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Easter traditions in the Czech Republic

Easter traditions in the Czech Republic. Easter is the beginning of the spring and it is also a C hristian feast . Animals have babies in the spring and at Easter people celebrate the new life that ´s why the symbol of Easter is an egg . . Easter eggs. The typical symbol of

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Easter traditions in the Czech Republic

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  1. Eastertraditions in theCzechRepublic Easteristhebeginningofthespringanditisalso a Christian feast. Animalshavebabies in thespringandatEasterpeoplecelebratethenewlifethat´s whythe symbol ofEasterisanegg.

  2. Eastereggs Thetypicalsymbol of Easter in theCzechRepublic are decoratedeggs. Wecoloureggsorwe put stickerson them, too. We canalsoput themintolace. Boyscome to thehomes ofgirls, recite a poem and theyget a decoratedeggand ribbon. Theyalsoget chocolateeggswhichthey eatafterwards.

  3. Plaitedwillowcane On Mondaymorningboysusually visit girlsandsingcarols. Thenboyslightlywhipgirlswithplaitedwillowcanes to wishthemfreshnessandgoodhealth. GirlsgiveboyspaintedEastereggsandsweets. Iftheboysarriveaftertwelveo´clock, thegirlscanpourwater on them. Peoplesayonceeveryfouryearsgirlscanalso go andsingcarolsandwhipboys.

  4. Easterfood AtEasterpeoplebake a chocolateorvanillasheepshapedcake. Grandmothersbake a typicalEastercake.Weusuallyhaveitforbreakfast. Thenwehaveroastduck,cabbageanddumplingsfor lunch. BesidestheEastercakeandsheepshapedcakeweenjoylotsofothersweetsatEaster, forexamplechocolateeggsandchocolaterabbits. Eastercake andvanilla sheepshapedcake Roastduckwithcabbage anddumplings

  5. Springholiday I likeEasterbeausewehavea springholidaythen. On Sundaywecoloureggswithmy mumand my brother. On Mondaywe go andsingcarolswith my dadandbrother. Weget a lot ofeggs. My mumisalwaysveryhappy. AfterEasterweeateggsallweek ThisyearEasterwillbe on April 20th and 21st. I amlookingforwardto it.

  6. Have a wonderfulEaster!Yourfriendsfrom 6A Základní škola U Říčanského lesaŘíčany, Prague- eastCzechRepublic

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