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Controlling the Mobility of Multiple Data Transport Ferries in a Delay-Tolerant Network. Introduction. S. D. S. D. carry. Background. Ad hoc networks Connected networks Store-forward routing paradigm Most routing protocols Partitioned ad hoc network
Controlling the Mobility of Multiple Data Transport Ferries in a Delay-Tolerant Network
S D S D carry Background • Ad hoc networks • Connected networks • Store-forward routing paradigm • Most routing protocols • Partitioned ad hoc network • Wide deployment area, node mobility, limited radio range, physical obstacles… • Store-carry-forward routing paradigm
A network of regional (heterogenious) networks. End-to-end paths may not exist between nodes. Network with intermittent connectivity Long & variable delays Asymmetric data rates High error rates Region B Region A Delay-Tolerant Network(DTN)
Motivations • More devices will combine both communication and mobility capabilities. • Delay-Tolerant Network (DTN) • Energy limited environments and wireless interfaces • Network lifetime: the importance of power saving mechanisms ◎The design of power saving mechanisms depending on routing protocols
Message Ferrying(MF)Scheme • Message ferrying scheme • Provide physical connectivity between otherwise unconnected nodes. • Designed as a routing strategy based on the store-carry-forward paradigm for sparsely distributed Mobile ad hoc networks. (which means network partitions can last for a significant period) • Envision a new class of proactive networks that are able to adapt themselves, via physical movement, to meet the needs of applications
Message Ferrying(MF)Scheme • Components • Message ferry (ferry) • Special nodes with responsibility for carrying data between regular nodes • Move around the deployed area according to known routes • Fewer resource constraints • Equipped with renewable power, large memory and powerful processors • Regular node • Assigned tasks in the deployment area • Limited resources such as battery and memory
MF S S M M D D Message Ferrying Scheme MF
Message Ferrying Scheme ※Three types of ferry interaction: • No interaction: • Each ferry operates on its own without relaying data with other ferries. • Ferry relaying: • Ferries exchange data between each other directly. • Requires ferries to be physically close to each other in order to communicate. • Need to synchronize their movement to meet each other for data exchange • Node relaying: • Ferries interact with each other via stationary nodes • Nodes need to have enough storage and energy for buffering and relaying data,
Message Ferrying Scheme ※Multiple ferries or a single ferry ? ◎The use of multiple ferries may be necessary in many situations due to performance androbustness concerns • Why not use a single ferry? • movement capability. • ferry failures, ferry compromise or malicious attacks.
Message Ferrying Scheme • the design of ferry routes, will have significant impact on network performance. there are many situation we should considered… • How ferries are allocated to serve nodes since data from nodes can be carried by different ferries, • the design of ferry routes should account for routing and load balancing among ferries, which inevitably complicates the problem. • There is also the question of tradeoff between the increased cost of the use of more ferries and the extent of performance improvement realized.
Ferry route design problem • The design of optimal ferry routes should make…. • the bandwidth requirements are met • the weighted delay is minimized • The weighted delay D • wij is the weight delay for data from node i to node j . • The weight wij specifies the relative importance of reducing delay for certain traffic andmay be independent of thedata rate • dij is the average delay for data from node i to node j .
3 1 1 3 3 1,2,3 1,2 2 2 2 Overview of ferry route design algo. ※Algorithms calculate ferry routes in three phases. • Phase 1 • nodes are assigned to ferries. • a node may be assigned to multiple ferries. • Ferries • responsible for carrying data for assigned nodes • cooperatively provide connectivity between each pair of sender andreceiver. • :node :ferry • the numbers near each node denote the ferries the node is assigned to.
3 1 1 3 3 1,2,3 1,2 2 2 2 Overview of ferry route design algo. • Phase 2 • calculates each ferry route based on the locations of assigned nodes and the traffic load. • In both Phase 1 and 2, the algorithms focus on minimizing the weighted delay without considering the bandwidth requirements. • Phase 3 • the ferry routes are extended, if necessary, such that the bandwidth requirements are met. • an example of three ferry routes.
Algo. to calculate ferry routes • the algorithms differ mainly in how nodes are assigned to ferries • Single-Route Algorithm (SIRA) • Multi-Route Algorithm (MURA) • Node Relaying Algorithm (NRA) • Ferry Relaying Algorithm (FRA)
: Ferry : Node Single-Route Algorithm (SIRA) • all ferries follow the same route but with different timing. • there is no interaction between ferries. • Without relaying data between ferries, SIRA minimize the number of ferry hops. • each node is assigned to all ferries which share the responsibility of transporting data between nodes.
SIRA-Single Ferry Route Design • the weighted delay should be minimized • the average delay for data from node i to node j consists… • the waiting delay in node i before a ferry picks upthe data • the carrying delay in the ferry before reaching node j. Ferry route Send/recv msg. Send/recv msg. i J J Destination i Source
SIRA-Single Ferry Route Design • Compute the average delay… • constant data rates • m:the number of ferries • L: the length of the ferry route • f :the ferry speed • l i j:the distance from node ito node jin the route. • the average waiting delayis L/ (2mf) • the roundtrip rime for a ferry is L/ f. • With mferries, the time between ferry visits is L/mf • so on average, the waiting delay is half of that, i.e., Ll(2mf) • The carrying delayis l i;j/f. • the average delay for data from node i to nodej is L/(2mf) + lij/ f.
SIRA-Single Ferry Route Design • compute the ferry route… • adapt solutions for the well-studied traveling salesman problem (TSP) which compute a route to visit nodes. • instead of optimizing the length of the route as in TSP, we optimize the weighted delay. • PS. TSP(旅行推銷員問題):有一個推銷員,要到各個城市去推銷產品,他希望能找到一個最短的旅遊途徑,訪問每一個城市,而且每個城市只拜訪一次,然後回到最初出發的城市。
A C B D A C B D SIRA-Single Ferry Route Design • The algorithm tries to reduce the weighted delay of the route byapplying 2-opt swaps and 2H-opl swaps until no further improvement can be found. • 2-0pt swap. • 在同一條路現中,刪除不相鄰的兩節線,在加入另外兩節線,使之成為封閉迴路。 • 2H-opt swap. • A2H-opt swap moves a node in the route from one position to another.
assumed constant ferry speed, the extensions consist of detours in the vicinity of the under-served node(s) the detours should be as short as necessary, in orderto reduce the delay xi:be the length of detour in the vicinity of node i. r:the radio range of nodes the ferry route that iswithin the radio range of nodei isxi + 2r. si:the total data rate for node. each ferry isresponsible for supporting a data rate of si/m L:the length of the ferry route before extension W:The data rate of the radiobits per second Ps. Obviously the detours should be as short as necessary, in order to reduce the delay SIRA-Bandwidth Requirements Consider… How to extend the ferry route & meetthe bandwidth requirements of the nodes
Multi-Route Algorithm (MURA) • ferries can follow multiple (different) routes to carry data between nodes . • there is no interaction between ferries. (like SIRA) • ferries do not relay data between themselves. So data is carried by at most one ferry. • Without relaying data between ferries, MURA minimize the number of ferry hops. (like SIRA) : Ferry : Node
MURA-Estimated Weighted Delay • how to estimate the weighted delay, or calculate the estimated weighted delay (or EWD for short). ? • EWD-To compute the EWD for traffic within a route, we consider the following factors. • the EWD should reflect the weights of traffic within the route, as implied by the definition of the weighted delay. • the EWD should account for the length of the route • the data delay consists of the waiting time at nodes and the carrying time at ferries, both related to the length of the route. • the EWD should consider the traffic loadin the route • in an MFnetwork, achieving higher data rate implies that ferries need to spend more time communicating with nodes, resulting inlonger routes and larger delays. • the EWD should consider the number of ferries used in a route • because it affects both the waiting delay at nodes and the amount of traffic carried by each ferry. • Combining these factors together. we now define the EWD
MURA-Estimated Weighted Delay We define the EWD of the route as a two-component tuple (E*, E’) • L: the length of a TSP route for nodes in the route. • α: the total data rate (trafficload) • ω: the total weight of traffic within the route. • k:the number of ferries following the route. • µ :The maximum data rate of the route. (capacity) • the capacity of the route, is 0.5kWbps.
MURA-Estimated Weighted Delay • When the traffic load is over the capacity • E*:measures how much the ferry route isoverloaded, and it is positive. • In (3), Why plus 1 ?? • To differentiate E*between the case where αequals to µ,and the case with α < µ, so we add a constant term (1 in this paper) in computing E’when α >µ. • When the traffic load is below the capacity • E*is zero • E’approximates the weighted delay for traffic in the route. • Obviously E*is the more significant component when comparing two EWDs , i.e.,(E1*,E1’) > (E2*,E2’) if either E1* > E2* or E1*=E2* and E1’ > E2’ is true.
w:the use of total traffic weight L: the route length is obvious. The factor ( ) approximate the average delay for traffic within the route. Asdiscussed before, the average delay for data from node ito node j is L / ( 2 k f ) + l i j / f lij:the distance from node i to node jin the route. If we set li jto L/2, the average delay becomes L ( 2 f ) So we use the factor The factor account for the impact oftraffic load This is because to meet the bandwidth requirements, ferries need to spend enough time within range of nodes, which implies detours in ferry routes To support a total datarate of α, wehave x: the total length of detours. (within range of nodes ) L:the total length of the route after extension By combining these factors, we obtain the definition of EWD in (4). MURA-Estimated Weighted Delay
MURA-Estimated Weighted Delay • Consider the EWD for traffic between two routes, say route i andj . • In MURA, data is not relayed between ferries… • So MURA may need to extend route i or j such that both the sender and receiver are on the same route • suppose that route i is extended to overlap with route j byvisiting the closest node in route j . • The EWD of route i will increase due to the increase in the length of the route and the traffic load. • Similarly, the EWD of route jwould increase if route j is extended. • we define the EWD for traffic between route i and route j as the minimum increasein the EWD by extending either route i or j • Given the EWDs for traffic within each route and between routes. wecan compute the EWD for the node assignment by summing upthese EWDs • i.e., adding the two components of each EWD respectively.
MURA-Estimated Weighted Delay • balance load among ferry routes … • Initially • no traffic is assigned to ferry routes. • We assign traffic to a route if both the sender and receiver are on the route • When traffic is within multiple routes, traffic will beassigned to a route such that the increase of the EWD is minimal. • Then we consider traffic between routes. • Similarly, traffic will be assigned to routes with minimum increase of EWD. • Given the assignment of traffic, wecan calculate the EWD of the node assignment as described above
MURA-Assigning Nodes to Ferries • how MURA assignsnodes to ferries using the EWD ? • four types of operations on ferry routes. 1. overlap( i, j ) • This operation overlaps tworoutes, i.e., one route is extended to include a node in the other route. • The number of ferries in each route does not change. • When there are multiple nodes in i or j , we choose the overlapping node such that the resulting node assignment has the minimum EWD. 2. merge(i, j ) . • This operation combines i and j into a new route. • The number of ferries in the new route is the sum of the number of ferriesin i and j. 3. merge-(i,j), • This operation is the same as merge(i,j) except that the number of ferries for the new route is one less than that of merge(i,j) 4. reduce(i). • Thisoperation reduces the numberof ferries inroute i by one. • Thus it only applies to routes with more than one ferry.
MURA-Assigning Nodes to Ferries • how MURA chooses the best operation to perform in each step? • MURA • identifies the best overlapoperation among all pairs ofroutes by computing the EWD of the resulting node assignment. • identifies thebestmerge, merge-and reduceoperations. • the merge- or reduce operation • MURA will perform either the merge- or reduce operation again depending on the EWD .
MURA-Assigning Nodes to Ferries • the overlap or merge operation • itwill be chosen only when it outperforms the merge-and reduceoperations and improves upon the current node assignment. • Because it not reduce the total number of ferries used • MURA will perform either the overlapor mergeoperation, depending on which one achieves the lower EWD • MURA will continue this process until the number of ferries is m. and no further improvement can be found. • So far, nodes are assigned to ferries such that the EWD isminimized.
MURA-maintain feasibility • MURA is a greedyheuristic • there is a possibility that thenode assignment is not feasible • some sender and receiver arenot in the sameroute • the total amount of traffic in a route is over its capacity. • To insure feasibility, MURA further refines the node assignment if necessary. • if the total amount of traffic in a route is over its capacity • MURA performs amergeor overlapoperation between this route and another route such that the resulting EWDisminimal. • Similarly, if there is traffic between routes • MURA performs a mergeoroverlapoperation between these routes. • This procedure continues until the node assignment is feasible.
a sketch of the MURA algorithm which uses a greedy heuristic for assigning nodes to ferries. MURA starts with nferries and each node isassigned to a ferry. each ferry route consists of one node. MURA refines the node assignment and reduces the number of ferries to m by using four types of operations. In each step, MURA estimates the weighted delay of the resulting node assignment for each operation andchooses to perform the best one until the number of ferries is m and no further improvement can be found. Then MURA modifies the node assignment, if necessary, to insure feasibility, there is a path between each sender/receiver pair the total traffic load on each route is lower than its capacity. Given the node assignment, we can apply the algorithms in SIRA to compute each ferry route. Multi-Route Algorithm (MURA)
: Ferry : Node Node Relaying Algorithm (NRA) • data is relayed between ferries via nodes • ferries forward data to a node and other ferriesreceive data from this node • NRA tries to minimize the carrying delay in each ferry hop by using stationary nodes as relays.
shows a sketch of NRA. NRA adopts a geographic approach for assigning nodes to ferries. Specifically, the deployment area is divided into a grid of c1x c2cells. Ferries are assigned to cells and would carry datafor nodes within the cell andrelay data between cells. This actually implicitly assigns nodes to ferries via cells. Since the number of ferries ism, we have C1 C2 <= m. For every possible combination of c1 and c2 NRA computes the estimated weighted delay as described before chooses to perform according to the combination that achieves the minimum EWD. Given the node assignment, we can compute each ferry route using algorithms inSIRA Node Relaying Algorithm (NRA)
to maintain the required connectivity of the network. NRA uses geographic routing, each ferry route is initially within a cell data is forwarded along cells that intersect with the line segment connecting the source and destination. Fig. shows an example of geographic routing where data from node n1 to n2 is routed through cells Cl, C3 and C5. Routing path : Node : NRA-Connectivity between Ferry Routes
NRA-Connectivity between Ferry Routes • If each cell contains nodes, to supportdata forwarding between cells, NRA extends ferry routes to add connectivity between ferry routes. • when there is traffic between two neighboring cells. NRA performs the overlapoperation defined in MURA on the ferry routes in these cells. • The overlapoperation extends one route to overlap with the other and the overlapping node will relay data between these two routes. • NRA continues this process until there is a path between each sender/receiver pair according to the routing algorithm
NRA-Connectivity between Ferry Routes • In case of irregular node distribution, there might be empty cells that contain no node. • We classify two types of empty cells, depending on whether there is traffic forwarded through the cell. • there is no through traffic • we can ignore this cell, • an empty cell has through traffic,
NRA-Connectivity between Ferry Routes ※When an empty cell has through traffic… • a ferry route needs to set upto relay data. • Instead of using a separate ferryroute for each such empty cell, we use a single route for all neighboring empty cells as follows. • Suppose that COis an empty cell through traffic. • Let S be a set of empty cells, which initially contains only cell CO. • NRA adds an empty cell to S if the cell has through traffic and it is adjacent to another cell in S. • NRA continues adding cells to S until no more cells can beadded.
NRA-Connectivity between Ferry Routes When an empty cell has through traffic… • The cells in S then form a region which contains no node but needs to relay traffic. • To handle through traffic in S • NRA sets up a new route by identifying the set of non-empty cells that forward or receive traffic with cells in S • constructing a ferry route that passes through all these cells, e.g., choosing one node from each ofthese cells and forming a new route. • By overlapping routes in neighboring cells and adding routes for empty cells, NRA insures that there is a path, possibly through multiple ferry routes, between each sender/receiver pair.
NRA-Assigning Ferries to Routes • The geographic routing algorithm used might distribute traffic load unevenly among ferry routes. • the ferry routes in the center of the deployment area often need to carry more traffic because more traffic passes through that area. • the irregularity in node distribution. • To provide load balancing, NRA allocates ferries to routes according to the traffic load. • Specifically, NRA initially assigns one ferry to each route. • If there are remaining ferries • NRA computes the expected weighted delay for each ferry route • allocates one of the remaining ferries to the route with the highest EWD . • The addition of a ferry decreases the EWD of this route. • NRA will repeat this process until all ferries are allocated. • Using this approach, NRA accommodates uneven traffic load in ferry routes by allocating more ferries to routes with higher load.
FRA requires special treatment in calculating routes due to the synchronization issue instead of relaying data via nodes as in NRA, ferries exchange data directly. FRA tries to minimize the waiting delay in nodes through direct interaction between ferries data has to be buffered in a ferry for asignificant period of time before it can be forwarded to another ferry, leading to long delays. : Ferry : Node Ferry Relaying Algorithm (FRA)
Ferry Relaying Algorithm (FRA) • we consider ferry relaying by synchronizing ferry routes in length. • The operation of FRA is similar to NRA (see a sketch of the algorithm for NRA). • The difference between the two due to the synchronization requirement is… • how to add connectivity between routes • how to calculate ferryroutes. • FRA sets up a ferry route for each cellexcept empty cells that have no through traffic.
assume all routes have the same length. the area is divided into a grid of c1 x c2 cells. We first consider the case with a one-dimensional grid i.e., c1 = 1 or c2 = 1. In this case, a route interacts with at most two other routes in the neighboring cells. contact points: the middle points of the boundary between cells where the ferries meet each other. To insure ferries in neighboring cells are able to meet each other in every period of their movement, FRA requires that… ferries in neighboring cells move in reverse direction the contact points partition each ferry route into two segments of the same length FRA-Synchronization between Ferry Routes ※how to achieve synchronization between ferry routes?