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Sound. Sound Energy. Vibration. Vibration - back and forth movement of matter. Volume. Loudness of sound. Decibels. The volume of sound is measured in units called decibels. Describe the ways three musical instruments make sound. 1. Drums vibrate when they are hit.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sound Sound Energy

  2. Vibration • Vibration - back and forth movement of matter.

  3. Volume • Loudness of sound

  4. Decibels • The volume of sound is measured in units called decibels.

  5. Describe the ways three musical instruments make sound.

  6. 1.Drums vibrate when they are hit.

  7. 2. Stringed instruments vibrate when the strings are plucked or bowed.

  8. 3. The air inside wind instruments vibrates when the players blow into the instruments.

  9. Sound Waves Sound travels through the air in waves.

  10. Compression Waves Sound travels in Compression waves. After wave moves through spring, it returns to its original position. (Text - Pg. 548)

  11. Echo A sound that bounces off a surface is an echo.

  12. How do sounds travel?

  13. Sounds travel as waves of compressions. The waves move out in all directions and are absorbed or bounced back when they hit a surface.

  14. Pitch How high or low a sound is.

  15. Frequency The number of vibrations per second. (Ex. Shorter string vibrates faster = higher frequency = higher pitch Longer string vibrates slower = lower frequency=lower pitch

  16. Sound Transmission How sound reaches you. Molecules of air carry sound waves from the source to the listeners. A medium is matter that carries sound. Ex. Air

  17. When the singing group, One Direction” sings, they produce vibrations that compress the air.

  18. 2. The sound moves through the air as compression waves.

  19. The sound waves reach the audience, and they hear the singers’ performance.

  20. Speed of Sound waves through different materials. `

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