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From FP6 “Food Quality and Safety” to FP7 “Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology” Info Day, 20 September, 2005 University of Plovdiv Prof. Ivan N. Minkov NCP TP5 Food Quality and Safety, FP6 BULGARIA minkov@pu.acad.bg. Integrating European Research. FP6 (2002-2006).
From FP6 “Food Quality and Safety” to FP7 “Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology” Info Day, 20 September, 2005 University of Plovdiv Prof. Ivan N. Minkov NCP TP5 Food Quality and Safety, FP6 BULGARIA minkov@pu.acad.bg
Integrating European Research FP6 (2002-2006) Anticipating S/T Needs Priority Thematic Areas Scientific support to policies New and emerging S/T needs Food quality and safety Life Sciences, genomics & biotechnology for health Information society technol. Sustainable development ... SME activities Citizens & governance Nanotechnologies ... Aeronautics and space International cooperation JRC Structuring the ERA Strengthening the foundations of ERA Research & Innovation Training & Mobility Research Infrastructures Science & Society
Food intake Health and well-being of Consumer Safe, high-quality foods Production Processing Environmental factors Food Quality and Safety Fork-to-Farm 685 M€ over the four years (EU15)
Results from Thematic Priority 5 CALL 3
Call Publication: July 24th 2004 Deadlines: October 7th 2004 (for IP and NoE outline proposals) Stage-1 evaluation based on a reduced set of criteria (only consensus in Brussels) February 8th 2005 (for IP and NoE full proposals) Stage-2 evaluation based on full set of criteria (remote & consensus) February 8th 2005 (for STREP and CA) single-stage evaluation (remote & consensus) Thematic Priority 5 CALL 3 General features
TP 5 CALL 3 8 areas (26 topics) • Total Food Chain (3 topics) • Epidemiology of food-related diseases and allergies (3 topics) • Impact of food on health (4 topics) • “Traceability” processes along the production chain (2 topics) • Methods of Analysis, detection and control (3 topics) • Safer and environmentally friendly production methods and technologies and healthier foodstuffs (6 topics) • Impact of animal feed on human health (4 topics) • Environmental health risks (2 topics) Total food chain
Top 12 NI proposalsParticipants from AC and ACC • Martisa Vegetable Crop Research Institute
Instrument: Specific Support Action (SSA) Duration: 6 months Coordinator: AgroBioInstitute (BG) Participants: BG (3), RO (1), TK (1), NL (1) Rationale: The appropriate use and management of rural areas poses new questions to science and policy in new MS and ACC Objective: To assess scientific priorities and a new approach in management of knowledge by all stakeholders Means: a Conference – 3/5 October 2005 – Sofia CAP-ACC project CAP reform and building a knowledge-based agriculture in rural areas of ACC
Ongoing Projects SSA FoodLink Participant SSA Animal Science Participant SSA TrainNet Future Participant SSA AgriPolicy Participant Financed, under negotiations SSA Euro Agro Mapping Participant SSA BAFN (Support to policies) Participant STREP TransContainer Participant Participation of the University of Plovdiv in TP5 - FP6 Projects
Submitted for the 3rd Call TP5 – 7th September 2005 SSA ACC Agri Food Platform Coordinator SSA SpidEra Net Participant SSA Toolfood Participant SSA SMECER Participant To be submitted for the 4th Call TP5 – February, 2006 ? ? ? Participation of the University of Plovdiv in TP5 - FP6 Projects
Instrument: Specific Support Action (SSA) Duration: 2 years Coordinator: Euroquality, France Participants: 16 Partners: - National Contact Points (NCP) - Research centre - Organisations experienced in the setting up of EU research project France, Italy, Israel, Bulgaria, Chechia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Rumania, Slovakia, Turkey Rationale: Help organisation from animal science sector from acceding/applicant countries to participate to FP6 Objective: Identify “who does what” in each country Identify SMEs of Animal Science sector in each country Means: Use of questionnaire Interview Elaboration of “Fact sheet” = computerised file of the questionnaire National report (mapping document) CAC Animal Science
Instrument: Specific Support Action (SSA) Duration: 3 years Coordinator: Hungary Participants: 26 Partners from 25 countries: Rationale: To help the NCP structure of the 6th Framework program and to ensure an increased number of successful participants for FP6 Objective: To raise the quantity and quality of research projects from participants as partners or coordinators Means: Training and capacity building of NCPs; staff exchanges; 9 trans-national and 12 national training sessions for researchers Proactive match making by the organisation of 3 brokerage events Setting up a “Call Information Network” TrainNet FutureTraining network of National Contact Points and support organizations with special emphasis on CC
Instrument: Specific Support Action (SSA) Duration: 2 years Coordinator: Poznan Science and Technology Park,Poland Participants: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria (University of Plovdiv), Romania, Turkey Rationale: The aim of the FOODLINK project is to promote among the researchers and industry operating in the ACC food sector the participation in the EU 6th Framework Program research and development projects. Objective: FOODLINK project envisages a set of actions: information days in ACC countries, collection of cooperation profiles (project ideas, expertise offers) and finally a brokerage event at International Trade Fair for the Food Industry in Poznan, in September 2004. Means: National databases; Leaflet preparation and translations; Common questionnaire preparation; Brokerage event FoodLink Linking Associated Candidate Countries and EU Member States food sectors with a view to higher level of participation in the FP 6 projects
Instrument: Specific Support Action (SSA) Duration: 2 years Coordinator: Euroquality, France Participants: 18 Participants – France, UK, Cyprus, CzechRepublic, Estonia,Croatia, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Serbia&Montenegro, Тurkey, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria (University of Plovdiv), Romania Rationale:Given the importance of agriculture and rural economy in the European Union and in the national economies of the New Member States (NMS), the Candidate Countries (CC) and the Western Balkan Countries (WB), support actions aiming at establishing a sustainable relationship between policy makers and the research community should be implemented in this area Objective: To support the formulation of Community agricultural policies by developing an open and interactive network of research organization in agricultural economics. To favor the development of the European Research Area. Means: Mapping of competencies - Identification of organisations; Network and expert groupscreation; Questionnaire;Development of the web portal; Expert Groups; Mail shot and press releases CEEC AgriPolicy Agro economic policy analyses of the new member states, the candidate states and the countries of the Western Balkans
Instrument: Specific Support Action (SSA) Duration: 24 months Coordinator: Euroquality, France Participants: France, Bulgaria (University of Plovdiv), Albania, FRYM(Macedonia), Croatia, Bosnia & Hercogovina Serbia & Montenegro Rationale: The Western Balkan Countries have an important agricultural potential. Their research capacities, which were of high quality have to be stabilised and reinforced. In the frame of the “association and stabilisation agreements” concluded between the EU and the five WB countries, and of the opening of the European Research Area, cooperation in research & technological development is encouraged Objective: The objective of the project is support the opening of the European Research Area to the Western Balkan in the area of agricultural and food research.. It is targeted at research organisations (Universities, Research Centres). All discipline involved in agricultural and food science will be covered. Means: Network building; Participation to community research program; Enhance awareness and training; Support policy developments Activities: Network Creation, Database elaboration, Web portal development, Settlement of expert panel BAFN (Balkan Agro Food Network)Setting up of agricultural & food research network in theWestern Balkan
Instrument: Specific Support Action (SSA) Duration: 2 years Coordinator: Euroquality, France Participants: Organizations from the 10 NMS and the 4 CCs take part in the project. Bulgaria(University of Plovdiv). Rationale: Task 6 of the call aims at mapping the European agricultural research capacities. As an exhaustive mapping of the research capacities in the EU-25 would require a considerable effort, this proposal is voluntary focusing on the New Member States and Candidate Countries. This allows to improve the efficiency of the exercise and the quality of the results. Given the structural changes since the early 90's, little is known about the current situation of the research establishments from the Central and Eastern European Countries. This mapping exercise is thus very relevant. Objective: The objectives of the project are to provide reports that: 1) Identify the main players in agricultural research; 2) Describe how is organized agricultural and food research in the NMS & CC; 3) Formulate recommendations on the developments that would be desirable in agricultural research. To reach these objectives, the approach retained is a survey of the research establishments. The major technical objective of the project EU-AGRI MAPPING is to. Means: Eexhaustively screen research centers for all sub sectors of the agricultural and food research in all CC and NMS. An online, dynamic, free access and multilingual database will be elaborated and used as a tool to conduct the surveys EU AGRI MAPPINGMapping and foresight of agricultural and food research capacity in the New Member States and in the Candidate Countries
Instrument: Specific Support Action (SSA) - Submitted Project !! Duration: 2 years Coordinator: University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria Participants: University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria); Euro Project (Bulgaria); Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (Croatia); Institute of Food Bio Resources (Romania); Troyka (Turkey); INRA (France); Senter Novem (The Netherlands) Rationale: There are currently seven European Technology Platforms (ETPs) relevant to agriculture, food and biotechnology. Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) are not represented in these platforms. Given the strategic importance of ETP in future community research programmes, there is an urgent need to stimulate the integration of the ACC in these platforms Objective: Linking with Candidate Countries through the integration of stakeholders from the ACC in European technology Platformsand stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of organisations from the Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) in European research programmes in the area of food, agriculture and biotechnology Means: Establishment of the transnational platform; Participation in ETP; Implementation of SRA; Promotion of competencies ACC Agri Food PlatformIntegrating the Associated Candidate Countries in the European Research Area through the establishment of a transnational technology platform on Agriculture, Food and Biotechnology
ERA FOOD- Specific Support Action (SSA) Facilitating integration of new Member States and Associated Candidate Countries in European Research Area by FOOD approaches The aim of the proposed SSA is to facilitate integration of new MS and ACC in ERA by FOOD approaches; SMECER- Specific Support Action (SSA) Targeted measures to increase Small and Medium Enterprises participation in quality and safety food cereal research SpidERA FOOD- Specific Support Action (SSA) ‘Spidering’ European Research Area in the Food Quality and Safety sector TOOLFOOD - Specific Support Action (SSA) Towards Effective Food Quality & Safety within European and International Markets: Development and Adaptation of Quality Tools Other Projects, Submitted 7th Sept. 2005, in Which University of Plovdiv is a Partner
Workprogramme Thematic Priority 5 CALL 4
Publication (foreseen): 5 July 2005 (all) Deadlines: 5 October 05 IP & NoE stage-1 (outline proposals) STREP & CA8 February 06 IP & NoE stage-2 (full proposals) SSA Info on www.cordis.lu/food/workprogramme.htm Calendar – Call 4 • 3 call texts will be published: • Food-4-A: IP & NoE • Food-4-B: STREP & CA • Food-4-C: SSA
Total Food Chain Safety aspects Inputs Quality aspects Primary production Food industry Retail sector Consumers High-quality and -safety foods with health benefits Improving the quality of pork and pork products for the consumer (IP) INCO Improving the safety of beef and beef products for the consumer in production and processing (IP) INCO/SMEs
Epidemiologyof Food-Related Diseases and Allergies Genetic background Food metabolism Environ- ment Immune system Food intake Identification of key risk factors Development of databases Nutrient status and requirements of specific population groups (NoE) Influence of dietary history on coeliac disease (STREP)
Impact of Food on Health Harnessing the opportunities of proteomics and biotechnology Improved understanding of food metabolism Scientific basis for improving health through diet Development of new health-promoting foods Milk and dairy products with optimised bioactivity (IP) SMEs Food components reducing the risk of dental diseases (STREP) SMEs Optimising food processing for nutritional and environmental quality (STREP)INCO/SMEs
Traceability Processes Stronger scientific and technological basis Complete traceability from raw material to purchased food Increased consumer confidence in the food supply Origin and development of unintended micro-organisms in the food and feed chains (IP) INCO Emerging technologies for food/feed traceability including monitoring the manufacturing and handling practices in the total chain (IP) INCO
Methods of Analysis, Detection and Control Improvement Development Validation Harmonisation Patho- gens Reliable and cost-effective sampling/ measurement strategies Contam- inants Accurate data for risk analysis Controlling the food and feed supply Quality and safety control strategies for food (NoE) INCO Developing improved TSE inactivation methods (STREP) SMEs BSE infectivity of milk, milk products and meat derived from goats (STREP)
Safer and Environmentally Friendly Production Methods and Healthier Foodstuffs Improved trans- formation processes Safe and healthier food and feed Lower input farming systems Innovative technologies Reducing the use of plant protection products (NOE) Management of waste from farms and fisheries (CA) INCO Linking national research communities working on E coli O157 research (CA)
Safer and Environmentally Friendly Production Methods and Healthier Foodstuffs Improved trans- formation processes Safe and healthier food and feed Lower input farming systems Innovative technologies High throughput analysis of plant composition and metabolism (STREP) INCO/SMEs Reduced fertiliser inputs through improved management of soil microbes (STREP) INCO/SMEs Disease risk for consumers from alternative and enriched cage laying hen systems (STREP)
Impact of Animal Feed on Human Health Alternative new animal feed sources Improved understanding of the role of animal feed in food safety Reduction in the use of undesirable raw materials Feed safety control (STREP) SMEs
Environmental Health Risks Identification of detrimental environmental factors Determination of how to prevent or minimise these effects and risks Understanding the mechanisms involved Investigating the cause of allergy (IP) SMEs Investigation of potential health impacts of long-term exposure to disinfection by-products in drinking water (STREP) SMEs Pathogens in drinking water sources (STREP) SMEs
Call 4: Single closing date February 2006 Budget €8 million Call 3: SSA call CLOSED FP6-2004-FOOD-3-C closed 07 September 2005 Budget €5 million Specific Support Actions
Achieving ERA objectives Promoting SME participation Stimulating international cooperation Initiatives supporting policy development Linking with new Member States and Associated Candidate Countries Dissemination / Exploitation of research Contributing to the “EU Strategy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology” Specific Support Actions: CALL 3
Main new elements compared to FP6: Management: ERC (Basic Research) Logistical and administrative tasks transferred to external structures Simplification of procedures Annual budget doubled Total: EUR 5 billion ►10 billion per year Basic research (~ EUR 1.5 billion per year) Joint Technology Initiatives, Research Infrastructures What’s new ?
Cooperation – Collaborative research 9 themes • Health • Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology • Information and Communication Technologies • Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies • Energy • Environment (including Climate Change) • Transport (including Aeronautics) • Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities • Security and Space
Joint Technology Initiatives Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Hydrogen and Fuel Cells for a Sustainable Energy Future Aeronautics and Air Transport Towards new Nanoelectronics Approaches Innovative Medicines for the Citizens of Europe Embedded systems Other possible themes to be identified later…
Unite relevant stakeholders around: A common “VISION” for the technology concerned. Industry, public authorities, research community, regulators, civil society and consumers Mobilisation of a CRITICAL MASS of private and public research and innovation effort. Definition of a STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA including education, training, communication and dissemination. Technology Platforms: Central Concept
Promote the development and distribution of effective tools to control animal diseases of major importance to Europe and the rest of the world. Improve animal health and welfare, food safety, human health, market access and contributing to achieving the Millennium Development Goals Stakeholders: IFAH (animal health industry); Copa-Cogeca (farmers); EuropaBio; FVE (Veterinarians); research organisations; universities; OIE; FAO; WHO; ILRI; consumers; EFSA, CVOs; EMEA; HMA; IABs Vision paper “ETP Global Animal Health” (interim version December 2004, final May 2005) Strategic research agenda: in preparation Website: http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/research/agriculture/index_en.html Commission contact:isabel.minguez-tudela@cec.eu.int Technology PlatformGlobal Animal Health
Animal Breeding Plant Genomics Sustainable Chemistry incl. White Biotechnology Forest Resources Water Sanitation Bioenergy Food Technologies …. Other Technology Platforms in Agriculture-related Areas
Ideas Researchers presenting proposals on subjects of their choice Evaluated on the sole criterion of excellence Implementation through a European Research Council Under the guidance of a Scientific Governing Council
People– Human Potential Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants Specific actions Excellence awards
Capacities – Research Capacity 6 parts • Research Infrastructures • Research for the benefit of SMEs • Regions of Knowledge • Research Potential • Science in Society • Activities of International Cooperation
FP7 2007-2013‘Cooperation’ budget More on the budget
Theme 2: “Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology” featuring the “Knowledge-based Bio-Economy”