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— SAU #41 —. Hollis Brookline Cooperative School District Budget Hearing 2012-2013 Budget. Presented by: HB Coop Budget Committee February 6, 2012. Doug Davidson – Hollis Fred Hubert (School Board Rep) – Brookline Darlene Mann ( Vice Chairman) – Hollis Greg McHale – Brookline
— SAU #41 — Hollis Brookline Cooperative School District Budget Hearing2012-2013 Budget • Presented by: • HB Coop Budget Committee • February 6, 2012
Doug Davidson – Hollis Fred Hubert (School Board Rep) – Brookline Darlene Mann ( Vice Chairman) – Hollis Greg McHale – Brookline Val Ogden – Brookline Steve Pucci (Chairman) – Hollis Jim Solinas (Secretary) – Brookline Ray Valle – Hollis Budget Committee Membership
Requirements Budget preparation/presentation Review of warrant articles “10% calculation” Public input Rules Residents of Hollis/Brookline may provide input Comments should be respectful, constructive and purposeful Come to podium, provide name and address Process We present warrant articles, listen to input, then make decisions Public Hearing Process/Rules
Historical Budget Information & Trends Ex: Student Enrollment, Headcount, Cost/Student Current Economic Situation National, Regional, Local CPI, Unemployment, Debt, Revenue, Tax Burdens School Information School Board Guidance and Inputs Budget Public Input Budget Considerations
Current Economic Situation
Economic Indicators • Unemployment • Home Sales • National Debt • Home Prices • Private Sector Pay Economic Trend: too difficult to tell Affect to Revenue ?
2010 Hollis Census Data# of Retired Households In RED In 10 Yrs * 2010 Adults > 24 yrs of age. Source: 2010 Census Data Seniors > 64 = Retired Households * Assumes 2/3rds of age 50-64 will be >65
2010 Brookline Census Data# of Retired Households in RED 2010 In 10 Yrs* Adults > 24 yrs of age. Source: 2010 Census Data Seniors > 64 = Retired Households * Assumes 2/3 of age 50-64 will be >64
Tax Impact All Warrants - $19,765,000 $/K% Tax Change$350K Home Hollis $6.36 +4.9% +$103 Brookline $9.20 +13.0% +$370 Operating Budget Warrant - $19,700,00 Hollis $6.33 +4.4% + $93 Brookline $9.15 +12.4% +$354
10% Maximum Allowable Increase Calculation Rec. Amt. (Col. A) 1. Total RECOMMENDED by Budget Committee (see budget MS-7, 27, or 37) LESS EXCLUSIONS: 2. Principal: Long Term Bonds & Notes $ 885,550.61 3. Interest: Long-Term Bonds & Notes $1,010,829.39 4. Capital Outlays Funded From Long-Term Bonds & Notes per RSA 33:8 & 33:7-b 5. Mandatory Assessments 6. TOTAL EXCLUSIONS (sum of rows 2-5) $1,896,380.00 7. Amount recommended less recommended exclusion amounts (Line 1 less Line 6) 8. Line 7 times 10% 9. Maximum allowable appropriation prior to vote (Line 1 + Line 8) Col. BCol.C (Col B – A) 10. Collective Bargaining Costs Items, RSA 32:19 & 273-A:1, IV, (Complete Column A - prior to meeting & Column B and Column C at Meeting) 11. Bond Override RSA 32:18-a n/a n/a MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE APPROPRIATIONS VOTED At meeting, add Line 9 + amounts in Column C.
Last March Meeting – School BoardFuture Trends * NESDEC 2010 data Page HB Coop District Meeting - March 16, 2011
Lower Student/Staff Pop. Offsets Higher Salaries/Benefits Lower Building Bond Payments Last March Meeting – School BoardFuture Trends Page HB Coop District Meeting - March 16, 2011
Current FY’12 budget: $19,250,000 FY13: Key Increases Special Education: $414,000 Salaries + Benefits: $420,000 Proposed FY’13 Budget: $19,700,000 FY13 – Current School Board Budget
Opportunities for Savings • Over the past several years, the BudCom has demonstrated that significant responsible savings are possible. • The BudCom’s approach is fact-based analysis and solutions focused on fiscal responsibility and maintaining educational quality. • PROVEN TRACK RECORD: The actual money spent each year has been lower than the Budget Committee’s proposed budget. • COMMUNITY DESERVES BETTER: Dire consequences and fear of “cuts” (with a lower budget) as communicated by some of our elected officials is not a solution. We deserve responsible solutions, honest communication and leadership during these challenging times.
Current Budget:$19,250,000 Adjustments:Pension: $181,000 Salaries (fully loaded): $169,000 FY12 Hiring Savings: ($100,000) Food Service: ($193,000) SAA (non-agency): ($50,000 - $100,000) Energy (Rate): ($30,000) Group Purchases: ($20,000) UFB: ( ? ) Energy Conservation: ( ? ) Zero-Base / 0-Spend: ( ? ) Benefit Savings: ( ? ) FY13 Hiring Savings: ( ? ) SPED: tbd COOP Efficiencies (enrollment): ($100,000 - $400,000) FY13 Opportunity for Savings Areas
Concerns • Lack of Zero-based budgeting approach • “Nothing we can do about it” attitude • JUDGEMENT: Why teacher reductions first versus other employee groups? • Reluctance to link PAY to PERFORMANCE in some fashion • PRIORITIES: Example: new football field vs retaining a good teacher? • Violate RSAs and Right-to-Know by not providing REQUIRED information to BudCom.
Unanswered Questions • Strategic Plan ? Mission & Vision ? • District Priorities ? • Quality Metrics? How are we performing? • Unsustainable Benefits trend: What is plan? • Unsustainable SPED trend: What is plan? • Enrollment Decline: What is plan? • Core programs: Musts versus Wants?
Article 1. To elect all necessary school district officers for the ensuing terms by official ballot on March 13, 2011 Election of one member of the School Board from Hollis for the ensuing three years. Election of one member of the School Board from Brookline for the ensuing three years. Election of one member of the School Board from Brookline for the ensuing two years. Election of one Budget Committee member from Brookline for the ensuing three years. Election of one Budget Committee members from Hollis for the ensuing three years. Election of Officers
SB 2 Article 1A.(By Petition) Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13 (known as SB 2) to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the Hollis/Brookline Cooperative School District on the second Tuesday of March? The school board does/does not recommend this article.The budget committee does/does not recommend this article.
Article 2. To see if the school district will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $49,024 to fund the increase in cost items relative to professional staff salaries and fringe benefits for the 2012-2013 school year which resulted from good faith negotiations with the professional staff, and which represents the negotiated increase for those staff members that are off the salary table. This is the third year of a three-year contract. The budget committee does/does not recommend this appropriation. The school board recommends this appropriation. Prof Staff “Off-Step” Salaries & Benefits
Article 2 – Average Salary Increase • Salary increases are achieved through various means: on step, off step, degree changes, stipends, attendance bonus. Dollars in operating budget, and separate warrants. • Representative view of 8 employees that have been with the district for past 8 yrs: FY05 – FY13 • FY05: Average Salary = $44,460 • FY13: Average Salary = $60,410 Average Salary Increase = 4.5 % per year
Salary increases based on step table, lane change, attendance bonus are in the base budget and “automatic” due to continuation clause in School Board contract $135,581 “continuation clause: Evergreened” $ 40,743 proposed in Warrant Article ------------------------------------------------------ $176,324 in salary increases Article 2: Off-Step Increases
Special Meeting Article 3. Shall the Hollis Brookline Cooperative School District, if Article 2 is defeated, authorize the governing body to call one special meeting, at its option, to address Article 2 cost items only? The budget committee does/does not recommend this article. The school board recommends this article.
Support Staff “Off-Step” Salaries & Benefits Article 4. To see if the school district will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $15,851to fund the increase in cost items relative to support staff salaries and fringe benefits for the 2012-2013 school year which resulted from good faith negotiations with the support staff, and which represents the negotiated increase for those staff members that are off the salary table. This is the third year of a three-year contract. The budget committee does/does not recommend this appropriation. The school board recommends this appropriation.
Salary increases for those on the step table are automatic due to “Evergreen Law” $18,983 “Evergreened” $14,376 proposed in Warrant Article ------------------------------------------------------ $33,359 in salary increases (~2.0%) Article 4
Special Meeting Article 5. Shall the Hollis Brookline Cooperative School District, if Article 4 is defeated, authorize the governing body to call one special meeting, at its option, to address Article 4 cost items only? The budget committee does/does not recommend this article. The school board recommends this article.
School Operating Budget • Article 6. To see if the school district will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of $__________for the support of schools, for the payment of salaries for the school district officials and agents and for the payment of statutory obligations of the district. This appropriation does not include appropriations voted in other warrant articles. The budget committee recommends this article. The school board does/does not recommend this article.
Article 7. Shall the voters of the Hollis-Brookline Cooperative School District adopt a school administrative unit budget of $ 1,322,633 for the forthcoming fiscal year in which $706,087 is assigned to the school budget of this school district? This year’s adjusted budget of $ 1,357,546, with $ 716,064 assigned to the school budget of this school district, will be adopted if the article does not receive a majority vote of all the school district voters voting in this school administrative unit. The school board recommends this appropriation. The budget committee does / does not recommend this appropriation. SAU Budget
Business Administrator: Eric Horton Summarize next Warrants
Rescind Athletic Restricted Fund – Pay to Play Article 8. Shall the district rescind the provisions of RSA 31:95-c, (previously adopted at the annual district meeting in 2000), to restrict all revenues from fees for student participation in athletic programs for the purpose of defraying the cost of athletic programs so that any balance of principal or accumulated interest therein remaining shall be paid into the general fund? The school board recommends this appropriation.The budget committee does / does not recommend this appropriation. (Majority vote required).
Create Expendable Trust Fund Article 9. To see if the district will vote, pursuant to RSA 198:20-c, to establish an Expendable Trust Fund called the Athletic Program and Services Expendable Trust Fund, for the purpose of defraying, in part, as the Hollis-Brookline Cooperative School Board determines, the costs of athletic programs and related services of the District, including, but not limited to the maintenance and operation of such athletic programs and related services, and to name the Hollis-Brookline School Board as the agents to expend monies from said fund, including the right to expend both the principal and interest in said fund, said funds to be held as required by law by the trustees of the trust fund for the Town of Hollis, it being understood that the said School Board, as agents to expend from said fund, shall not be legally entitled to expend any monies from said fund without first conducting the public hearing required by RSA 198:20-c, (II), and no such expenditure may be made unless it is for a purpose for which this fund has been established and it being further understood that any monies remaining in said fund at the conclusion of the fiscal year shall not lapse into the general fund but may be carried over from year to year. The school board recommends this appropriation. The budget committee does / does not recommend this appropriation. (Majority vote required).
Expendable Trust Fund Article 10. Assuming the successful passage of the previous article, shall the district vote to raise and appropriate the sum of up to $200,000, the same to be paid into the Athletic Program and Services Expendable Trust Fund established by the passage of the preceding article, this sum to come from June 30 fund balance available for transfer on July 1, 2012, if available. The school board recommends this appropriation. The budget committee does / does not recommend this appropriation. (Majority vote required).
Access Catastrophic Aid • Article 11. To see if the school district will authorize the Hollis Brookline Cooperative School District to access future year state and federal catastrophic aid funds in the event that special education costs exceed budget limitations. The school board recommends this article.
Non-Agency SAA Balance Transfer Article 12. (By Petition) Shall the voters of the Hollis Brookline Cooperative School District within School Administrative Unit 41 require the School Board to transfer $94,000 to the FY12 General Fund. This money is the total amount of specific revenue-generating activity balances under the Student Activity Accounts that remained on June 30, 2011 (end of school year FY11). In the FY11 Audit report, the auditor specifically identified these revenue-generating activities and funds were improperly handled and not according to standard accounting practices. Some examples of these specific funds include Vending, Guidance, testing, parking permit fees, and building use. Please note that Agency funds, all sports team funds, and the Restricted Athletic fund (pay-to-play) are not included within this warrant. The budget committee does/does not recommend this appropriation. The school board does/does not recommend this appropriation.
Placeholder: Any additional Petition Warrants? Article
FY2012 - FY2013 Warrants * Note: Not voted by Budget Committee
Budget Summary * Note: Not voted by Budget Committee