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How to Organize Your Paper

How to Organize Your Paper. 1. Use the same font (Times New Roman, 12 fnt ) 2. Put the Title of the paper (cover page) Never copy and paste (plagiarism issue).

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How to Organize Your Paper

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  1. How to Organize Your Paper

  2. 1. Use the same font (Times New Roman, 12 fnt)2. Put the Title of the paper (cover page)Never copy and paste (plagiarism issue)

  3. THE TRADITIONAL OUTLINE1. Introduction (Historical background)2. Statement of the problem (Why are you doing this?)3. Technical background (How far have others gotten on this problem?) Usually a historical account4. Description of your analysis, development, or measurements (What have you done? How did you do it?)

  4. 5. Results (What did you find out?)6. Discussion and interpretation (What do your results mean and how do they relate to the stated problem?)7. Conclusions and recommendations (What should be done next?)

  5. Paraphrase “The unique contribution of science lies in its combination of deductive and inductive methods for the development of reliable knowledge”.Thompson (1956) states that in order to create reliable knowledge the combination of deductive and inductive methods receive exclusive contribution of science.

  6. Direct Citation “The unique contribution of science lies in its combination of deductive and inductive methods for the development of reliable knowledge” (Thompson, 1956, p. 102).

  7. Reference Thompson, J. D., (1956). On Building an Administrative Science. Administrative Science Quarterly,1 (1), 102-111.İnternet Sources:Wikipedia. Resource Dependence Theory. Retrieved on 15.03.2012 from www.wikipedia.org/resourcedependence

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