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Are you suffering due to an increase in your blood sugar? <br>Well, you ought to know that this is one of the epidemics that has influenced the people almost all over the world. However, diabetes would not and should not influence your normal living conditions. <br>
Managing Your Life With Diabetes Management D o n’t let d i a b e tes r ule y our l i fe T I MC E L P . C O M
Areyousufferingduetoanincreaseinyourbloodsugar ? Well,yououghttoknowthatthisisoneoftheepidemics that hasinfluencedthepeoplealmostallover theworld.However, diabeteswouldnotandshouldnotinfluenceyournormalliving conditions. HERE,LETUSKNOWAFEWASPECTSRELATINGTHISCRITICAL DISORDER: T I MC E L P . C O M
Types OfDiabetes Youknowwhatdiabetesis.Letusknow about various types of diabetes which peopleencounter: Type 1Diabetes Thisisaconditionwhenthehumanbodydoesnot make enough insulin, making it ineffective for the bodytoconvertsugartoenergy.Inthis,peopleneed totakeinsulininjectionstohelptheirbody. Type 2Diabetes This is a condition when, though the human body makesinsulin,itisnotcapableofusingtheinsulinto produce the energy. Type 2 diabetes is the most commontypeofdiabeteswhichinfluencespeople.
Why is Diabetes A Big Concern? People with diabetes would experience conditions suchas: Lessofenergy Moretirednessandthirst Moreurgetourine Lesserhealingcapability Morebladderorskin infections
Some Other Troubles Associated WithDiabetes Call it a bad news- diabetes never occursalone.Itbringswithitselfsome serious body troubles suchas: Strokes and heartattack Eye-sighttroubleswhichcouldturn peopleblind Painintheentirebodywithtingling effects Kidneytroubles Gum,teethandotheroraltroubles
Living WithDiabetes If you follow just a few important points, diabetes would never be a hurdleinyourday-to-daylife.These are asfollows: Eatingplans Getthehelpofadieticianandprepare eatingplans Consume low-caloriefoods such as saturatedfatandtransfatetc. Increase the content of fibers in your diet Fruitsandveggiesshouldmakeupmostof yourdiet Insteadofsodaorjuice,relyonwater
Other Plans Spare time for workouts,morning walks, and other physical activities Avoid stress. Stress could increase the level of bloodsugar Get the assistance of some counselor or motivator to help you relive yourstress Take care of your medications and take them according to the schedule Stayactive
Most importantly, diabetes should not bring a change in your day-to-daylife. You could get the help of some good healthcare organization such as ‘Texas Integrative Medicine & Cardiology Clinic’ to get help from their diabetes managementprogram. T I MC E L P . C O M
THE E ND T H ANK Y OU A Presentationby- TexasIntegrativeMedicine&CardiologyClinic T I MC E L P . C O M