-08. Children living in the areas of greatest relative disadvantage had more than double the rate of obesity (28%) of children living in areas with the lowest relative disadvantage (13%). The Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey 2010 (SPANS) showed similar numbers with a total of 22.8% of NSW children being overweight or obese; 17.1% being overweight and 5.8% being obese. This compares to 11% of all young people aged 7-16 years in 1985 (COO 2006) <NSW Centre for Overweight and Obesity 2006, NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (SPANS) 2004 Full Report, COO, Sydney.> What is obesity? The World Health Organisation identifies obesity as an adult with a BMI of 30+. An overweight person is anyone with a BMI of 25 to less than 30. Overweight and obesity are defined according to the BMI scores. There are BMI cutoffs for children which are based on the definitions of adult overweight and obesity adjusted to specific age and sex categories for children. For a detailed list of these cutoffs, please see the National Health Survey Users' Guide (ABS cat. no. 4363.0.55.001). In 2008, it was estimated that the overall cost of obesity to Australian society and governments was $58 billion (Access Economics, 2008). Group 11 chose obesity as a priority health area due to the shockingly high numbers of Australian children who are overweight or obese and the resulting problems that being obese causes as children and then into adulthood. Source: ABS National Health Survey: summary of Results, 2007-08
Obesity 31% rural adults 23% city adults obese ¼ of Australian children obese Cost to Aust. health system ($58m) Leads to type 2 diabetes Why Obesity? Childhood obesity rates increasing Indigenous Australians high risk Narration: The bullet points displayed give a snapshot overview as to why Group 11 selected obesity as the Priority Health Area on which to focus. Two of the key factors are 31% of rural adults are obese and Indigenous Australian being at high risk for obesity. LRCS has a high Aboriginal enrolment as well as being located in a rural area. Prevention is better than cure and education is key to prevention.
Why Obesity? Proportions (%) of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people reporting diabetes as a long-term health condition, by age-group (years) 2004-2005 • Narration: • The bureau of statistics state In 2007-08, one quarter of Australian children (or around 600,000 children aged 5-17 years) were overweight or obese. • More adults in outer regional and remote Australia were obese (31%) than those in major cities (23%). • Health education programs between 2004-2010 have seen a decrease in the amount of children diagnosed with Diabetes. • Current Strain and demand on the Australian Health System • Obesity can lead to other serious diseases and long term health risks such as Type 2 Diabetes. • Indigenous Australians are more prone to contract Diabetes. • Indigenous people living in remote areas of Australia were more than eight times more likely to report having diabetes or HSL than non-Indigenous people. • Prevention and awareness of obesity during a child’s schooling life is crucial to ensure a healthy start to their adult life. Studies have shown that once children become obese they are more likely to stay obese into adulthood and have an increased risk of developing diseases associated with obesity (AIHW 2004). Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Outcomes Personal Health Choices Stage 2: Discusses the factors influencing personal health choices Decision Making Nutrition Lightning Ridge Central School provides a healthy, nutritious canteen menu to encourage students to make healthy choices. Lightning Ridge Central School operates a Breakfast Club, which provides breakfast for around 40 students each school day. Narration: Lightning ridge central school provides a nutritious breakfast initiative called the breakfast club which aims to promote a healthy start to the day. Both the healthy canteen menu and breakfast club encourage students to make informed healthy choices. Nutrition and Decision making is what informs students of personal health choices and enable them to make decisions about nutrition.
Aims and Objectives • Aim: • Personal Health Choices examines the process of making lifestyle decisions and putting them into practice. The strand considers the personal health decisions that students make about their lives relating to nutrition and disease prevention. • Objectives: • Values and Attitudes • To develop students’ appreciation of, and a commitment to, healthy and socially just ways of living. • Skills • To develop students’ skills in making, communicating and acting upon health decisions. • Knowledge • To develop students’ knowledge and understanding about ways to enhance personal and community health and well-being. Narration-- Nutrition: Health and nutrition is taught within the primary syllabus to ensure students are able to make informed decisions about healthy eating and wellbeing. Decision Making: Decision making is taught within the syllabus to allow students to make safe lifestyle decisions and put them into practice.
Indicators S2: Discusses the nutritional factors that contribute to a healthy diet S2: Explain the benefits of balanced eating habits S2: Explore the illnesses associated with obesity e.g. diabetes, heart disease S2: Analyse the impact of fast foods on personal health Nutrition S2: Identify physical factors that influence lifestyle choices S2: Describe the importance of how taking responsibility for ones own decisions impacts on personal health and healthy choices S2: Explore ways in which to improve health and well being e.g. exercise and diet S2: Analyse ways in which family and peers influence decisions on lifestyle choices Decision Making Narration: Nutrition and decision making stage two indicators encompass examples to enhance understanding of decision making and correct decisions as well as nutrition, making links between the two.
Lightning Ridge Central School Health Policy RATIONALE: At LRCS we believe health and well being is a whole life commitment. In our school, we will uphold and maintain good health and well being for all in the school community. AIM: In order to facilitate each person in committing to a healthy lifestyle, we will provide individual education so informed decisions can be made to ensure this is a reality. The continuation of the Healthy Active Schools program and the operation of the Breakfast Club will also advocate and model healthy eating and nutrition.
Lightning Ridge Central School Health Policy IMPLICATIONS: This will be a collaboration between students, staff, parents and the Lightning Ridge community members, who will advocate a healthy, positive and supportive environment ,by providing quality health and physical education, specifically catering to our school community’s health needs and interests. REVIEW: This policy will be monitored and reviewed annually by the Health Promoting Policy group in preparation for the LRCS Annual Report.
Lightning Ridge School Plan Lightning Ridge Public School have carefully considered what Priority Health Areas need to be addressed. Obesity and connected health issues are a rising concern for students and staff of LRPS. To ensure the Priority Health Area outcomes are met the school have created a School Plan also known as a Scope and Sequence to ensure that all curriculum areas are taught to students and outcomes met. LRPS have planned in detail when and how the curriculum areas will be taught by placing them into appropriate programs and lessons from ES1 to Stage 5. LRPS Priority Health Area of Obesity is addressed in term four of Stage Two in the program ‘My Right to a Healthy Body and Active Lifestyle’
Lightning Ridge Central School’s Healthy Living Procedures • At Lightning Ridge Central School we realise that healthy living is a personal choice and may be a delicate subject for some people due to their beliefs, values and/or circumstance. In order to cater for this diversity we aim to: • Create a healthy education plan which is created using input from the community, parents/carers, students and staff, • Display sensitivity towards individuals and their circumstances • Create a welcoming environment that values the ideas and beliefs of all Lightning Ridge residents who wish to contribute when it comes to obesity and discovering the different ways to fight it. • To create opportunities for all students to discuss their thoughts and opinions in small groups and voice their anxieties, worries and fears about their own health
Scope and Sequence Narration- Throughout our unit plan our health priority area of obesity is addressed. In early stage one students will learn about a healthy life. In stage one student will explore their needs and how they help them grow for example the nutritious foods they need to eat to help grow and develop into healthy children. In stage two students will gain an understanding of their right to a healthy body and ensuring they have an active lifestyle to assist with this. In stage three students will gain an understanding of how their body grows and the impact the food they eat and exercise they do has on the way they grow. In stage for students will learn to be active and healthy in unit 7.2 and also address healthy habits in unit 7.7.
Evaluation THE LIMITATIONS OF ADDRESSING OBESITY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION • Health education may not necessarily translate into the creation of a healthy citizen. • Health Education outcomes may not be achieved by all students as there may be lack of resources, time and teacher competence. • The programs may influence the practices of some individual teachers for some students in negative ways. • Narration: Being aware of these 3 limitations, what teaching practice is appropriate? • What professional development might educators undertake to develop the skills to promote personal and community health? • Furthermore, knowing these challenges how will the anti- obesity programs be assessed to ensure their success and positive focus? • These are just some questions that need to acknowledged and answered.
Selected Learning ActivityWhat does fat do? • Objective: as a result of the experiment, students will understand that • Fat in foods we eat have an affect on our bodies, not just in putting on weight • Equipment: • 2 glass jars per group • Red food dye • Margarine • Scales • Big Mac nutrition chart • Procedure: • Fill jars with water and add red dye to simulate blood in the veins • Look at the fat content of a Big Mac • Weigh the same amount in margarine and add to one jar. Shake • Tip water out of both jars and compare This saturated fat that coats the walls of the jar is the same as what saturated fat does to the walls of your arteries. It builds up over time, restricting blood flow. It is called arteriosclerosis. Narration: By stage 2, students at LRCS will have investigated what healthy foods are, how much of each food groups should be eaten and why they should be eaten. In term 4 of stage 2, the students will be addressing ‘My Right to a Healthy Body’. This activity is design to demonstrate to students what eating saturated fat does to your body, other than translate to extra weight. The margarine clings to the walls of the jar in the same way saturated fat clings to the artery walls. This builds up as you consume more and more saturated fat, reducing the amount of blood that can travel through those arteries. Blood carries oxygen through your body, think what will happen if there is reduced blood, and therefore reduced oxygen being able to get to your brain, heart and other organs?
References Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2012). 4125.0 – Gender Indicators, Australia, Jan 2012. Overweight/Obesity. Retrieved from: http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/by+Subject/4125.0~Jan+2012~Main+Features~Overweight+and+obesity~3330 Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (2011). Lightning Ridge Central School, Results in Numbers. Retrieved from: http://www.myschool.edu.au/MainPages/NAPLANResultsTable.aspx?SDRSchoolId=43002&DEEWRId=0&CalendarYear=2011&RefId=zL%2ffpTjCp2hd0v0jbd9vmw%3d%3d Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (2011). Lightning Ridge Central School, Results in Numbers. Retrieved from: http://www.myschool.edu.au/MainPages/NAPLANResultsTable.aspx?SDRSchoolId=43002&DEEWRId=0&CalendarYear=2011&RefId=zL%2ffpTjCp2hd0v0jbd9vmw%3d%3d Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council. (2006) Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand Including Recommended Dietary Intakes. Retrieved from http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/publications/attachments/n35.pdf New South Wales [map]. (N.D.) Retrieved from http://www.australianopalcentre.com/lightningridge.php#maps Beacon Learning Centre. (N.D.). Fast Food Junkie. Retrieved from: http://www.beaconlearningcenter.com/Lessons/451.htm Good For Kids, Good for Life (2008). For Families Edition No. 6 July 2008. Retrieved from: http://www.goodforkids.nsw.gov.au/sitefiles/GoodForKids/documents/Children's%20Services/GFK%20Families%20newsletter%20July%2008.pdf Lightning Ridge Township [map]. (N.D.). Retrieved from http://www.sonjasbedandbreakfast.com/photos/lightningridge_map.gif McDonalds Australia. (2012). Nutrition Information. Retrieved from http://mcdonalds.com.au/sites/mcdonalds.com.au/files/images/Main-Menu-Combined-List-Aus-6-June-2012.pdf NSW, B.O.S (2003). Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Years 7-10. In NSW Personal Health and Physical Education Year 7-10 (pp.5, 4). NSW; BOS. Syllabus
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