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A. Cycle of War 1. Inflation 2. Destruction 3. Occupation 3. Taxes & Depression 4. Weapons B. King William's War 1689-1697 1. War of the League of Augsburg 2. No real territory changed hands in America 3. No real battles in America
A. Cycle of War 1. Inflation 2. Destruction 3. Occupation 3. Taxes & Depression 4. Weapons B. King William's War 1689-1697 1. War of the League of Augsburg 2. No real territory changed hands in America 3. No real battles in America 4. Indian allies used by English and French 5. Treaty of Ryswick 1697 6. Large war debt incurred by almost every colony C. Queen Anne's War 1702-1713 (second daughter of James II) 1. War of Spanish Succession 2. Heir to Spanish throne is grandson of the King of France 3. England fears a United Spain and France under one King XII. Wars for Empire
4. Spain and France fight English a. British gain from France i. Hudson Bay, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia b. British win from Spain i. Gibraltar, Minorca, Trade concession ii. Spain also lost their holdings in Holland and Italy iii. Philip becomes King of Spain iv. Spain & France agree to two kingdoms separate 5. Social effect of war a. growing debt in colonies b. ¼ English colonial forces die c. taxes and inflation d. increase poverty C. Preparations for more War 1. France and Louisiana a. 1718 New Orleans i. Secure trade up Mississippi River ii. 7,000 whites & 5,000 slaves
b. War with Natchez tribe c. Disease d. Similar to Charleston, South Carolina, agricultural colony e. No assembly, governor represents king, trial by tribunal 2. Spanish Colonies in America a. Sparsely populated b. Threatened by English, French and Russians i. Texas cut off by French ii. Florida by English iii. build more forts and populate area c. Incorporating Native Populations i. mission system ii. Popé's Rebellion (1680) d. Spanish frontier i. 1695 Explore California & propose mission system ii. California founded by prisoners and poor a. L.A. 44 settlers: 2 white, 1/2 indian, 1/2 black iii. Texas Hidalgos
3. English React with Georgia a. Reaction to War of Spanish Succession i. expected trouble ii. 1721 Board of Trade urged expansion of settlements iii. military buffer zone between S. Carolina and Florida a. populate with prisoners b. send more soldiers to area b. General James Oglethorpe (1732) i. help poor and struggling ii. stop Spanish advance north iii. King George I (great grandson of James I) gives charter a. 21 trustees b. 21 year charter then royal colony c. Strict Regimented Society in Georgia i. Order foremost in trustees minds ii. forbade alcohol iii. large tracts of land a. 500 acres each
b. spread out settlers c. property goes from father to son only d. no sons reverts back to trustees iv. ban on slavery to control large property ownership d. Few colonists i. most dislike the rules a. some don't like, no slaves b. some don't like, no assembly c. all want alcohol e. Colony reverts to crown after 20 years unprofitable D. The War of Jenkins' Ear 1. Georgia upset Spanish 2. British cheating on Asiento a. one ship a year b. one ship but fleet off coast 3. Spanish caught Robert Jenkins a. cut off his ear for smuggling 1731 b. goes to England 7 years later to complain
4. British merchants wish war for more Spanish concessions E. England and France at War again 1. 1739-1744 (War of Jenkins Ear) 2. 1744-1748 (War of Austrian Succession) a. Colonist call it all "King George's War" b. 5,000 English colonists died, primarily from disease c. English win Ft. Louisbourge entrance of St. Lawrence R. d. English loose territory in India e. Treaty of Aix-la Chapelle (English trade back all territory) f. Colonist upset about losses distrust Crown & Parliament