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Having Fun with Excel

Having Fun with Excel. What do you want out of class?. What do you want to be able to do? Simple Tables? Charts? Keep track of small training activities? Fast and Easy?. Let’s Look at Excel. Pull down Menus Similar formatting functions Cut, paste, copy, save, open

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Having Fun with Excel

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Having Fun with Excel

  2. What do you want out of class? • What do you want to be able to do? • Simple Tables? • Charts? • Keep track of small training activities? • Fast and Easy?

  3. Let’s Look at Excel Pull down Menus Similar formatting functions Cut, paste, copy, save, open Similar to other Spreadsheets

  4. What is a Spreadsheet

  5. This is an Excel Spreadsheet

  6. You should be familiar with MS pull-down menus!

  7. You should be familiar with MS icons and buttons!

  8. Now let’s start on Excel now! Hit the new page button.

  9. You should get a brand new Excel sheet You are now ready!

  10. Type in the data as shown below on your spreadsheet. Save it as “test results”

  11. Do I have to type the same thing in each cell? No! Copy then Paste! Watch!

  12. Now we’ve filled in the cells!

  13. Copy and paste in the 1’s

  14. We’ve added some things. What are they?

  15. Notice what is in the cell (c13) !

  16. And—what is in Cell E12?

  17. Now look at cell (d13)

  18. And also look at Cell E13 This is Interesting!

  19. Now, lets fancy it up a bit ! • Color the Text • Add Borders • Bold some of the text • Shade some rows, column, or squares • Print it up!

  20. Highlight the column, then change the color by clicking on the text color button or arrow!

  21. Highlight all of your table Then….

  22. Now our chart has nifty lines around it and inside!! We’re Look’n good!

  23. Now…something more • Bold the text • Shade a cell, column, and row!

  24. Bold the students last name! Select cells, then bold it!

  25. Highlight then bold!

  26. It’s getting better! Now…shade em’ As before…. Highlight the cell, row, or column…..then Select the “fill color”

  27. You do it! Remember! Highlight… Then…Fill!

  28. Now you can print this puppy!

  29. Now----that wasn’t too hard! Let’s take a break!

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