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Two-dimensional space of qualities expressed in words

Two-dimensional space of qualities expressed in words. Victor Vvedensky. Adverbs and adjectives.

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Two-dimensional space of qualities expressed in words

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  1. Two-dimensional space of qualities expressed in words Victor Vvedensky

  2. Adverbs and adjectives Nouns and verbs are two most basic lexical elements of speech. Usually they correspond to entities and actions. Both objects and actions can be described in more detail using adjectives and adverbs together with nouns or verbs. Быстрый бег - Быстро бежал Чистая вода - Чисто мыл Хороший урок - Хорошо учил

  3. Russian adverbs and adjectives In Russian language corresponding adverbs and adjectives usually differ in just ending. This facilitates their search in texts, dictionaries or lists. In the frequency list of Russian words in particular. One can find 750 pairs adverbs/adjectives with the frequency of occurrence exceeding 1 per million in the large corpora of texts. Sharov S., The frequency dictionary for Russian. http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/ssharoff/

  4. Two-dimensional representation of qualities expressed in Russian adverbs and adjectives 750 pairs of Russian adverbs and adjectives expressing the same quality. The horizontal coordinate of each point gives the binary logarithm of the frequency of occurrence of the adverb per million words, while the vertical coordinate gives the logarithm of the frequency for the corresponding adjective. точный-точно чистый-чисто редкий-редко

  5. Russian and French systems of adverbs and adjectives счастливо heureusement недовольно d'un air mécontent испуганно avec frayeur старательно soigneusement озабоченно d'un air préoccupé неудачно sans succès нежно tendrement подозрительно d'une façon suspecte охотно volontiers отлично parfaitement неудобно d'une manière incommode сердито avec dépit

  6. Two-dimensional distribution for Russian verbs having perfective and imperfective forms in the past tense Most verbs come in pairs, one with imperfective or continuous connotation, the other with perfective or completed, usually formed with a (prepositional) prefix, but occasionally using a different root. E.g., спать ('to sleep') is imperfective; поспать ('to take a nap') is perfective.

  7. Two-dimensional distribution of German word roots forming both nouns and verbs We see that the ability of a root to form either noun or verb with certain frequency of use in the everyday speech depends in a simple way on its position on a portion of two-dimensional surface. The cortical areas supporting language take shape during language acquisition in childhood. One can think that the words (roots) which are used more often will be represented in the cortex in more favorable positions for the everyday use then the rare words (roots).

  8. Bilingual listening and reading Involvement of different places for reading and listening in bilingual person is observed Neuroimaging, Language, and Reading. Fletcher, Simos, Shaywitz, Shaywitz, Pugh, Papanicolaou

  9. Small cortical patches with a certain function Brain studies, using special functional staining techniques, reveal confined areas performing definite tasks. These portions of the monkey cortex extract visual features with certain orientation. They are about 1 mm x 2 mm large. Rich internal connections can impart this cortical patch with properties reflected as additional dimensions. D.H.Hubel, Eye, Brain, and Vision

  10. Central connections of hearing

  11. The principal central connections of speech

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