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Review: HTML Dog CSS Intermediate Tutorial. So far, we have looked at CSS selectors that correlate with HTML tags Now, we’ll see how you can define your own selectors using class and ID selectors
So far, we have looked at CSS selectors that correlate with HTML tags • Now, we’ll see how you can define your own selectors using class and ID selectors • Class and ID selectors allow you to format the same HTML element differently in different sections of your page. Class and ID Selectors
The HTML document contains the attributesID and Class to reference the style associated with that section in CSS: Class and ID Selectors
Class and ID selectors are indicated in both HTML and CSS, but only function stylistically, therefore they are not HTML elements but CSS elements • An ID selector is a name preceded by a hash ( # ) • A class selector is a name preceded by a period ( . ) Class and ID Selectors
You might use the ID “top” to give a particular element of text a specific background-color plus 1em of padding. Class and ID Selectors
Similarly, you might use the class “intro” to make a particular section of text the color red and with a font-weight of bold. Class and ID Selectors
The major difference between ID and class is that an IDis used for positioning individual elements on a page, as we will see coming up. • Given that a unique ID can only hold specify one position, it can only be applied to one element at a time on a page. • This unique ID can be used on multiple pages, but only once per page. • IDs are good for positioning elements. Class and ID Selectors
Class selectors can be used as many times as you need them on a single page, and are therefore not good for specifying where an element should appear on a page • Classelements are especially good for adding style details to a small section of text for emphasis throughout the page Class and ID Selectors
IMPORTANT: You can also apply selectors specific to the HTML elements within them (rather than all HTML elements within them) by simply stating the selector before the ( . ) • For example: p . jam {whatever } means that only the information within the “jam” class withinparagraph tags would be affected by the style described. Class and ID Selectors
You can give the same properties to a number of selectors without having to repeat them by separating the selectors by commas • Only do this, however if all selectors share all properties Grouping
If you structure your CSS well, you shouldn’t have to use a large number of class or ID selectors because you can specify properties within other selectors Nesting
By separating selectors with spaces we are saying “the ‘h1’ inside ID ‘top’ is color ‘#ff0’ and ‘p’ inside ID ‘top’ is red and bold” Nesting
Pseudo classes are bolted to selectors to specify a state or relation to the selector • They take the form selector: pseudo class { property: value;} PseudoClasses
There are four pseudo classes that can be used when applied to links: • link is for an unvisited link • visited is for a visited link • active is for a link when it is clicked on • hover is for a link when the cursor is held over it PseudoClasses
Some CSS properties allow a string of values, replacing the need for specifying foura number of separate properties • Property shorthand consists of values separated by spaces • margin, padding, and border-width allow you to amalgamate top, right, bottom, left in short-hand Shorthand Properties
border-width, border-color and border-style can also be summed up as, for example: Shorthand Properties
By stating just two values (such as margin: 1em 10em;) • The first value will be the top and bottom and the second value will be the right and left • Font related properties can also be gathered together with the font property • (‘/1.5’ is the line-height) Shorthand Properties
There are a number of properties involved in the manipulation of background images • The property background can deal with them all, bringing all the properties together: • background-color • background-image • background-position • top, center, bottom, left, right • background-repeat • this can be repeat, repeat-y, repeat-x, or no-repeat • Background-images can be used in most HTML elements – not just for the whole page (body) Background Images