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Authentication Protocols

Authentication Protocols. The Premise. How do we use perfect cryptographic mechanisms (signatures, public-key and symmetric key encryption, hash functions, MACs) to design secure protocols (providing security services) over an un-trusted network?. Types of Authentication.

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Authentication Protocols

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  1. Authentication Protocols CSE 5349/7349

  2. The Premise How do we use perfect cryptographic mechanisms (signatures, public-key and symmetric key encryption, hash functions, MACs) to design secure protocols (providing security services) over an un-trusted network? CSE 5349/7349

  3. Types of Authentication • Peer entity authentication • Prevent masquerading • Ensure freshness • Data origin authentication • Claims of data origin • Prevention of forgery We are dealing with Entity Authentication CSE 5349/7349

  4. Definitions • Entity authentication: • Corroboration that an entity is the one claimed at a particular point in time. • Unilateral authentication: • Provides one entity with assurance of the other’s identity but not vice versa. • Mutual authentication: • Provides both entities with assurance of each other’s identity CSE 5349/7349

  5. Simple Challenge-Response AP • A B: Na • B A: { Na }kab • One way protocol using shared secret key CSE 5349/7349

  6. Mutual Authentication Using Needham-Schroeder (shared key) • M1 A -> S A, B, Na • M2 S -> A EKas{Na , B, Kab, EKbs{Kab, A} } • M3 A -> B EKbs{Kab, A} • M4 B -> A EKab{Nb} • M5 A-> B EKab{Nb-1} • Na is a random value chosen by A, Nb random chosen by B CSE 5349/7349

  7. NS – Public Key • KDC has well known public key • B’s public received from KDC • Challenge – response as before • We saw this in last class CSE 5349/7349

  8. Attacks on AP • Crypto system • We have seen many of them • Protocol • Replay • Oracle session • Parallel session CSE 5349/7349

  9. CSE 5349/7349

  10. CSE 5349/7349

  11. Fix for Replay Attack • Use time stamps • Needs securely synchronised clocks to prevent replay – not trivial • Drift window • Log of recent messages within the window • Logical time stamps? CSE 5349/7349

  12. Digital Signature Algorithms CSE 5349/7349

  13. Need for DS • No complete trust between the sender and the receiver • Properties: • Able to verify the author, time • Authenticate the content at time of signature • Signature verifiable by a third party • Direct and arbitrated CSE 5349/7349

  14. Use of RSA • When using RSA for both encryption and authentication: • Use the senders private key to sign the message • Use the recipients public key to encrypt the message • RSA can be used without increasing message size • More commonly use a hash function to create a digest which is then signed • Send this signed digest separate CSE 5349/7349

  15. DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) • US Federal Govt. approved signature scheme – used with SHA hash algorithm • Designed by NIST & NSA in early 90's • DSA is the algorithm, DSS is the standard • DSA is a variant on the ElGamal and Schnorr algorithms • Creates a 320 bit signature • Security again rests on difficulty of computing discrete logarithms • Has been quite widely accepted CSE 5349/7349

  16. Keyed Hash Functions • All the above signature schemes involve public key methods • Cost and size overheads • Have a need for a private key signature scheme • Use a fast hash function • Include a key along with the message: • KeyedHash = Hash(Key|Message) • KeyedHash = Hash(Key1|Hash(Key2|Message)) CSE 5349/7349

  17. HMAC • Use a keyed hash function HMACK = Hash((K+ XOR opad)||Hash((K+ XOR ipad)||M)) • where K+ is the key padded out to size • opad, ipad are specified padding values • Security is directly related to the security of the underlying hash • Any of MD5, SHA-1, RIPEMD-160 hash algorithms can be used CSE 5349/7349

  18. Kerberos CSE 5349/7349

  19. Kerberos • Trusted 3rd party authentication scheme. • Assumes that hosts are not trustworthy. • Requires that each client (each request for service) prove its identity. • Does not require user to enter password every time a service is requested Part of project Athena (MIT) CSE 5349/7349

  20. Kerberos Design • User must identify itself once at the beginning of a session • Every user has a password. • Every service has a password. • The only entity that knows all the passwords is the Authentication Server • Passwords are never sent across the network in clear-text (or stored in memory) CSE 5349/7349

  21. Kerberos Database Server Server Ticket Granting Server Server Server Workstation Authentication Server CSE 5349/7349

  22. Components • Encryption • Current Kerberos implementations (v4) use DES, although Kerberos V5 has hooks so that other algorithms can be used • Tickets • Each request for a service requires a ticket. • A ticket provides a single client with access to a single server • Tickets are dispensed by the “Ticket Granting Server” (TGS), which has knowledge of all the encryption keys • Tickets are meaningless to clients, they simply use them to gain access to servers. CSE 5349/7349

  23. Components - Tickets (cont’d) • The TGS seals (encrypts) each ticket with the secret encryption key of the server. • Sealed tickets can be sent safely over a network - only the server can make sense out of it. • Each ticket has a limited lifetime (a few hours) • Ticket Contents • Client name (user login name) • Server name • Client Host network address • Session Key for Client/Server • Ticket lifetime • Creation of timestamp CSE 5349/7349

  24. Components -Session Key • Random number that is specific to a session. • Session Key is used to seal client requests to server • Session Key can be used to seal responses (application specific usage) CSE 5349/7349

  25. Authenticators • Authenticators prove a client’s identity. • Includes: • Client user name. • Client network address. • Timestamp. • Authenticators are sealed with a session key. CSE 5349/7349

  26. Bootstrap • Each time a client wants to contact a server, it must first ask the 3rd party (TGS) for a ticket and session key. • In order to request a ticket from the TGS, the client must already have a TG ticket and a session key for communicating with the TGS CSE 5349/7349

  27. Authentication Server • The client sends a plaintext request to the ASasking for a ticket it can use to talk to the TGS. • Request: • login name • TGS name Since this request contains only well-known names, it does not need to be sealed. CSE 5349/7349

  28. Authentication Server • The AS finds the keys corresponding to the login name and the TGS name. • The AS creates a ticket: • login name • TGS name • client network address • TGS session key • The AS seals the ticket with the TGS secret key. CSE 5349/7349

  29. Authentication Server Response • The AS also creates a random session key for the client and the TGS to use. • The session key and the sealed ticket are sealed with the user (login name) secret key. Sealed with TGS key Ticket: login name TGS name net address TGS session key TGS session key Sealed with user key CSE 5349/7349

  30. Accessing the TGS • The client decrypts the message using the user’s password as the secret key. • The client now has a session key and ticket that can be used to contact the TGS. • The client cannot see inside the ticket, since the client does not know the TGS secret key. CSE 5349/7349

  31. Accessing a Server • When a client wants to start using a server (service), the client must first obtain a ticket. • The client composes a request to send to the TGS: sealed with TGS key TGS Ticket Authenticator sealed with session key Server Name CSE 5349/7349

  32. TGS response • The TGSdecrypts the ticket using its secret key. Inside is the TGS session key. • The TGSdecrypts the Authenticator using the session key. • The TGS check to make sure login names, client addresses and TGS server name are all OK. • TGS makes sure the Authenticator is recent. CSE 5349/7349

  33. TGS Response Once everything checks out - the TGS: • Builds a ticket for the client and requested server. The ticket is sealed with the server key. • Creates a session key • Seals the entire message with the TGS session key and sends it to the client. CSE 5349/7349

  34. Client Accesses Server • The client now decrypts the TGS response using the TGS session key. • The client now has a session key for use with the new server, and a ticket to use with that server. • The client can contact the new server using the same format used to access the TGS. CSE 5349/7349

  35. Requirements • Secure • Reliable • Transparent • Scalable CSE 5349/7349

  36. Problems • Single point of failure • Denial-of-service attack • Traffic • Reliability will compromise security CSE 5349/7349

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