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ADMINISTRATIVE ENGLISH. COURSE OUTLINE. Basic terminology and issues in the administrative, economic, political and legal areas. Separation of powers: the legislative power, the executive power, the judicial power.
COURSE OUTLINE • Basic terminology and issues in the administrative, economic, political and legal areas. • Separation of powers: the legislative power, the executive power, the judicial power.
The concept of public administration. The system of public administration in Poland. Bodies and offices of public administration. Governmental administration. Local government and self-government.
The study and classification of law. Public and private law. Branches of law. Constitutional law. International law. Sources of law. • Public finance. Budget. Taxes classification, tax return.
International organizations. • Organization and functioning of an office. Preparing typical documents: messages and notes, emails, letters, memos, short reports.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING The grade is going to be based on a final written test or/and papers/tasks.
1. BEING A COUNTRY an area of land with its own people, government, etc. – obszar ziemi z własnym narodem, rządem, itd. Which country do you come from?
a country with its own government: state - państwo, (more formal) nation member states of the European Union – państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej the nations of Western Europe
national – krajowy, narodowy a national newspaper nationwide – ogólnokrajowy, o krajowym zasięgu a nationwidecampaign
a country that is headed by – kraj, na którego czele stoi a president: republic a king or queen: monarchy, kingdom
a country that is a union of states: federation federal a federal law - prawo federalne
2. THE PEOPLE OF A COUNTRY a person who lives in a country: inhabitant the inhabitants of India
a person whoislegally a member of a country: citizen a citizen of the United Kingdom citizenship Australiancitizenship
being a citizen of a particular country: nationality What nationality are you? She has Greek nationality.
allthecitizens of a country: thepeople, nation thepeople of France ThePresidentmade a speech to the nation. Prezydent wygłosił mowę do narodu.
the number of people who live in a particular place: population The population of Poland is ???
3. PARTS OF A COUNTRY • region, regional • district – dystrykt, dzielnica • province, provincial • an areainBritain, Ireland and the USA thathasitsownlocalgovernment: county - hrabstwo
the town or city where the government of a country is: capital - stolica ??? is the capital of the USA.
4. RELATIONS BETWEEN COUNTRIES foreign – zagraniczny, obcy a foreign language foreigner – obcokrajowiec, cudzoziemiec abroad – za granicą, za granicę Our son livesabroad.
sth that happens inside a country – coś, co ma miejsce w kraju: internal – wewnętrzny internal affairs – sprawy wewnętrzne
domestic – wewnętrzny, krajowy, domowy domestic flights – krajowe loty
internal ↔ external The current economic problems are caused by external factors. Obecne problemy gospodarcze spowodowane są czynnikami zewnętrznymi.
involving two or more countries – dotyczący co najmniej dwóch krajów: international an international trade agreement – międzynarodowa umowa handlowa
an agreementbetweentwo countries to supporteachother – umowa między dwoma krajami mająca na celu wzajemne wsparcie: alliance- sojusz a militaryalliance ally - sojusznik
if a country is not controlled by another country, itisindependent – niepodległy, niezależny Sloveniabecame independent from Yugoslaviain 1991. Słowenia stała się niezależna od Jugosławii w 1991 roku. independence The Day of Independencein Poland is on ???
theoperation of trade and business withoutgovernment control – funkcjonowanie handlu i biznesu bez kontroli rządu: freeenterprise– wolna konkurencja rynkowa privateenterprise– sektor prywatny
an economy where the government does not fix prices – gospodarka, w której rząd nie ustala cen: free-market economy – gospodarka wolnorynkowa
2. MONEY the kind of money that a country uses – rodzaj pieniądza wykorzystywany przez kraj: currency – waluta a strong currency
connected with money – związany z pieniędzmi: monetary the Government’s monetary policy - polityka monetarna rządu
the management of money: finance reduction of thevalue of money – obniżenie wartości pieniądza: devaluation The British poundhasbeendevaluated by 3% againstthe Swiss franc. Funt brytyjski zdewaluował się o 3% w stosunku do franka szwajcarskiego.
tax – podatek to increase taxes – podnosić podatki taxation – opodatkowanie budget
the government department that controls spending and taxation – organ rządu kontrolujący wydatki system podatkowy: the Treasury – Skarb Państwa
3. TRADE AND INDUSTRY demand – popyt ↔ supply – podaż trade, commerce – handel commercial - ??? industry – przemysł industrial - ???
4. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS GNP (gross national product) – PNB (produkt narodowy brutto) GDP (gross domestic product) - ???
a period in which an economy develops quickly – okres, w którym gospodarka szybko się rozwija: boom
to be financiallysuccessful – odnosić sukces finansowy: prosper prosperity - koniunktura prosperous – dobrze prosperujący a prosperous company
a sudden fall in trade or the value of sth – nagły spadek w handlu lub wartości: slump – załamanie, kryzys a slump in house prices – spadek cen mieszkań
a period when a country’s economy is not successful: recession The economy is moving out of recession. Gospodarka wychodzi z recesji.
a very serious recession: depression We’re facing another depression. Stoimy przed kolejnym głębokim kryzysem.
a failure in a business world – upadek, klęska w świecie biznesu: crash - krach the Wall Street crash of 1929
the general increase in prices – ogólny wzrost cen: inflation Inflation is now 2% per year. Inflacja wynosi obecnie 2% rocznie.
HOMEWORK 1. Revisenames of countries and nationalities (especiallyEuropean Union). 2. Whatarethemainpoliticalideas? 3. FindthePolisheuivalents of thefollowingproverbs: • In the country of theblind, the one eyedmanis a king. • Money can’t buy happiness. • Nothingiscertain but death and taxes.