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Emerald Valley Chess Camp

Join Emerald Valley Chess Camp for a comprehensive 10-week program that covers basic and special piece movements, tactics, reference information, simple and complex tactics, checkmates, openings, piece positions, and more. Develop your chess skills and become a strategic mastermind!

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Emerald Valley Chess Camp

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Emerald Valley Chess Camp

  2. Emerald Valley Chess Camp10 week program

  3. Novice Session 1 : Basic Piece Movement

  4. Novice Session 1 : Special Piece Movement Castling Promotion En-passant

  5. Novice Session 2 : Basic Tactics Discovered Attack Double Check Fork Skewer Pin Sacrifice X-ray Deflection Overloading Windmill Interference Desperado

  6. Session 2 : Reference InformationTactics • SIMPLE TACTICS • Pins (w Rook, Bishop, Queen) • Terminal Pin (Pinned to a check) • Forks (w Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King) • Royal Fork, Family Fork, • Knight Forks are safest • Bishops can fork rook, Rook can fork bishop • Fork a attacking higher rank piece with pawn support   • Skewers • Baits, Poisoned pawns • Discovered attack, discovered check • Double attack, Double check (by knight or bishop moves; or pawn captures only) • Double attacks are always discovered attacks • Removing the defender, Deflection • Interference • Perpetual check (to get a draw) • Desperado (damage by a doomed piece) • X-ray • COMPLEX TACTICS (for intermediate players) • Traps • Trapped Piece (Knights in corners, Bishops in h2-h7, Rooks/Queen tough) • Trapped King (Smothered mate) • King Attack • Breaking the pawn barrier • Choke - take away the escape square • Pawn Storm • Controlling Squares, not attacking • Blocking - stop the potential interposer • Clearance • File, Rank, Diagonal Clearance • Square Clearance • Deflection (of a defender of a piece or square) • Decoy • Combinations, Mate in 2,3,4 moves • Good Sacrifice, Bad Sacrifice • Windmill • Queen Mating Patterns

  7. Novice Session 4 : Simple Queen Mating Patterns Own pawns blocking Main Pattern With Bishop With Knight With Pawns With Bishop With Knight With Rook Main Pattern With King With Pawn

  8. Novice Session 5 : Simple Checkmates With Two Major Pieces (2 Rooks or Queen+Rook) With King and Queen With King and Rook

  9. Novice Session 6 : Openings • What to do in an opening ? • 1. Develop your pieces • Knights before bishops • One side before other (to enable castle) • Few pawn moves • No traffic jam • 2. Keep your king/queen safe • Castle • Don't get queen out early • 3. Control the center • What is Opening ? • What is Defense ?

  10. Novice Session 6 : Openings

  11. Novice Session 7 : How to play great chess ? Space. No Traffic Jam Center Control Tempo Attack King or Queen to gain tempo Develop  Improve  Regroup  Attack Slow down No Helicopter Hands Brain 100m/hr Teamwork Limit Exchanges 64 square vision Guess opponent’s best move ? No Bench

  12. Novice Session 8 : Piece Positions (Rooks/Knights/Bishops) Connect on Back Rank Double up on Open File Center and Forward Knight on Rim is Grim Knights Push to 7th Rank Back Rank Mates Rooks On Long Diagonals Point towards King Bishops

  13. Novice Session 9 : Putting it all together • OPENING • Develop your pieces • Knights • Bishops • Rook (Castle) • Rook (Queen battery/fork) • MIDDLEGAME • Improve your pieces • Outposts for knights • Active Bishops • Rooks on open files • Double up rooks • Rook lifts • Queen batteries • CALCULATION • Can I check mate ?  • Can he check mate ? • Opponent pieces (Queen, Rooks, Bishops, Knights, Pawns) • unprotected  • under-protected • over-worked (over-loaded) • My pieces   • unprotected • under-protected • over-worked • Look for tactics • Create a plan • Teamwork • Assemble the pieces • Attack • GUIDELINES • Don’t attack needlessly. Don’t check needlessly • Every move should have a purpose, in fact Double-Purpose • Look for double attacks • Start the battle with the least valuable piece • In a battery, lead with the rook/bishop (not queen) • Understand why is center control important • Don’t send your queen away from war for pawn shopping • When in enemy area, queens and rooks can vaccum clean • Play Actively, not passively. Seize the initiative. • Attacks - King-side, Queen-side, Center • Strong attack on one side, or multiple attacks. • Do not overprotect pieces. Do not preemptively protect if not necessary • Attacking interpose better than passive interpose • THINKING • When to exchange : • Exchange if piece up • If opponent on attack • When in trouble • If you want a draw • Don't exchange if piece down • Don't exchange your way to the end game • Guess your opponent’s moves • When Checked : • Capture the attacker • Attacking Interpose • Passive Interpose  • Escape Square • When Checking :  • Don't fly solo, have a co-pilot • Check without mate threat is meaningless • Smothered mates, back rank mates

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