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The Supreme Court and

The Supreme Court and. Roe vs. Wade. Initiating Questions. What is Roe vs. Wade? Why is this case significant? What is the difference between state and federal law? How does a case get to the Supreme Court?. Objectives.

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The Supreme Court and

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  1. The Supreme Court and Roe vs. Wade

  2. Initiating Questions • What is Roe vs. Wade? • Why is this case significant? • What is the difference between state and federal law? • How does a case get to the Supreme Court?

  3. Objectives • To demonstrate an understanding of the impact of Roe vs. Wade on Women’s Rights. • To evaluate the laws governing Roe vs. Wade. • To understand how Roe vs. Wade had contributed to the continuing public debate about the implications of civil liberties and religion.

  4. Assignment Read the article and complete the Student Answer Sheet.

  5. Question 1 • What significant event occurred this week in regards to abortion? South Dakota has passed a law banning nearly all abortions, a move many say sets up a court fight to challenge the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Gov. Mike Rounds, a Republican, signed legislation Monday that would make it a crime for doctors to perform abortions, including in cases of rape or incest, unless the procedure was necessary to save the woman's life.

  6. Question 2 • Why did South Dakota lawmakers decide to create this abortion legislation now? In creating the law, legislators believe a new Supreme Court may be inclined to overturn Roe v. Wade which is the legislation that legalizes abortion. "As you know, Justice Roberts and Justice Alito were just favorably placed on that board. There is still another chance that President Bush will have to place another justice on that bench. I think it's time to pass House Bill 1215 and protect the lives of the unborn," said pro-life Democratic state Senator Julie Bartling.

  7. Question 3 • What impact might this new law have once it takes effect on July 1? It is likely a federal judge will suspend it during legal challenges, which could take years. Planned Parenthood of South Dakota, which operates the state's only abortion clinic in Sioux Falls, has pledged to challenge the law through a federal lawsuit or a state referendum. According to South Dakota law, if opponents of the measure collect 16,728 signatures of registered voters in the next three months the law will be delayed and a vote will be held on the issue in November.

  8. Question 4 • What are the current restrictions in South Dakota abortion laws? South Dakota is one of the most restrictive states in the country to get an abortion. The existing laws mandate a 24-hour waiting period and counseling prior to the procedure. Girls under the age of 16 must notify a parent and there are virtually no local doctors who perform abortions at the Sioux Falls Clinic. There is another physician who once a week travels from Minnesota to perform procedures.

  9. Question 5 • Do all abortion opponents support South Dakota's new law? Why? No, there are abortion opponents who do not support South Dakota's new law. If a case goes to the Supreme Court and the justices uphold Roe, it would be a big blow to pro-life movement. A better strategy would be to limit abortions than it is to create restrictions such as parental and husband notification requirements that are acceptable to more people. "We're obviously in favor of a ban on abortion; that is our ultimate goal. But we are concerned about the timing," Patty Skain, executive director of Missouri Right to Life, told the Associated Press.

  10. Discussion Articles • There are more articles to be reviewed before we discuss this further.

  11. Discussion Questions • According to the article, not all abortion opponents agree with the tactics being used to limit abortions in South Dakota. Explain their view. Do you agree or disagree with them? Why or why not?

  12. Discussion Questions • Since the Supreme Court has two new justices, do you think this will impact any court battles over Roe vs. Wade?

  13. Discussion Questions • How does the appointment of the two justices give you an idea of President Bush’s agenda regarding abortion?

  14. Discussion Questions • Do you think this law will cause the Supreme Court to reconsider Roe vs. Wade? How do you think it will rule?

  15. Discussion Questions • Governor Mike Rounds wrote in a statement a quote about society. "In the history of the world, the true test of a civilization is how well people treat the most vulnerable and most helpless in their society. The sponsors and supporters of this bill believe that abortion is wrong because unborn children are the most vulnerable and most helpless in our society. I agree with them." Do you agree with his quote? Why or why not? Explain your answer. Does his statement represent all of the people in South Dakota?

  16. Discussion • Any more comments? • Thanks for your cooperation.

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