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Learn about the theory of multiple intelligences according to Howard Gardner and identify your unique strengths through a self-assessment covering various intelligence types. Explore different activities and characteristics associated with verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligences.
Multiple Intelligences How are you smart?
Multiple Intelligences In 1983, a psychologist by the name of Howard Gardiner wrote a book called Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardiner believes that each person has many different types of intelligence, and that some are stronger than others. HOW ARE YOU SMART?!
Verbal Linguistic • Books are very important to me. • I enjoy word games like Scrabble. • I am good at remembering, talking and interacting. • Tongue twisters, rhymes and jokes are things I enjoy. • I can often hear the words in my head before I speak or write them down. • When I am out, I usually notice what signs on the road or at the mall say.
Logical Mathematical • I enjoy math and/or computers. • If something breaks and won't work, I look at the pieces and try to figure out how it works. • I enjoy solving brainteasers and other types of problems. • In my head, I easily see how numbers fit together or come apart (12 = 10 + 2, 6 + 6, etc.) • I love playing chess, checkers or Monopoly. • My mind searches for patterns and logical sequences in things.
Visual-Spatial • I enjoy jigsaw puzzles, mazes, and other visual puzzles. • I like to draw or doodle. • I like movies and photographs. • I am sensitive to colour. • I prefer to look at reading material with lots of pictures, maps and charts. • I rarely or never get lost.
Bodily Kinaesthetic • I play at least one sport or physical activity on a regular basis. • I like working with my hands to complete a project. • I often talk with my hands when explaining things to people. • I need to touch things in order to learn about them. • I find it difficult to sit for long periods of time. • My best ideas come to me when I am moving around.
Musical-Rhythmic • I frequently listen to music. • I often make tapping sounds, hum or whistle while I am working. • Songs from the radio or TV often run through my head. • If I hear a song once or twice, I can sing it back without many mistakes. • I can tell when a musical note is “off key”. • I play a musical instrument.
Interpersonal • I prefer group sports like baseball or basketball. • I have at least 3 close friends. • I feel comfortable in a crowd of people. • I would rather spend time with friends than stay home alone. • People often come to me for advice. • When I have a problem, I seek out others for help.
IntRA-personal • I regularly spend time alone thinking. • I have a special hobby or interest that I keep pretty much to myself. • I keep a personal diary or journal, even when I’m not at school. • I understand my own strengths and weaknesses. • I like learning more about myself. • I like to set goals for my future.
Naturalist • I like being around animals. • Exploring an overgrown field interests me. • I can easily recognize various types of plants and animals. • Learning about how people treat the earth is important to me. • I can hear animal and bird sounds clearly. • I have (or would like to have) a garden.
Now… Please put your name on your graph, and cut out your unique learning profile!