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Understanding Alcohol Consumption: Campaign Evaluation Survey

Evaluate the impact of the "Conoscere l’alcool" campaign promoting responsible alcohol consumption among car users in Italy. Understand the importance of alcohol information, levels of knowledge, and interest in the campaign among respondents. Analysis of the activity's effectiveness, interesting aspects, and individual components received in-depth evaluation.

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Understanding Alcohol Consumption: Campaign Evaluation Survey

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  1. “Conoscere l’alcool” Surveyn.29474 GfK EuriskoMilano, September2012

  2. Background, objectives and methodology

  3. Background • Diageo was one of the first corporate involved in making the consumers aware of the responsible drinking. • For the Summer 2012, beside the activities called “Divertiti responsabilmente”, that will take place in different Italian venues, another campaign called “Conoscere l’alcool”was activated, in partnership with ACI, SIMPLY and the “Ministerodella Salute”. • This activity took place in June and July outside different SMA supermarkets (about 70 points of sale spread in different Italian cities). • The activity took place inside the supermarkets and continued outside: • inside the supermarket some leaflets concerning the theme of alcohol and its use were placed in the alcohol section; • outside the supermarket a dedicated corner was set up; some hostess distributed leaflets and stopped people passing by to make them aware of the theme of alcohol and its correct use: the quantity of alcohol allowed to drive, the sanctions provided for driving after having drunk, the occasions/situations when drinking alcohol is prohibited (when pregnant, when underage, after having taken drugs…) etc….. • The hostess used different communication materials and also the safe driving simulator provided by ACI.

  4. Objectives and methodology 4 Objectives The main objective of the research is to understand the evaluation and the impact of the activity among the customers who were exposed to it. Methodology Universe of reference The universe of reference will be: car users, alcohol drinkers, male and female, 18 y.o. and over, exposed to the activity “Conoscere l’alcool”. Sample The sample is composed by 200 respondents, car users, alcohol drinkers, male and female, 18 y.o. and over, exposed to the activity “Conoscere l’alcool”. Method of interview PAPI (Paper Aided Personal Interviews).

  5. Sample profile

  6. Sample profile – Sex and age Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values

  7. Sample profile – Educational level and occupation Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values

  8. Survey results

  9. Alcohol issue: the importance of being informed Q1- Let’s talk about the title of the activity you have just took part. The initiative is called «Conoscere l'alcool». How important is in your opinion being informed on alcohol, its ways of consumption and its effects? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values Awareness of importance of information on alcohol – proper consumption and possible negative effects- is widespread among respondents: more than one third considers “Very important” being informed on this issue, particularly women and young people. Information on alcohol is important: Women: 44% Young people (18-34 y.o.): 42% Very Somewhat So so Not a lot Not at all

  10. Perception of the general level of knowledge on the alcohol issue Q2 - In particular, do you think that people are informed about alcohol, its effects, the penalties that may be incurred if it is found to be positive alcohol test? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values It is worth noticing that 30% believes that there is not enough information on this topic Believe that people are informed on the alcohol issue: Very Somewhat So so 30% Not so much Not at all

  11. Information about alcohol issue before the activity Q.3-4 – Before this activity, have you ever occurred to inquire about the alcohol issue and its effects? For what reasons? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values More than half of the sample, before taking part in the activity, happened to inform themselves on the topic of alcohol. Among these, half did so because they drive frequently and for health reasons =100

  12. Overall interest in the activity «Conoscere l’alcool» Q6 – And overall how interesting did you find the activity? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values The activity has had a good evaluation. Almost the whole sample found the initiative “Very” or “Fairly” interesting. Especially the younger ones. Young people (18-34 y.o.): 38% Very Somewhat So so Not so much Not at all

  13. The most interesting aspects of the activity Q5 – Regarding the activity “Conoscere l’alcool“, what were the aspect that you found more interesting and useful? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values The issue considered most interesting was how to calculate the amount of alcohol regularly consumed.

  14. Evaluation of the single elements of the activity Q9 – Let us now discuss the single components of the activity; for each please tell me how did you like it? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values All elements received a positive evaluation and, in particular the safe driving simulator. Hostess kindness Safe driving simulator Information materials Board for signatures Very Somewhat So so Not so much Not at all

  15. Opinions on the activity «Conoscere l’alcool» in details Q6 –I will now read a series of statements and I would like for each of them to tell me how do you attribute it to the activity? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values In general, the image of the initiative is good. The originality and clarity of information are especially appreciated. Also its usefulness, and the fact that it addresses alcohol issues that are not much debated, are well evaluated.

  16. Opinion on the partnership between DIAGEO and SIMPLY Dom.10–The activity was organized by Simply and Diageo.. What do you think about the fact that a company worldwide leader in production and commercialization of alcoholic beverages (Diageo), is promoting an activity about the theme “Drink or drive”?” Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values The partnership between Diageo and Simply is considered by more than 60% of respondents as a sign of social care on a very important issue, but there is a relevant percentage of respondents who look at it as a commercial / advertising activity. The partnership between DIAGEO and SIMPLY is: It’s a social care’s sign about a very important issue It’s a commercial/ advertising activity It’s a legal duty Don’t know / no answer

  17. Opinions on partnership among DIAGEO, SIMPLY, ACI Umberto Veronesi Foundation Dom.11 – This activity was organized under the aid of DIAGEO, ACI, SIMPLY and UMBERTO VERONESI FOUNDATION. How believable do you consider this cooperation? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values The partnership among all the players involved in the activity looks credible The collaboration among DIAGEO, ACI, SIMPLY And UNMBERTO VERONESI FOUNDATION : Very 93 Somewhat So so Not so much Not at all

  18. Perception of the actual information received as a result of the activity Q12 – In summary, after taking part in this initiative you feel more informed on the subject of alcohol? Base: total sample (18 y.o. and over), n=200, % Values In summary, the activity seems to have succeeded in spreading a little more information among consumers. Almost all the respondents said they learned something from this campaign. After taking part in this activity they feel: Young people (18-34 anni): 19% 94

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