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Director: Prof Andrei Seryi. Accelerator Science and Beyond Talk to prospective students. Presented by Prof Ken Peach. Accelerators: high energy physics, nuclear physics, healthcare, security, energy, life science, novel materials, industry, ….
Director: Prof Andrei Seryi Accelerator Science and Beyond Talk to prospective students Presented by Prof Ken Peach
Accelerators: high energy physics, nuclear physics, healthcare, security, energy, life science, novel materials, industry, … Tens of millions of patients receive accelerator-based diagnoses and treatment each year in hospitals and clinics around the world All products that are processed, treated, or inspected by particle beams have a collective annual value of more than $500B The fraction of the Nobel prizes in Physics directly connected to accelerators is about 30%
for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider
Accelerator Sci &Tech span the entire range of “Pasteur Quadrant” Niels Bohr Louis Pasteur Fundamental knowledge Thomas Edison Consideration of use
What is JAI • The John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science is a centre of excellence in the UK for advanced and novel accelerator technology, created in 2004 to foster accelerator R&D in the universities • JAI is based on 3 universities: University of Oxford and RHUL initially, with Imperial College joining JAI in 2011 • JAI scale: ~25 academic professorial staff, ~15 research staff, ~10 affiliates, ~35 post-grad students, ~6-10 PhD/year in Acc. science Sir John Adams (24 May 1920 - 3 March 1984) was the 'father' of the giant particle accelerators which have made CERN the leader in the field of high energy physics. John Adams worked at the UK Atomic Energy Research establishment on design & construction of a 180 MeV synchro-cyclotron. He then came to CERN in 1953 & was appointed director of the PS division in 1954. In 1961-66 Adams worked as director of the UK Culham Fusion Lab. In 1971 he returned to CERN and served until 1975 as Director-General of then called Laboratory II, responsible for the design & construction of the SPS. From 1976-80 he was executive DG of CERN and instrumental in approval of LEP. John Adams was a foreign member of Russian Academy of Science. On the photo above Adams announcing that CERN just passed the Dubna’s Synchrophasotron world record of 10GeV. http://www.adams-institute.ac.uk
within the UK SciTech ecosystem Diamond Light Source Central Laser Facility Daresbury Science & Innovation Campus ISIS neutron source Rutherford Lab & Harwell-Oxford Innovation campus Accelerator Science &Technology Centre
is part of the world's most highly-regardeduniversity fostered innovation ecosystem ISIS Research&Enterprise ASTeC DL CLF RAL Diamond
JAI Faculty Peter Norreys Pavel Karataev Simon Hooker Stewart Boogert Phil Burrows John Cobb George Doucas Brian Foster Bucker Dangor Riccardo Bartolini Steve Myers Research Facilitator CERN Armin Reichold Andrei Seryi Roman Walczak Stephen Gibson Glenn Christian Ken Peach Chris Prior Ted Wilson Michele Warren Emmanuel Tsesmelis Mike Partridge Ken Long Stuart Mangles Bleddyn Jones Ivan Konoplev Steve Rose Zulfikar Najmudin Also : JAI Academic and Industrial Affiliates (not shown)
John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science A Centre of Excellence in the UK for advanced and novel accelerator technology, providing expertise, research, development and training in accelerator techniques, and promoting advanced accelerator applications in science and society JAI research directions Enabling accelerator techniques for scientific, medical and energy applications Next generation compact light sources and laser-plasma acceleration FEL Advanced accelerator instrumentation, diagnostics and devices Particle physics Life science Cancer therapy Novel materials Industry Imaging of molecules Advanced feedbacks Novel lasers
directions: Advanced Beam Instrumentation • Far-Infrared Coherent Radiation • CSR, CDR for beam diagnostics • Soft-X ray and microwave source based on Thomson scattering of CDR • Nano-resolution BPM • C, S-band (~100nm resol.) • Special ~nm resolution • Coherent Smith-Purcell radiation • Longitudinal diagnostics –extending to fs range • Laser – wire • Ultra-fast nanosecond feedback LUXC, jointly with KEK Laser wire Smith-Purcell diagnostics instrumentation
directions: Enabling Acc. Techniques • 3rd Gen Light Sources • Future 4th Gen Light Source design • ISIS & ESS neutron sources • Neutrino Factory / m-cooling • Accelerators for cancer therapy • Ion sources • LHC upgrade • Linear Colliders
directions: Laser-Plasma Acceleration 1GeV acceleration in just 3cm of plasma W. Leemans, B. Nagler, A. Gonsalves, C. Toth, K. Nakamura, C. Geddes, E. Esarey, C. B.Schroeder, & S. Hooker, Nature Physics2006 Simulation of laser-plasma acceleration Rapid progress in beam energy achieved with laser-plasma acceleration shows that the synergy of accelerators, laser and plasma is revolutionizing the field of accelerator science • Compact X-ray light sources based on laser-plasma acceln • Aim to develop practical applications • Project developed in collaboration • with science centres in UK and worldwide
Laser Plasma accelerator Modern synchrotrons (light sources) are big machines (several 100s meters). Similar electron energies can be reached in a much more compact accelerator using the “wake” created by a laser in a gas jet. This could be used to build an accelerator compact enough to fit in several tens of meters space but powerful enough to be used as a light source (Free Electron Laser).
Advanced light sources Join work of Diamond Light Source and JAI on conventional and laser-plasma based light sources Riccardo Bartolini Joint efforts of laser-plasma experts with Simon Hooker's group in Atomic and Laser Physics (http://www.physics.ox.ac.uk/users/hooker/) & JAI provide a strong interdisciplinary environment Simon Hooker S. M. Hooker, et al, Nature Physics 2, 696 - 699 (2006)
Laser plasma acceleration For a student with an interest in synergy of accelerator, laser and plasma science To excite plasma oscillations: instead of a single extremely high intensity laser pulse, use a train of lower intensity pulses; works theoretically, let’s try it experimentally! If it works - tabletop lasers for plasma accelerators, rather than national scale facilities. Cutting edge research at the forefront of laser technology and accelerator science at JAI Talk to:Laura Corner and Roman Walczak. http://www.adams-institute.ac.uk/l4a 15 Roman Walczak Laura Corner
FONT: Feedback On Nanosecond Timescales • Accelerator R&D for electron-positron Linear Collider • ‘Higgs Factory’ • Selected site • Japan CERN
Making electron and positron beams hit one another at the Linear Collider Kick beam back into collision Ground vibrations cause beams to miss one another e+ Feedback circuit e- Measure beam position
FONT: Feedback On Nanosecond Timescales • Philip Burrows • Colin Perry • Glenn Christian • Young Im Kim • Current students: • Douglas Bett • Alexander Gerbershagen • Michael Davis • Neven Blaskovic • Jack Roberts • Contact: • p.burrows@physics.ox.ac.uk FONT team at ATF beamline in Japan
New student will work with the team to: Design and build feedback hardware Install in beamlines at KEK (Japan) & CERN Experimental tests with electron beams Analyse data
Advanced RF generation and EM diagnostics Advanced electromagnetic design for generation of EM radiation, diagnostics of beam, creation of sci & tech applications Ivan Konoplev Contour plots of electric and magnetic fields excited by the pump wave inside cylindrical 2D periodic structure
MICE & Neutrino Factory Development Muon Collider John Cobb Neutrino Factory Victoria Blackmore To understand Neutrino Flavour Oscillations build aNeutrino Factory • Intense neutrino beams Distant detectors Observe CP violation • To reach theEnergy Frontier build a Multi-TeV Muon Collider Both require ‘cooled’ muon beams ‘MICE’COOLING DEMONSTRATION
Particle Therapy Cancer Research Inst. & Gray Inst. • Charged Particles like Protons and Light Ions can kill cancer with less damage to healthy tissue than conventional radiotherapy • Areas of research on the boundary of: • Accelerator physics: new concepts in accelerator design • Detector physics: new ways to diagnose, reducing dose • Bio-medicine: more precise treatment planning Synchrotron – present technology Mike Partridge Ken Peach Clair Timlin http://www.ptcri.ox.ac.uk/ 22
STFC-CASE studentshipDevelopment and applications of Frequency Scanning Interferometry in Accelerator Sciencesponsored by the National Physical Laboratory
The AMULET group • Armin Reichold • John Dale post-doc • Patrick Brockill post-doc • Andrew Lancaster grad stud • Who we work with • NPL co-ordinate metrology group • develop absolute distance measurement technology • push the boundary on long distance measurements • ORC: Nano fibre based saturated absorption spectroscopy • SLAC: LCLS-II undulator development • CERN: CLIC accelerator and detector alignment • ETALON AA: commercialise our technology for industrial applications
20m measurements at NPL test undulator with FSI interferometers at SLAC Highlights world record 20m absolute! deep sub-micron drift resolution mean = 4.6 nm/m sigma = 180 nm/m 1 μm
For JAI topics, talk to: AMULET: Armin & Patrick Resonant laser-plasma: Laura & Roman Light Sources: Riccardo & Simon Fast Feedback: Phil & Glenn Advanced RF and EM Muons: John & Victoria Particle therapy: Ken & Claire
Helmholtz Virtual Institute Helmholtz Virtual Institute for Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
0.36 Torr: n0 ≈ 1.2×1016 cm-3 n*/n0 ≈ 10-6 1 m Proton plasma wakefield Peter Norreys Phil Burrows • Z. Najmudin, Peter Norreys, Phil Burrows (ICL & OX) • Plasma Sources: (Imperial)
Accelerator science is also attractive because… • You will invent and will learn to do this efficiently, inspired by history of great inventions in accelerators and by the nature itself DNA Gears invented by humans? Muon Collider cooling channel Insects are using gears for millions of years! Interacting Gears Synchronize Propulsive Leg Movements in a Jumping Insect, Science, 13 Sep 2013, M.Burrows, G.Sutton
Accelerator science is also attractive because… • Whether you are more inclined towards theory, or hardware development, or simulations, there are tasks that will interest you • Knowledge gained and developed has connections and applicable to surprisingly remote disciplines From stock market predictions Planetary motions to • Our alumni are in high demand and working in great places
… in summary • Accelerators are • interesting • challenging • important • useful and fun too! a great way to see the world