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LDRD Project Number:. UNCLASSIFIED // LANS Proprietary Information. Other Markings. Topic/Project. Pitch (elevator speech): Here is our idea, and here is why it is important. DESCRIPTION. ANTICIPATED IMPACT. BACKGROUND & MOTIVATION.
LDRD Project Number: UNCLASSIFIED // LANS Proprietary Information Other Markings Topic/Project Pitch (elevator speech): Here is our idea, and here is why it is important DESCRIPTION ANTICIPATED IMPACT BACKGROUND & MOTIVATION • Why is your initiative/idea credible? Provide analysis and empirical evidence to support your case. • What is it? • How does it work? • Are there any important assumptions and/or limitations? • Provide research results and empirical data to support your case • Reference a recent publication if helpful • Reference patents and patent applications for your technology • Add highlights • If development has already occurred (e.g. an LDRD project) are there indicators of success or key milestone achievements that are worth highlighting? • Please use graphics, tables and charts as much as possible, and limit words • Benefit to potential sponsors, national missions, etc. stated quantitatively • Insert table, graph, or other suitable visualization • Provide 3-4 bullet points or short sentences that address: • Who cares if you succeed? (Potential End Users) • What difference will success make? • What are the risks / payoffs? • Current practice and the limitations that it implies; gaps in present-day understanding • Insert table, graph, or other suitable visualization • Provide 1 – 2 bullet points or short sentences INNOVATION PATH FORWARD • What is the innovation/ discovery that lies at the heart of your initiative/idea? • Try to addresses technology gaps identified in Background & Motivation • Insert table, graph, or other suitable visualization • Provide 1 – 2 bullet points or short sentences • What is your path to mission benefit? • What steps are needed to advance the technology? Address: how long will it take, what are the milestones (MSs) / mid-term exams to check for success? • Example MSs: • MS mid FY1: develop operational prototype • MS end FY1: develop bench top prototype • … • FY3:Transition technology to industry and… • Anticipated TRL at project end • Current Technology Readiness Level (TRL) XXX • Justify TRL above in a short sentence • TRL descriptions are provided on slide 8 Point of Contact: (Name, Division, Phone, & Email) Other Markings UNCLASSIFIED // LANS Proprietary Information
INSTRUCTIONS & RESOURCES Instructions for Penta Chart Template Technology Readiness Levels Example Penta Charts
Instructions Target Audience: If you are submitting a penta chart to the ENG ER pre-proposal call, its primary use is for peer review by the ENG ER category team for pre-proposal assessment. For all other LDRD calls (DR and BBC/EEES/MID ER pre-proposals), the primary use of your penta chart will be for program development efforts. In either case, Program Managers, Program Directors and Business Development Executives at LANL will use your penta chart to promote your technology. They will be meeting with Program Managers, Science and Technology (S&T) Leaders, and Business Development Managers at various agencies and industry partners to try and generate new funding opportunities to continue research for your technology, and to identify technology transition opportunities. Program Development Process for Penta Charts: All quality penta charts will be vetted with the PI’s Division Office, the LANL Program Offices identified in the “Metadata” slides, The Feynman Center for Innovation Division (FCI-DO) (formerly Technology Transfer Division), LANL’s Intellectual Property (IP) Counsel, and Safe-1. If your penta chart is approved for external program development use, it will receive an LA-UR or LA-CP number and be uploaded into the Innovation to Go (ITG) module in LANL’s R&D Central site (rdcentral.lanl.gov). ITG is a full text searchable data base that houses all of LANL’s penta charts approved for external program development. For more information on ITG please visit rdcentral.lanl.gov, and click on the Innovation to Go module. The LDRD Program Office will coordinate getting your penta chart vetted and approved, providing it meets the quality standard for ITG. Make Penta Chart Readable by Non-Experts in your Field: Many potential customers (external to LANL) who view your penta chart will not have a technical background in your field. Ensure your penta chart is understandable to someone outside your field, and avoid the use of technical jargon and acronyms which many people may not know. Use Graphics (Fewer Words): Use graphics, charts, tables and other visuals as much as possible when developing your penta chart, and limit the number of words. Many who view your penta chart will not want to read a lot of text; too much text may lose your audience. Markings: The template is marked “LANL Proprietary” for two reasons: • Your penta chart is a mini proposal, and should only be distributed to people that have a need-to-know about your project. • Your penta chart will describe how your technology works and could contain potentially patentable information. FCI-DO and LANL’s IP Counsel will be reviewing all penta charts for potentially patentable information. If you add information to your penta chart that is Official-Use-Only (OUO), Export Controlled Information (ECI) and/or Protected CRADA Information, please ensure your penta chart is marked appropriately. Questions: For general questions regarding penta charts and Innovation to Go, please contact itg@lanl.gov For questions regarding LDRD and the LDRD proposal process, please contact ldrd@lanl.gov
Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) There are many different versions and descriptions for Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). Below are the approved TRL descriptions for LANL. TRL • Basic Principle Identified: The invention exists only on paper based on the discovery of a new principle, means for carrying out a function, or new combination of capabilities. There is some evidence that the invention will work, but no detailed calculations or validation. • Concept Formalized in Theoretical Form: The invention has been tested on paper. “Killer” issues have been identified and there is an understanding of the experimentation required to test those issues. Sufficient detail exists to build a prototype system, leveraging TRL proof of the underlying physical approach advocated. Quantitative analysis, simulation, experiment, and/or engineering realizations for critical components of the proposed system may be used to advocated the approach/method.. Component Prototypes Built and Proof-of-Concept Testing Completed: The individual components that make up the invention have been physically constructed and the behavior of those components has been tested at some level. While killer issues have not been resolved yet, the research program has the tools and understanding necessary to test those killer issues Component Prototypes Tested in a Controlled Environment: The individual component prototypes have been tested in the laboratory in a way that resolves previously known killer issues and identifies the challenges to full system integration. Prototype performance has been confirmed to be superior to the current state of the art in some relevant aspect of performance. Component Prototypes Tested in an Operational Environment: The individual component prototypes have been tested subject to real world variability, identifying the primary challenges to full scale system integration and operation. The inventors have data that supports the belief that the fully integrated system (the invention as a whole) is superior to the current state of the art in some relevant aspect of performance. Full System Prototype Built with Components Thoroughly Tested: The tested components have been assembled into the complete system. This is the first time that the invention in all its parts has been brought together. Component integration challenges may remain, but they have been identified and a plan of testing has been developed. Full System Prototype Tested in a Controlled Environment: A full system comprised of all components has been tested at the laboratory scale. Any killer issues related to fundamental performance have been resolved. Data on performance are documented and available for peer review. Full System Prototype Tested in an Operational Environment: The full system has been tested subject to real world variability, identifying (but not necessarily resolving) any remaining technical challenges to full scale production and use. Production System Built and Tested: At least one full-scale production unit has been produced and successfully used in the intended operating environment. The performance advantages over the previous state of the art are quantified and production issues such as cost, reliability, lifetime, and use limitations are well understood. TRL TRL TRL TRL TRL TRL TRL
Example Penta Charts PLEASE NOTE: The example penta charts provided are for completed LDRD projects. The “Anticipated Impact” section and the “Path Forward” section differ from what is required for the LDRD calls for proposals. PLEASE FOLLOW THE TEMPLATE.
LA-UR-13-29444 UNCLASSIFIED PathScan: Finding the Attacker Within the Network PathScan Analyzes the Behavior of Subgraphs of Communicating Computers for Anomaly Detection DESCRIPTION BACKGROUND & MOTIVATION ANTICIPATED IMPACT • Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) on operational networks in near real-time • Statistical modeling of network behavior • Fast, parallel subgraph enumeration, • Examining billions of subgraphs within enterprise-level computer networks • How it works: • 1) Large networks are broken into billions of small paths Real-time detection of sophisticated adversaries traversal behavior on a network Modern Anomaly Detection for Computer Networks Models Events Independently • Identifying deviations from historic activity • Does not ask about deviations among subgraphs of communicating hosts Figure shows real APT detection. (Red nodes are verified compromised machines) Deep analysis of historical network data to find previously unknown attackers INNOVATION PATH FORWARD 2) Models of the historic behavior are compared with observed data on each path • Implement outside LANL: • Prototype and beta test on external networks: • Government and commercial • Validate and harden algorithms against broader sets of network data: • Other Government • Commercial: Financial industry, Oil & gas industry. entertainment industry, etc. • Potential End Users: • All large IT networks (government and commercial) at enterprise level 3) Those paths which exceed a threshold of anomalousness (weirdness) are alarmed upon • Analyzing subgraphs of communicating computers provides better signal-to-noise ratios. • Lower false alarm rate • Higher true alarm rate • Better forensic information—providing a fuller description of the overall attack • Assumptions & Limitations • Main limitation is often access to high-quality internal network data • We provide expertise in collecting data to help new networks quickly get up to speed TRL 5: PathScan is being tested in an operational testbed at LANL on LANL’s networks. PathScan has also been tested on other Government networks Point of Contact: Mike Fisk Advanced Computing Solutions Program Office 505-667-5119, mfisk@lanl.gov UNCLASSIFIED
LA-UR-13-29444 UNCLASSIFIED Rapid Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Rapid diagnosis of active tuberculosis to minimize associated mortality, and facilitate timely countermeasures DESCRIPTION ANTICIPATED IMPACT BACKGROUND & MOTIVATION Rapid, early diagnosis of active tuberculosis, extendable to all pathogens A novel pathogen biomarker-based assay for the diagnosis of active tuberculosis and validated it in a blinded clinical study. Current diagnosis of active tuberculosis is inadequate, especially with HIV co-infection in endemic populations • The approach uses three different assays to detect pathogen biomarkers directly from host urine and blood. • sandwich immunoassays • membrane insertion • high-density lipoprotein capture technology • Start to finish diagnostics: • Sampling • Ligands • Novel assays • Clinical validation • Sensitive fieldable platform • Clinical validation Detection in TB patients but not in controls in a double-blinded study 100 Years Ago Today Ability to detect small molecules and amphiphilic pathogen biomarkers, previously undetectable INNOVATION Detection of a suite of pathogen biomarkers using novel strategies PATH FORWARD High-density lipoprotein capture for discovery and detection of biomarkers in host blood • Clinical Demonstrations • Advance assay technology • Extend technology to other pathogens • Technology Transition • Develop for commercial use • Develop a single platform for human and veterinary diagnostics • Potential End Users: • Medical diagnostics and biosensor/bio-detection companies Detection with a fluorescently labeled antibody Waveguide with phospholipid bilayer Antigen Insertion glu Potentially extendable to all classes of pathogen biomarkers. For amphiphiles, approach optimization may vary depending on host carrier molecules and stability in the bilayer. Optimization may be required for some biomarkers. Rha Rha TRL 3: New assay methods developed and proof of concept demonstrated: HDL capture and membrane insertion. Threefull system sensor prototypes developed and tested with sandwich immunoassays. Mycobactin-T • Membrane insertion for detection of monomeric amphiphiles, application to small molecules Point of Contact: Dr. Harshini Mukundan, Chemistry Division, 505-606-2122 harshini@lanl.gov UNCLASSIFIED