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Enhancing European Civil Society: EU Financial Arrangements & Cooperation

Explore the EU's financial support for Civil Society cooperation & intervention, promoting cross-border collaboration and best practices dissemination. Understand the significance, necessity, and impact of these financial arrangements.

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Enhancing European Civil Society: EU Financial Arrangements & Cooperation

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  1. Active European Citizenship DIA – EU: Dialogue with the E.U. – The voices of the Citizens A

  2. Financial arrangements of cooperation & implementation Speech’s theme The specific speech concerns the presentation of the financial arrangementthat E.U is using for supporting and promoting the cooperation and intervention related with the Civil Society. Emphasize will be given to the financial arrangements funded directly through the European Unionand not in a National level, since only the first ones: • Have international, cross-bordercharacter, favoring (promoting) the cooperationamong partners from different countries • Promotein practicethe diffusion of the expertise and the best practicesamong different geographical areas • Form the basic tool of active implementationfor NGOsin the field of Civil Society 2

  3. Necessity of financial arrangement existence • Until the middle of the ’90s, the civil society could not developa dynamic action, as the vehicles were entrappedin a Europe where: • Emphasis was givenexclusively to the economy and to promoting firstly the economic and secondly the monetary union • The mobility of the people wasn’t easy from one country to another, creatinghermetically to the transfer of technical know-howand to co-operations • There were not platforms and fields for international cooperation among vehicles of the Civil Society • The structure of the vehicles of the Civil Society wasrudimentaryand the available financial resources for action development were minimum • The National levelpredominatedagainst European or international level 3

  4. Targets of financial arrangements The activation of financial arrangements regarding the Civil Society’s actionsfrom the European Unionserved the following aims : • To empower and provide the necessary financial resources to the vehicles that activate in the Civil Society • To create the appropriate platform of international cooperationand exchange of experience among different National vehicles • To promote the Democracy and the participation of the citizens in all the social activities • To produce a spirit ofsocial solidarity and a system of values • To set the foundations for an inter-cultural dialogue and communication • To secure the national traditions 4

  5. Financing Channels The resources were disposed from the European Union for the financing of actions regarding the Civil Society leaked through : 1.NGOs aiming to the promotion of relevant actions 2.Governmental Vehicles and Services with similar subjects 3.Regional and Local authorities 4.UniversityInstitutions and others vehicles of Higher Education 5.Other non-profit vehicles and networks 5

  6. Forms of Financial Arrangements(1/2) During the last decade, European Unionhas contributedseveral billions ofeuros for the funding of actions of the Civil Society through a seriesof Programs, totallyor partlyfocused on the social field. Indicativelyare reported: 6

  7. Forms of Financial Arrangements (2/2) 7

  8. Evaluation of the efficiency of financial arrangements The E.U. used financial instruments for the support of the Civil Society whichconstituted the vehicle for the development of relevant actions. The benefits, however, could be maximized if confront the following disfunctions : • Partially and not fully matchEuropean and Nationalstrategies and priorities • Insufficient capitalisation of the productive project and its conversion into Best Practices • Influence from non relevant vehicles to the Civil Society for promoting politicians • Insufficient evaluation of the vehicles that implement these kind of actions for future purposes • Insufficient participation of the vehicles of Civil Society toconsultation for the planning and determination of priorities of the financial arrangements 8

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