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Project 60 integrating CiviCRM with bank information. Project summary. Project 60 Deliverables. Extensions to support the processing of bank payment information. Extensions to support the complete SEPA Direct Debit processing. CiviBanking. SEPA Direct Debit support.
Project 60integrating CiviCRM with bank information Project summary
Project 60 Deliverables Extensions to support the processing of bank payment information Extensions to support the complete SEPA Direct Debit processing CiviBanking SEPA Direct Debit support • Import payment information from bank statements in different formats • Import payment information from accounting systems • Manage multiple bank accounts per contact • Facilitate automatic or assisted matching of payments to CiviCRM entities (contact, membership, contribution, …) saving hundreds of hours of manual labour • Support a closed loop analytical accounting process • Support the SEPA Direct Debit B2C Core model / rulebook • Manage multiple creditor identities • Provide a SEPA-compliant Direct Debit payment processor • Manage the SDD mandate lifecycle • Generate one-off and recurring payment requests • Generate the XML required for bank submission • Automate the exception and feedback processing (requires CiviBanking) • Integrator’s Guides : • Developing import plugins • Developing match plugins • Integrator’s Guides : • Implementing an SDD workflow
Project 60 Benefits Extensions to support the processing of bank payment information Extensions to support the complete SEPA Direct Debit processing CiviBanking SEPA Direct Debit support • Turn bank payments into contributions and memberships much faster • Define your own interpretation and matching rules • Increase data quality and consistency • Reduce the workload on your back-office team • Give your data management team more time to focus on the real issues • Save time and money you can spend on your mission ! • Become operational with SEPA Direct Debit without a significant investment in understanding SDD protocols • Tap into the fundraising potential offered by flexible and versatile bank account-based recurring payments • Standardize recurring payments or memberships and long-term supporters on the new European standard • Be ready to deploy the new European recurring payment model in time !
Key Project 60 components Working with bank payment information Supporting SEPA Direct Debit payment processes Facilitate assisted interpretation of payment into contributions, memberships, …
Project 60 active participants • Software für Engagierte – Germany • Detlev Sieber, Olaf Buddenhagen • Systopia – Germany • Björn Endres, Fabian Schuttenberg • Delius – Belgium • Paul Delbar, Chris Madou • Tech to the People – France • Xavier Dutoit
Project 60 Funding • All active participants have short-term pilot customers who will fund development • Workload will be shared between active participants and core team / external members as skills / capacity are needed • MIH funding will allow us to • Move faster (which will benefit you too) • Involve the core team in a structural way
Project 60 sizing – current estimates (manhours) • Common • Data model 60 • Extension framework 40 • CiviBanking • API and business logic 60 • User Interface 120 • Plugin achitecture and initial plugins 40 • Guidebooks 60 • CiviSDD • API and business logic 60 • User interface 80 • XML generation 40 • Guidebooks 80 • Total 640
CiviBankingAutomating the interpretation of bank payments A Project 60 extension
What is CiviBanking ? Most CiviCRM users spend some amount of time manually typing information on contributions into the system. Not only tedious, but an open invitation to typo's, omissions and other artefacts in CiviCRM. These could be avoided if some of the work currently done by human hands and mind could be assisted or automated. This extension will feature a set of plugin adapters capable of importing bank transactions (from bank statements in national bank formats or extracts from accounting systems). Once imported, a number of heuristics will be available to interpret the payment data and generate the contributions and contacts and update other CiviCRM entities as needed. Some heuristics will be able to run full automatic, some will provide the user with suggestions which can be executed at a click of a button. A manual mode will also be provided. The set of heuristics will be extensible as well, so you'll be able to setup your own business rules.
Why CiviBanking ? • Registering contributions • Often manual work • Searching for contacts to match against • Working from bank statements • Often available in electronic format • Could be loaded automatically • Matching • Heuristics used by human operator • Attempt to automate these business rules
Key CiviBanking components Ensure consistency in bank information by processing bank statement sequences Import payment information from electronic bank files or from your accounting system Maintain a registry of bank account information to improve automated / assisted identification of contacts Close the accounting loop and help in allocating funds correctly (using CiviAccounts)
Key CiviBanking components Run a multitude of matching rules to interpret payments and convert them into contributions Support data managers with full automatic, manual or assisted (suggested) interpretation logic Extend the standard matchers with your own business logic Automate handling of SDD batch payments and R-messages
Import bank statements Automated processing runs Identifies new contacts Registers contributions Validate results Look at remaining and ‘unprocessed’ items Review suggestions from heuristic matchers Agree with some Manually process others Have a coffee Before and after CiviBanking • Browse through bank statements • Recognize names and addresses • Lookup people who do not ring a bell • Manually type in new contact information • Manually register contributions • Double-check statements • Hand them back to accounting • Take next bank statement
CiviBanking Release Plan April V1 • Develop basic data model • Import bank transactions • Develop basic plugins for national formats • Build heuristic plugin model • Develop initial heuristics • Setup manual / assisted operator workbench (UI) • Initial pilot projects CiviCRM 4.3 May June • Write Generic Integrator’s Guide • Append national implementation standards • Tune UI based on user feedback • Gather requirements for v3 July V2 August September CiviCRM 4.4 V3 • Launch GA/stable version of extensions in CiviCRM 4.4 • Align future development with core release plan • V3 development October
CiviSDDSEPA Direct Debit integration A Project 60 extension
What is CiviSDD ? Within the Single European Payment Area (SEPA), a new and unified model for direct debit handling has been defined, which has been rolled out over Europe over the last few years. Early 2014, most if not all countries will be required to support this payment mode. It allows for recurring and one-off direct debits (initiated by the creditor), but can be quite complex to handle. This MIH will allow CiviCRM users to setup a SDD compliant payment process. It will include the payment processor, admin screens for mandate and transaction management, and will contain the logic to generate the appropriate XML-format which is required by SEPA. In addition, we'll write up an integrator's handbook to assist in setting up the complete SDD process with your bank.
Why CiviSDD ? SEPA Single European Payment Area, a comprehensive standardization program
SEPA Direct Debit • Organizes DD payments in SEPA zone • Clarify roles (creditor, debtor, banks) • Standardize documents and workflow • Supported by common legislation framework • Why is this relevant to CiviCRM ? • SDD B2C (Business to Consumer) governs all direct debit transactions, single and recurring • Replaces all country-specific protocols in 2014 • SDD is a very flexible payment instrument
SEPA Direct Debit for Dummies The nonprofit organisation sends an XML-coded transactions batch to its own bank 3 4 The donor’s bank executes the payment using the SEPA Credit Transfer scheme The donor signs a SEPA- compliant mandate … The nonprofit organisation encodes the mandate and generates transactions 2 1
SEPA Direct Debit workflow • Complexity for the nonprofit • Get an SDD contract with its bank • Manage the mandate lifecycle • Generate single or recurring payment requests • Generate the appropriate XML • Follow up on payment and exceptions • SDD has clear advantages • Fast notification • Flexibility (periodicity, amounts, …)
Key CiviSDD components Support the SEPA Direct Debit mandate lifecycle and operational exceptions Handle mandates from different sources (street, online, call center, document) Generate the recurring payment requests for all your mandates Generate the XML files for the handling bank
CiviSDD Release Plan April V1 • Support the SEPA Direct Debit B2C Core model / rulebook • Manage multiple creditor identities • Provide a SEPA-compliant Direct Debit payment processor • Manage the SDD mandate lifecycle • Generate one-off and recurring payment requests • Generate the XML required for bank submission • Manual exception and feedback processing • Initial pilot projects CiviCRM 4.3 May June • Write Generic Integrator’s Guide • Append national implementation standards • Automate the exception and feedback processing (requires CiviBanking) • Gather community requirements for V3 July V2 August September CiviCRM 4.4 V3 • Launch GA/stable version of extensions in CiviCRM 4.4 • Align future development with core release plan • V3 development October