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According to American related Statistic, there are large numbers of anti-biotic related emergencies. The Centre of Disease Control (CDC) in America is notoriously inefficient on studying and reporting antibiotic and drug-related side effects. No one denies that taking antibiotics can be absolutely life saving in certain situations, but there is no doubt that this wonderful medicine is completely overused and abused. It takes close to two years to regain a normal bacterial balance in your gut after antibiotic use. Next time when you are sick, why not try some immune boosting herbs, use copious amounts of vitamin C. For more details about 142,000 in Emergency rooms admitted due to Antibiotics, visit http://www.goldcoastdigestivehealth.com.au/142000-in-emergency-rooms-due-to-antibiotics/
Contents • Introduction • Anti-biotic • Immune Boosting Methods • Making an Faster Improvement • Conclusion
Introduction • Reading about an American statistic but let’s face it, that is a large number of antibiotic- related emergencies. • The Centre of Disease Control (CDC) in America is notoriously inefficient on studying and reporting antibiotic and drug-related side effects. • In this way there are many chances for these research experts to be underestimated.
Anti-Biotic • No one denies that taking antibiotics can be absolutely life saving in certain situations, but there is no doubt that this wonderful medicine is completely overused and abused. • Children ear infection and upper respiratory infection are usually viral which are still medicated with anti-biotic. • It will absolutely do nothing to a combat viral infection.
Immune Boosting Methods • It takes close to two years to regain a normal bacterial balance in your gut after antibiotic use and even then, some antibiotics will permanently kill off some beneficial bacteria strains that assist your natural immune deficiency. • Next time when you are sick, try some immune boosting herbs, use copious amounts of vitamin C, or even better, get some intravenous Vitamin C to give your immune system a real boost. • When you are sick, you can absorb 20 plus times Vitamin C.
Making an faster Improvement • Don’t wait till you feel like death warmed up before you do something about it. • Get on top of your sickness fast- the faster the better as this will shorten the duration of the sickness and get you back on your feet sooner.
Conclusion • How you manage your sickness however will make all the difference that is whether your immune system or digestive healthstays strong, else it is significantly weakened. • Be Judicious in how you treat your body. • And save the stronger alternatives such as antibiotics when you really need them.