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Le pronom on p. 288. A. Note the use of the subject pronoun on in the sentences below. Qu’est-ce qu’ on vend ici? What do they (do you ) sell here? Où est-ce qu’ on achète ce CD? Where does one (do people ) buy that CD?
Le pronom onp. 288 A Note the use of the subject pronoun on in the sentences below. Qu’est-ce qu’on vend ici? What do they (do you) sell here? Où est-ce qu’on achète ce CD? Where does one (do people) buy that CD? En France, on parle français. In France, people(you, they) speak French. The pronoun on is used in GENERAL statements, according to the construction: One works a lot.They work a lot.You work a lot.People work a lot. on + il/elle - form of verb On travaille beaucoup. Continued...
Le pronom onp. 288 A There is liaison after on when the next word begins with a vowel sound. Est-ce qu’on invite Stéphanie à la boum? In conversation, on is often used instead of nous: —Est-ce qu’on dîne à la maison? Are we having dinner at home? —Non, on va au restaurant. No, we are going to the restaurant.
Tu vends ton scooter. -s Il/Elle/On vend son ordinateur. – Nous vendons nos livres. -ons Vous vendez vos CD. -ez Ils/Elles vendent leur voiture. -ent Les verbes réguliers en -rep. 290 B Many French verbs end in -re. Most of these are conjugated like vendre(to sell). Note the forms of this verb in the present tense, paying special attention to the endings. STEM(infinitive minus –re) ENDINGS INFINITIVE vendre Je vends ma raquette. -s vend- PRESENT The “d” of the stem is silent in the singular forms, but it is pronounced in the plural forms.
L’impératif p. 291 C LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE The IMPERATIVE is used to make suggestions and to give orders and advice. The commands or suggestions may be affirmative or negative. Continued...
parlez finissez parlons finissons L’impératif p. 291 C Compare the French and English forms of the imperative. Écoute ce CD! Listen to this CD! Ne vendez pas votre voiture! Don’t sell your car! Allons au cinéma! Let’s go to the movies! • Note the forms of the imperative in the chart below. INFINITIVE parler finir IMPERATIVE (tu) (vous) (nous) parle finis Continued...
vendez allez vendons allons L’impératif p. 291 C Compare the French and English forms of the imperative. Écoute ce CD! Listen to this CD! Ne vendez pas votre voiture! Don’t sell your car! Allons au cinéma! Let’s go to the movies! • Note the forms of the imperative in the chart below. INFINITIVE vendre aller IMPERATIVE (tu) (vous) (nous) vends va Continued...
L’impératif p. 291 C For regular verbs and most irregular verbs, the forms of the imperative are the same as the corresponding forms of the present tense. NOTE: For all -er verbs, including aller, the -s of the tu form is dropped. Compare: Tu parles anglais. Parle français, s’il te plaît! Tu vas au café. Va à la bibliothèque! The negative imperative is formed as follows: ne + VERB +pas …Ne choisis pas ce blouson.