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English 8 8/19/13. Homework: Character Sketch due Friday, Writing Prompt due Wednesday. Goal: Practice defining our ideas in writing Bell Work: The Word of the week is audi . It means to hear or of hearing. List three words you know that have audi in them.
English 8 8/19/13 Homework: Character Sketch due Friday, Writing Prompt due Wednesday Goal: Practice defining our ideas in writing Bell Work: The Word of the week is audi. It means to hear or of hearing. List three words you know that have audi in them. How do you come up with ideas for your papers? • Complete Reading/Writing Survey • Seedfolks • 6+1 Traits: Ideas • Foldable • Notes • Activity • Work on Character Sketch
English Eight 8/13/13 Bell Work • Goal: Get Pre-test Data • On your Bell Work paper, write down all of the words you know that contain ‘act.’ For example: action, contract • Write down what you need in order to construct your Science Notebook tomorrow Agenda • Reading and writing survey • Lunch Count- Friday • Seedfolks • Science Unit 1: Pre-Assessment • Assess Unit 1 Pre-Assessment and record on data sheet
English Eight 8/14/13 Reminder: Signed Class Contract due TOMORROW! Bell Work • Goal: Complete first writing prompt • What is a synonym? What is an antonym? What are some of each for the root ‘act’? Remember ‘act’ means to set in motion or do. Agenda • Seedfolks • Writing Prompt #1 • Silent reading time 3
English Eight 8/15/13 Bell Work • Goal: Create a Character Sketch Answer the following: • What keeps neighbors from getting along? • Do you know all of your neighbors? Which ones do you get along with best? Agenda • Seedfolks • Character Sketch- a character from Seedfolks 4
English Eight 8/15/13 Agenda Camp Yale Bell Work Camp Yale 5
English Eight 8/12/13 Agenda • Student Survey • Getting to know me • Course Overview • Where is Everything!? • Materials • First Journal Prompt • Seedfolks Bell Work Please SILENTLY Take your seat Complete the survey that was handed out to you When complete, begin reading through the document titled ‘Mrs. Gutierrez’s Class’
English 8 8/20/13 Homework: Character Sketch due Friday, Writing Prompt due Wednesday Goal: Understand what it means for a story to be organized Bell Work: How do you organize your writing? • Seedfolks • 6+1 Traits: Ideas • Activity (Broad to Narrow) • 6+1 Traits: Organization • Foldable • Notes • Story Strip • MapQuest from your house to school
English 8 8/21/13 Homework: Character Sketch due Friday Goal: Understand what it means for a story to be organized Bell Work: What is the format for a five paragraph essay? • Seedfolks • Check homework- Writing Prompt • 6+1 Traits: Organization • Story Strip • MapQuest from your house to school • Time to work on your character sketches
THURSDAY English 8 8/22/13 Homework: Character Sketch due Tomorrow Goal: Be able to recognize voice Bell Work: The Word of the week is audi. Draw a picture that contains three audi words in the same image. • Seedfolks • 6+1 Traits: Voice • Foldable • Notes • Activity- author’s voice • Begin Conventions Log • WE NEED TO DO A NEWSLETTER FOR EC
FRIDAY English 8 8/23/13 Homework: A list of three words you like and why Goal: Record the conventions we know and understand how they affect our writing Bell Work: • Identify one character from Seedfolks that you can relate to. Why? • Seedfolks • 6+1 Traits: Conventions • Foldable • Notes • Edit own writing with the REVISE YOUR WRITING CHECKLIST • Voice Writing Prompt
MONDAY English 8 8/26/13 Goal: Show what we know on our Acuity Test Bell Work: The word of the week is auto. It means self, same, or one. Use a dictionary to define the following words: autonomy, autograph, and autobiography. Acuity Test • Take your first writing prompt with you so you can finish the highlighting activity. • Also, take your silent reading book
TUESDAY English 8 8/27/13 Homework: Sentence Fluency Worksheet Goal: Identify powerful words for my writing Bell Work: • List your three words and define them. • Seedfolks • Journal Prompt • 6+1 Traits: Word Choice • Foldable • Notes • Newsletter People
WEDNESDAY English 8 8/28/13 Homework: Word Collage due Friday Goal: Show my Lexile level on my SRI test Bell Work: • The word of the week is auto. Draw a picture of these auto words: automobile, autoimmune, autocracy • Go over/collect Sentence Fluency Worksheet • Seedfolks • SRI Testing (Take data folders!) • “I Have a Dream” Speech
THURSDAY English 8 8/29/13 Homework: Word Collage due Monday Goal: Understand and practice sentence fluency Bell Work: Choose which word from your selection from the “I Have a Dream” speech is the most powerful. Why? Respond in 3 sentences. • Go over/collect Sentence Fluency worksheet • Seedfolks • 6+1 Traits: Sentence Fluency • Foldable • Notes • Sentence Fluency worksheet • “I Have a Dream” Project
FRIDAY English 8 8/30/13 Homework: Word Collage due Tuesday Midterms sent out next week; any late work (THIS GP ONLY!) Will be given ½ credit Goal: Understand and practice sentence fluency Bell Work: The word of the week has been auto. Create a sentence using two auto words. Label each of the parts of speech (noun, verb, etc.) • Seedfolks • 6+1 Traits: Sentence Fluency • Foldable • Notes • Sentence Fluency worksheet • 6+1 Traits: Presentation • Editing Checklist
Midterm late work due by the end of TODAY! TUESDAY English 8 9/3/13 Homework: 6+1 Quiz Friday Goal: • Understand what my first writing assignment is Bell Work: • The word of the week is bio/biotic. Make a list of every bio/biotic word you know. Then, draw a picture of bio. • Gallery Walk- “I Have a Dream” • Turn in Editing Checklist • Seedfolks • 6+1 Traits: Presentation • Intro first writing assignment: Personal Narrative (Memoir) • Intro first novel: Wine to Water
Wine To Water http://youtu.be/l10a7Vw6ICA
WEDNESDAY English 8 9/4/13 Homework: Idea Generation Practice Sheet Goal: Understand how to mark our thinking in our books Bell Work: How do you connect with a book? Are you allowed to write in books? Respond in three sentences. • Intro. Thinkmarks (selection from Seedfolks) • Reading assignment: Read through pg. 46
THURSDAY English 8 9/5/13 Homework: Outline Goal: Understand how to prewrite Bell Work: Create a dictionary term for the following words: Comma, colon, semi-colon, apostrophe • Idea Generation Practice Sheet • Prewriting mini-lesson/practice • Brainstorming our topics- large to narrow • Reading Wine to Water • Once to pg. 46, please draft your paper
FRIDAY English 8 9/6/13 Homework: If you are not up to 46 in Wine to Water, take a book home! See me after lunch. Goal: Show what we know on our 6 Traits Quiz Bell Work: The word of the week has been bio. Compare and contrast the words biotic and abiotic using a Venn Diagram. • Place in the middle of your table the following: • Completed Bell Work Paper • Any late work you are turning in • I will collect your outlines to look over during your quiz • 6+1 Traits Quiz • Reading Wine to Water up to pg. 46 • If you get up to pg. 46, please begin drafting your paper
MONDAY English 8 9/9/13 Homework: Draft of your first paper due tomorrow Goal: Have a successful discussion with my group Bell Work: The word of the week is cap/capt. Some examples of this word are anticipate, capable, captor, capture, and captive. Define each word in your own words. Infer what cap/capt means. • Mini-lesson- dialogue • Retesting- 6+1 Traits • Drafting your papers during testing if you are not testing • Discussion group (through pg. 46)
TUESDAY English 89/10/13 Homework: Read through pg. 86 Goal: Have a successful discussion with my reading group Bell Work: Edit the following sentences: • mrs gibbs gaves us the morning anouncement on powerpoint said tom • the things i need from the store are peaches pears and toilet paper • Discussion groups- Part One of Wine to Water • Reading through pg. 86
Discussion Agenda Each of you discuss two of your Thinkmarks Each person creates a question after drawing a yellow card (Think Candy Land!) Have a discussion about Doc’s character. Create a running list of events that happened to him in the book.
WEDNESDAY English 89/11/13 Homework: Read through pg. 86 Goal: Have a successful work session Bell Work: Describe the taste, smell, and appearance of the most unusual food you’ve ever eaten. Use excellent word choice and circle the three words that show this to me. • Journal- September 11th compare/contrast Current time (two videos) • Drafting / Reading Wine to Water • Update data folders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDI-m6mW0_g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tl__04Xoi0
THURSDAY English 8 9/12/13 Homework: Finish your peer edit if it is not complete Goal: Have a successful peer edit of our papers Bell Work: Word choice. Brainstorm at least five of your favorite smells. Review your list and decide which of the smells is most unusual. Describe it in detail. • Response to Reading • Peer Edit- Short Story Autobiography • When complete- continue reading Wine to Water
FRIDAY English 8 9/13/13 Homework: Goal: Understand what is expected from my book project Bell Work: Think of an example for each of the different types of conflict: • Man vs. Man • Man vs. Nature/Community • Man vs. Self • Introduction of book projects • Completion of peer edit and discussion • Continue reading/writing • Read up to pg. 134 • We are typing final drafts on Tues/Wed **If you want me to edit your paper for ideas/organization, please put in the tray!!**
MONDAY English 8 9/16/13 Homework: One paragraph using all forms of punctuation Goal: Understand the various types of punctuation Bell Work: The stem of the week is cease/ced. In your own words, define the words deceased, recede, and cessation. Infer what the SOW means. • Mini-lesson (types of punctuation) • Reading/Writing (up to pg. 134. • We are in the lab tomorrow and Wednesday to type our final papers
TUESDAY English 8 9/17/13 Homework: Read through pg. 175 Goal: Type my final paper Bell Work: Define the word concede. Use it in a sentence about Kim Jong Un. • Reading Quiz • We are in the lab today and Wednesday to type our final papers
WEDNESDAY English 8 9/18/13 Homework: Punctuation practice sheet Goal: Type my final paper Bell Work: Edit the following sentences. • “wonders never cease’ exclaimed Mr. Pitcher. • the treaty of paris in 1763 ceded all french territories in the northeast america to the british • We are in the lab today to type our final papers • When complete- • www.freerice.org • Punctuation practice
THURSDAY English 8 9/19/13 Homework: Read through pg. 224 Goal: Understand how to analyze literature for the author Bell Work: What are some synonyms for cease/ced? What are some antonyms? • Home groups- punctuation types • Continue reading (hint hint.. Reading quiz tomorrow!)
FRIDAY English 8 9/20/13 Homework: Punctuation WS due Monday Goal: Understand how to analyze literature for the author Bell Work: Draw one picture using the following three words: recede, deceased, and precede Cease/ced: go away, give up, or yield • Reading Quiz • Journal • Punctuation Groups • Continue reading
MONDAY English 8 9/23/13 Homework: Read to pg. 224 Goal: Understand and identify various types of punctuation Bell Work: The SOW is chron. In your words, what do chronic, chronology, and synchronize mean? Infer what chronmeans. • Turn in punctuation worksheet • Punctuation foldable • Reading Wine to Water • Begin working on projects- Due next Friday
TUESDAY English 8 9/24/13 Homework: Complete Gift Identification Questions Goal: Have a successful presentation about “The Gift” Bell Work: Fix the following sentences: • msmiddleton axed for the states listed in chronological order by the date they joined the union • the chronicles of narnia is my favorite book by cslewis stated maria The Gift Speaker - Mr. Adetokunbo Adeshile
WEDNESDAY English 8 9/25/13 Homework: Finish reading the book Goal: Understand how an author’s heritage, customs, beliefs, and attitudes affect their writing Bell Work: Where in a text would you find information about the author? • Group Scavenger Hunt- Wine to Water • Project selection • Continue reading/work on projects
THURSDAY English 8 9/25/13 Homework: Work on Projects Goal: Have a successful book discussion Bell Work: When J.K. Rowling was writing the first Harry Potter, her mother died. What traces of this relationship can you see in the book? • Group Discussion- Wine to Water • Work on Projects
WEDNESDAY English 8 8/27/13 Homework: Goal: Bell Work: