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The Mandera County Government in Kenya presents a proposal to address challenges and maximize the utilization of the trans-boundary Daua River Basin. The plan focuses on reducing vulnerability to droughts and floods through sustainable water resource management and community empowerment. It aims to enhance livelihoods and promote socio-economic development in a region heavily reliant on livestock and rain-fed agriculture. Recommendations and cooperation with riparian partners are essential for effective implementation.
A PROPOSAL BY THE MANDERA COUNTY GOVERNMENT, KENYA At the Frontier Counties Development Council Meeting on Held on 11 September, , 2018 Kapenguria.
Outline • Introduction • Challenges in the Daua Basin • Rationale of the proposal • Specific Objectives • Proposed plans for the utilization of river Daua water resources • Existing Bilateral Frameworks • Nature of the proposed Cooperative Framework • Recommendations/Way Forward
Introduction. Mandera county is arid and semi arid characterized by low lying rocky hills located on the plains that rise gradually between 400 to 970 meters above sea level. The rest of topography is low lying, characterized by dense vegetation with thorny shrubs of savannah type. The flat plains make drainage very poor, causing floods during heavy rains.
Major flooding in Mandera County is attributed to River Daua which covers a distance of approximately 150km along the Kenya-Ethiopia border. • The River is trans-boundary with its source is the Ethiopian highlands flowing eastwards along the Kenya-Ethiopia border through Malkamari, into Somalia at Border Point One (BP1). • The Daua River Basin, shared between Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, spans an area of about 60,106 km2 . • About 9,119 km2 of the basin area lies in Mandera County, Kenya.
Daua river water is used by communities in Kenya , Ethiopia and Somalia. • The middle and lower areas transversed by the river is characterized by frequent droughts and floods. • These • climate extremes impact negatively on the socio-economic development of the region whose economy depend mainly on livestock and rain fed agriculture. • The river Daua water shed has immense opportunities for irrigation, rain water harvesting ,recreation parks , cottage industries, tanneries, livestock trade , mining industries, pastoralism , urbanization, human resources among others
Cont…… • The primary focus of the proposed plans is to reduce vulnerability of the local communities to negative impacts of droughts and floods through the implementation of appropriate adaptation and mitigation interventions that shall progressively sustain , conserve , and protect the river daua watershed. • The Daua river Watershed lies in a semi arid region , characterized by unreliable rainfall , hence the river waters are vital for cultivation, livestock rearing , domestic use and industrial development of the three riparian states. • For sustainable management and utilization of these resources, the Country needs to cooperate with its riparian partners.
Fig. 3: Arid Nature of Mandera county showing the river Daua.
CHALLENGES IN THE DAUA BASIN • Inadequate legal, institutional and regulatory framework for the joint management of the basin • Climate variability- e.g Floods and drought • Resource use conflicts • Rapid Population growth • Environmental degradation • High poverty levels • Low literacy levels
RATIONALE OF THE PROJECT PROPOSAL Mandera County Government and National Irrigation Board conducted a study whose purpose was to identify and assess the viability of opportunities for investments in irrigated agricultural production within the Daua River Basin with a view to stabilizing national agricultural production, improving land and water resources productivity, facilitating economic empowerment of local communities and establishing a foundation for development of agribusiness.
Cont. Rationale • This will be achieved through the delineation of irrigable area and formulation of an optimum irrigation development plan for Daua River Basin on the basis of available natural resources. • The Kenya's part of the basin is highly vulnerable to drought and floods. These climate extremes impacts negatively on the socio-economic development of the region. This region’s economy depends mainly on livestock and rain-fed agriculture.
Cont..Rationale of the plan • The basin has immense opportunities in terms of irrigation potential, rain water harvesting, recreation parks, cottage industries, tanneries, livestock trade, mining industries, pastoralism, urbanization, human resources among others. • The primary focus of the proposed proposal is to reduce the vulnerability of the local communities to negative impacts of droughts and floods through, the implementation of appropriate adaptation and mitigation interventions that shall progressively sustain, conserve and protect the river basin.
SPECIFICOBJECTIVES OF THE PROPOSED PLAN • To collaborate and cooperate in the management and sustainable use of the River Daua Basin water resources. • To enhance the livelihoods and resilience of the cross-border communities of the three riparian States. • To harness the potential for socio-economic development through sustainable management and utilization of the basin’s water resources. • To promote community participation in planning and implementation of the River Daua Basin development plan
PROPOSED DAUA RIVER INTEGRATED PLAN In order to reduce the vulnerability of agro-pastoral communities to negative impacts of droughts and floods, several interventions have been proposed:- 1. Construction of a multipurpose dam for:- • Water supply • Irrigation • Regulation of flow( Ensure continuous flow of water throughout the year) • Flood control or Protection. • Tourism • Increased livestock production • Fisheries • Hydropower
Cont…… • Cross border community integration and cohension • Reduce siltation at the lower reaches of the River daua. • Other water related activities. 2. Construction of a bridge connecting Ethiopia and Kenya. 3. Water shed Management.
Construction of a Multipurpose Dam • The proposed Daua dam will be located in River Daua at Latitude 4.064824 and Longitude 41.043819. The proposed site is located at approximately 20 km upstream of RhamuDimtu town in Mandera County • The dam has a potential to command a total net area of 133,000 hectares that can benefit the three (3) partner states
Cont… • The estimated dam height is about 90m with a capacity of approximately 4.5 Billion M3 and can be utilised to generate hydropower estimated at 8.2 MW . Intervention under Multipurpose dam. i. Water supply - The development is expected to provide better access to water throughout the year and improve water supply for domestic, livestock and industrial use in both urban and rural areas.
Cont….. ii. Irrigation – To builds on current agricultural practices in the basin. The ongoing small irrigation farming along the basin have enabled the farmers to transition from purely pastoral livelihood to a mixed farming system and similarly important learning in the process. It is very interesting that the current production systems are mixed farming systems that seem to be viable options under intensive irrigated situation.
Conti…. .iii. Flood protection and Regulation of flow (Ensure continuous flow of water throughout the year) - The proposed dam will lead to efficient utilization of Daua River waters which will in turn result in control of floods during heavy rains especially in flood prone communities downstream of the river. Surface runoff from the upstream will also be harnessed for productive use, hence reduce their significant input into the flooding menace in wet months.
Cont… iv. Tourism - The existence of a reservoir could also create opportunities for tourism ventures. For example the revival of Malkamari Game Reservecould lead to the growth of eco-tourism projects, trading and employment for the local communities thus expanding their livelihood options. v. Fisheries - It is expected that the dam will generate additional benefit for fish farming.
Cont…. vi. Hydropower - Hydropower potential was estimated to yield 8.2 MW with a potential energy yield of 43Gwh. The development hydropower in the region will lead to a cheap source of power for domestic, water supply, irrigation and industrial use hence fostering economic growth among the three countries. vii. Cross border community integration and cohesion and Other water related activities
Fig 2: Proposed Daua Dam Location (Source: National Irrigation Board (NIB), Kenya ) Proposed site
Fig 3: Daua Dam Layout (Source: National Irrigation Board (NIB) Kenya)
II. CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE • The cross border communities in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia trade on onions, sweet melons, oranges, bananas and tomatoes and livestock among other goods. The potential for increasing cross border trade in agricultural commodities and livestock is immense. • Therefore with the construction of the dam, Kenya proposes the construction of a bridge across River Daua that connects Kenya and Ethiopiaat Malka suftu and Malka mari.
..Bridge Continued… 3. In addition, the three countries will benefit from controlled trade since a customs and immigration Border Control Point will be established.
III. WATERSHED MANAGEMENT • Effective resource management in the Daua river basin can only take place when executed in a river basin context. • The key issues of soil and water management as well as sustaining environmental flows in River Daua are issues that will be addressed by adopting an integrated basin management approach
...Continued 3. In view of the regional nature of the proposed developments, Kenya proposes that a joint management mechanism be put in place between the three countries by agreeing on a Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) 4. The CFA will establish a Basin Commission that would act as a clearing house for any development in the basin and regulate the use of the water resources of the basin.
Estimated Budget for the proposed quick-start and long term projects for a period of ten years is as detailed below;
D. Proposed Cooperative Framework Agreement • To establish a trans-boundary cooperative framework, inspiration can be drawn from the UN Water Courses Convention that has recently entered into force and other successful cooperative frameworks. • Under the proposed framework, joint activities on the following aspects are foreseen:
PROPOSED CFA AREAS TO DISCUSSION • Watershed Management Plan • Joint studies and research (hydro-meteorological and other related studies) • Water Development Plans • Information Sharing • Data Collection • Monitoring
E.Existing Bilateral Frameworks • Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia enjoy cordial relations and frameworks exist for cooperation on various matters • For Kenya and Ethiopia such frameworks include the Joint Border Administrators’/Commissioners’ Meeting, and the Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC). In addition, the two countries signed an MOU in 1979 on Joint Study and Development of their Boundary Resources and most recently the Special Status Agreement (SSA). Article 7 of the SSA is dedicated to Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods and sub articles 7.1 and 7.2 deal with trans-boundary resources.
Existing Bilateral Frameworks Cont. • A Cooperative Framework Agreement for River Daua will address the specific issues of the basin in relation to sustainable management of the shared water resource.
F. Way Forward • Consensus on the proposals: Kenya looks forward to reaching consensus with the partner states on the proposals for the joint utilization of Daua River water resources. • Consensus on the cooperative framework: We hope that as Riparian states, we would agree in principle to the need for a collaborative framework for the Joint Utilization of Daua River water resources. • Equally important is the need to reach consensus on an action plan to develop the Cooperative Framework Agreement.