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interfaithimmigration.org. Welcome to the IIC’s Post-Election Analysis Call Monday, November 12 th , 2012 Call and Webinar will begin at 4 :00p.m . EST Please dial (605) 475-4700 & enter 833838#
interfaithimmigration.org Welcome to the IIC’s Post-Election Analysis Call Monday, November 12th, 2012 Call and Webinar will begin at 4:00p.m. EST Please dial(605) 475-4700& enter 833838# The audio & visual portions are NOT linked. You must dial this number to hear the audio for the webinar. All lines are muted until Q&A periods.
Agenda 4:00Welcome & Overview of call 4:05 Presidential Election Results Angie Kelly, Center for American Progress 4:15 Q&A and discussion of implications 4:25 Congressional Election Results Micheal Hill, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops 4:35 Q&A 4:45 Sharing local election results, discussion next steps 5:00 Conclude
Foreshadowing: Candidates’ Positions on Immigration “The second thing I’m confident we’ll get done next year is immigration reform. And since this is off the record, I will just be very blunt. Should I win a second term, a big reason I will win a second term is because the Republican nominee and the Republican Party have so alienated the fastest-growing demographic group in the country, the Latino community. And this is a relatively new phenomenon. George Bush and Karl Rove were smart enough to understand the changing nature of America. And so I am fairly confident that they’re going to have a deep interest in getting that done. And I want to get it done because it’s the right thing to do and I've cared about this ever since I ran back in 2008. “ – Obama in initially ‘off the record’ interview with Des Moines Register
Making a new reality: Voter Turnout efforts MiFamiliaVota, My Faith My Vote, and other voter registration and turnout drives made a difference in turnout across the country
Voter Turnout Data from the Pew Hispanic Center: Latino Voters in the 2012 Election: http://www.pewhispanic.org/files/2012/11/2012_Latino_vote_exit_poll_analysis_final_11-09.pdf
Post-election messaging • The 2012 election is a game changers. Election results show that Americans want real solutions on immigration reform • Voters rejected the non-solutions of ‘self deportation’ and state anti-immigrant laws • In Maryland specifically, voters stood in solidarity with DREAMers to see equitable in-state tuition access for undocumented students. • Latino, Asian and immigrant voters played a huge role in re-electing the President and in helping Democrats hold the Senate. And immigration played a huge role in mobilizing the Latino and immigrant vote. • America deserves a common sense immigration process that keeps families together and puts 11 million new Americans on the road to citizenship. • Both parties need to work together to fix our immigration system.
Response Speaker John Boehner: “This issue has been around far too long...A comprehensive approach is long overdue, and I’m confident that the president, myself, others can find the common ground to take care of this issue once and for all.” Sean Hannity: “It’s simple to me to fix it… I think you control the border first. You create a pathway for those people that are here — you don’t say you’ve got to go home. And that is a position that I’ve evolved on. Because, you know what, it’s got to be resolved. The majority of people here, if some people have criminal records you can send them home, but if people are here, law-abiding, participating for years, their kids are born here, you know, first secure the border, pathway to citizenship, done.” Sen. Schumer, Nov 8: “This is a breakthrough to have the Speaker endorse the urgency of comprehensive immigration reform. Democrats in the Senate look forward to working with him to come up with a bipartisan solution.”
Response Newt Gingrich: “The Republican Party has to be open to and listening to people who are going to be a major part of our future and unless we do that, we’re going to be a minority party…Now, I don’t think that means you automatically embrace every new idea that President Obama sends up to Capitol Hill, but I think you do have to have an attitude towards the Latino population — not necessarily towards the president — that is much, much more inclusive than it has been in the past.” Mike Murphy (GOP Strategist): “We have a Latino problem that just cost us a national election. We’re going to have to have a very adult conversation that might turn into an intraparty fistfight about how we become electable again.”
What are the implications… • On DACA renewal and expansion? • On ‘comprehensive immigration reform’? • On DREAM Act or other, smaller pieces? • On Administrative actions (specifically enforcement actions like ‘Secure Communities’?
What are the implications… • On ‘comprehensive immigration reform’? • On DREAM Act or other, smaller pieces?
Where do we go from here? • Post-election narrative & Letters to the Editor • Breaking Bread & Building Bridges • DREAM Sabbaths & Family Unity Vigils • New Member Visits in Local Districts & DC
IIC Contacts by organization • African American Ministers in Action: Leslie Malachi, lmalachi@pfaw.org • American Jewish Committee: Chelsea Hanson, hansonc@ajc.org • American Friends Service Committee: Jessica Roach, jroach@afsc.org • Bread for the World Institute: Andrew Wainer, awainer@bread.org • Church World Service: Jen Smyers, jsmyers@churchworldservice.org • Disciples of Christ: Ken Brooker Langston, revkenbl@yahoo.com • Episcopal Migration Ministries: Katie Conway, kconway@episcopalchurch.org • Franciscan Action Network: Patrick Carolan, pcarolan@franciscanaction.org • Friends Committee on National Legislation: Ruth Flower, flower@fcnl.org • Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: Liza Lieberman, liza.lieberman@hias.org • Interfaith Worker Justice: Thomas Shellabarger, tshellabarger@iwj.org • Irish Apostolate USA: Geri Garvey, administrator@usairish.org • Islamic Information Center: HajarHosseini, hosseini@islamicinformationcenter.org • Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, ShainaAber, saber@jesuit.org • Jewish Council for Public Affairs: ElyssaKoidin, ekoidin@thejcpa.org • Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: Nora Skelly, nskelly@lirs.org • Mennonite Central Committee: Tammy Alexander, talexander@mcc.org • Muslim Public Affairs Council: HodaElshishtawy, hoda@mpac.org • Sisters of the Good Shepherd: Larry Couch, lclobbyist@gsadvocacy.org • NETWORK: Sr. Mary Ellen Lacy, D.C., melacy@networklobby.org • Pax Christi: Scott Wright, scott@tassc.org • PICO: Michele Rudy, michelerudy@yahoo.com • Presbyterian Church, USA: Melissa Gee, melissa.gee@pcusa.org • Sisters of Mercy of the Americas: Regina McKillip, rmckillip@sistersofmercy.org • Sojourners: IvoneGuillen, iguillen@sojo.net • Union for Reform Judaism: Amelia Viney, aviney@rac.org • Unitarian Universalist Association: Craig Roshaven, croshaven@uua.org • United Church of Christ: Rev. Mari Castellanos, castellm@ucc.org • United Methodist Church: Bill Mefford, bmefford@umc-gbcs.org • UNITED SIHKS: Harpreet Singh, harpreet.singh@unitedsikhs.org • U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: Kevin Appleby, kappleby@usccb.org • World Relief: Jenny Yang, jgyang@worldrelief.org