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Explore the application of Grover's O(√n) Quantum Search Algorithm in searching physical regions. Discover how the finite speed of light and the holographic principle affect search complexity. Learn about the limitations and potential solutions in achieving optimal search time for different dimensions.
Quantum Search of Spatial Regions Scott Aaronson (UC Berkeley) Joint work with Andris Ambainis (IAS / U. Latvia)
Intro Grover’s O(n) Quantum Search Algorithm: Great for combinatorial search But can it help search a physical region? Why is a computer scientist asking such a thing?
Speed of light is finite Consider a quantum robot searching a 2D grid: n Robot Marked item n We need n Grover iterations, each of which takes n time, so we’re screwed! What even a dumb computer scientist knows: THE SPEED OF LIGHT IS FINITE
Grover’s Algorithm Unsorted database of n items Goal: Find one “marked” item • Classically, order n queries to database needed • Grover 1996: Quantum algorithm using order n queries • BBBV 1996: Grover’s algorithm is optimal
Grover Illustration Initial Superposition |000 |001 |010 |011 |100 |101
Grover Illustration Amplitude of Solution State Inverted |100 |000 |001 |010 |011 |101
Grover Illustration All Amplitudes Inverted About Mean |000 |001 |010 |011 |100 |101
Talk Outline • The Physics of Databases • Algorithm for Space Search • Application: Disjointness Protocol • Open Problems
Trouble: Suppose our “hard disk” has mass density We saw Grover search of a 2D grid presented a problem… So why not pack data in 3 dimensions? Then the complexity would be n n1/3 = n5/6
Holographic principle Once radius exceeds Schwarzschild bound of (1/), hard disk collapses to form a black hole Makes things harder to retrieve… Actually worse—even a 2D hard disk would collapse once radius exceeds (1/)! 1D hard disk would not collapse… But we care about entropy, not mass A ball of radiation of radius r has energy (r) but entropy (r3/2)
Holographic principle Holographic Principle:A region of space can’t store more than 1.41069 bits per meter2 of surface area So Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity bothyield a n lower bound on search If space had d>3 dimensions, then relativity bound would be weaker: n1/(d-1) Is that bound achievable? Apparently not, since even stronger limit (Bekenstein’s) applies for weakly-gravitating systems
What We Will Achieve If n ~ rc bits are scattered in a 3D ball of radius r (where c3 and bits’ locations are known), search time is (n1/c+1/6) (up to polylog factor) For “radiation disk” (n ~ r3/2): (n5/6) = (r5/4) For n ~ r2 (saturating holographic bound): (n2/3) = (r4/3) To get O(n polylog n), bits would need to be concentrated on a 2D surface
Objections to the Model • Would need n parallel computing elements to maintain a quantum database • Response: Might have n “passive elements,” but many fewer “active elements” (i.e. robots), which we wish to place in superposition over locations • (2) Must consider effects of time dilation • Response: For upper bounds, will have in mind weakly-gravitating systems, for which time dilation is by at most a constant factor
Back to the Main Issue Classical search takes (n) time Quantum search takes (rn) (r = maximum radius of region) Can we do anything better? Benioff (2001): Guess we can’t…
Revenge of computer science • Idea: Recursively divide into sub-squares Using amplitude amplification techniques of BHMT’2002, we get: O(n log3n) for 2D grid O(n) for 3 and higher dimensions REVENGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE • We can.
What’s the Model? • Undirected connected graph G=(V,E) • Bit xi at each vertex vi • Goal: Compute some Boolean f(x1…xn){0,1} • State can have arbitrary ancilla z: • Alternate query transforms • with ‘local’ unitaries • What does ‘local’ mean? Depends on your religion
Locality religions FARHIOLOGY H THERE IS ONLY THE HAMILTONIAN Defining Locality: 3 Choices (1) Unitary must be decomposable into commuting local operations, each acting on a single edge (2) Just don’t “send amplitude” between non-adjacent vertices: if (i,j)E then (3) Take U=eiH where H has eigenvalues of absolute value at most , and if (i,j)E then (1) (2),(3). Upper bounds will work for (1); lower bounds for (2),(3)
Amplitude AmplificationBrassard, Høyer, Mosca, Tapp 2002 • Generalization of Grover search • If a quantum algorithm has success probability , then by invoking it 2m+1 times (m=O(1/)), we can make the success probability
In More Detail: d3 • Assume there’s a unique marked item • Divide into n1/5 subcubes, each of size n4/5 • Algorithm A: • If n=1, check whether you’re at a marked item • Else pick a random subcube and run A on it • Repeat n1/11 times using amplitude amplification • Running time:
d3 (continued) • Success probability (unamplified): • With amplification: • (since is negligible) • Amplify whole algorithm n1/22 times to get
d=2 • Here diameter of grid (n) exactly matches time for Grover search • So we have to recurse more, breaking into squares of size n/log n • Running time suffers correspondingly: • (best we could get)
Multiple Marked Items • If exactly r marked items: • for d3. Basically optimal: • If at least r marked items, can use “doubling trick” of BBHT’98 to get same bound for d3. For d=2 we get
Search on Irregular Graphs • Our algorithm can be adapted to any graph with good expansion properties (not just hypercubes) • Say G is d-dimensional if for any v, number of vertices at distance r from v is (min{rd,n}) • Can search in time • Main idea: Build tree of subgraphs bottom-up
Bits Scattered on a Graph • If G is >2-dimensional, and has h possible marked items (whose locations are known), then • Intuitively: Worst case is when bits are scattered uniformly in G
Application: Disjointness • Problem: Alice has x1…xn{0,1}n, Bob has y1…yn They want to know if xiyi=1 for some i • How many qubits must they communicate? • Buhrman, Cleve, Wigderson 1998: • Høyer, de Wolf 2002: • Razborov 2002:
Disjointness in O(n) Communication B A State at any time: Communicating one of 6 directions takes only 3 qubits
Random walk Open Problem #1 Can a quantum walk search a 2D grid efficiently? (Maybe even n time instead of n log3n?) Promising numerical evidence (courtesy N. Shenvi)
Starfish n Open Problem #2 Here’s a graph of diameter n that takes (n3/4) time to search (by BBBV’96 hybrid argument): Does it also take (n3/4) time to decide if every row of a 2D grid has a marked item?
2D Turing machine Open Problem #3 Cosmological constant 10-122 > 0 (type-Ia supernova observations) Number of bits accessible to any one observer is at most 3/ (Bousso 2000, Lloyd 2002) How many of those ~10123 bits could a computer “use” before they recede past its horizon? Our result shows a quantum computer could search more of the bits than a classical one But what about using them as memory?
2D Turing machine Open Problem #3 (con’t) Consider a “2D Turing machine” with O(n) time, a square worktape, and a separate input tape Is there anything it can do with an nn worktape that it can’t do with a nn worktape? What about a quantum TM? Related to Feige’s embedding problem: Given n checkers on an nn checkerboard, can we move them to an O(n)O(n) board so that no 2 checkers become farther apart in L1 distance?
Conclusions Not all strings have n bits • No fundamental obstacle to quantum speedup for search of physical regions • We should look for other “pure” CS theory questions inspired by laws of physics Quantum computing is just one example