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Vector Space Model for Information Retrieval Course

Learn about the Vector Space Model in Information Retrieval (IR), its architecture, document and query processing, evaluation, similarity measures, and ways to improve the model. Explore Latent Semantic Analysis and formalize IR tasks. Instructor: Professor Cercone. Presenter: Razieh Niazi.

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Vector Space Model for Information Retrieval Course

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  1. Vector Space Model Computational Linguistic Course Instructor: Professor Cercone Presenter: Razieh Niazi

  2. Outline • Typical IR System Architecture • Document and Query Processing in IR • IR Evaluation • Vector Space Model (VSM) • Similarity Measure • Term Weighing • Example • Improving the Vector Space Model • Latent Semantic Analysis

  3. What’s Information Retrieval (IR)? • The goal of IR research is to develop models and algorithms for retrieving information from document repositories • What is the difference between data search and information retrieval ? • Most of the information needs and content are expressed in natural language • – Library and document management systems • – Web (Search Engines)

  4. Typical IR system architecture Source: https://wiki.cse.yorku.ca/course_archive/2010-11/F/6390/_media/nlp09.pdf

  5. What do you Think? Is IR “Easy”? • Try “ACL 2010” with Google and you will get the conference page on the top of list. • IR is perceived as easy because[1]: • Queries can be specific and match the words in a document. • The user is usually happy with the top few relevant results (hard or no need to get the complete results).

  6. IR is Hard !!! • Documents and queries are expressed in natural Language • Document repositories are unstructured • Highly ambiguity in Natural Language • Vague semantics of documents • Ambiguity: word sense, structural, etc. • Incomplete: requiring inferences.

  7. Steps in Document and Query Processing • stop-word removal • rare word removal (optional) • Stemming • optional query expansion • document indexing • document and query representation; e.g. vectors

  8. Stop Words Source: [2]

  9. Ad hoc text retrieval • The classical problem in IR is the ad-hoc retrieval problem. • Ad hoc text retrieval: • Given a collection of textual documents (information items) • Given a query from a user (information need) • Retrieve relevant documents from the collection • Applications: library search, search engines, digital libraries, search for medical records and law legal cases. Source: This slide is borrowed from [1]

  10. There are two main models in retrieving the information: • Exact match • Best match

  11. Exact Match • Return documents that precisely satisfy some structured query expression, of which the best known type is Boolean queries . • Example: • Car AND Insurance OR (cost OR price) • (laser NEAR printer) AND (color OR (plain NEAR paper)) AND NOT (HP OR Hewlett-Packard) Source: https://wiki.cse.yorku.ca/course_archive/2010-11/F/6390/_media/03vectorspaceimplementation-6per.pdf

  12. Pros: • Can use very restrictive search • Makes experienced users happy • Cons: • Complex query language, confusing to end users • For large and heterogeneous document collections, the result sets are either empty or huge and unwieldy • Exact-match only, no partial matches • Retrieved documents not ranked

  13. Best Match • so most recent work has concentrated on systems which rank documents according to their estimated relevance to the query. • Given a query of t terms, • find a measure of relevance between the documents and the query. • Rank documents based on this measure.

  14. Formalizing IR Tasks • Vocabulary: V = {w1,w2, …, wT} of a language • Query: q = q1, q2, …, qm where qi ∈V. • Document: di= di1, di2, …, dimi where dij∈V. • Collection: C = {d1, d2, …, dN} • Relevant document set: R(q) ⊆C:Generally unknown and user-dependent • Query provides a “hint” on which documents should be in R(q) • IR: find the approximate relevant document set R’(q) Source: This slide is borrowed from [1]

  15. Evaluation measures • The quality of many retrieval systems depends on how well they manage to rank relevant documents. • How can we evaluate rankings in IR? • IR researchers have developed evaluation measures specifically designed to evaluate rankings. • Most of these measures combine precision and recall in a way that takes account of the ranking.

  16. Precision & Recall Source: This slide is borrowed from [1]

  17. In other words: • Precision is the percentage of relevant items in the returned set • Recall is the percentage of all relevant documents in the collection that is in the returned set.

  18. Evaluating Retrieval Performance Source: This slide is borrowed from [1]

  19. Cutoff Measure • All three retrieved sets have the same number of relevant and not relevant • documents. (A simple measure of precision (50% correct) would not • distinguish between them). • One measure used is precision at a particular cutoff, for example 5 • or 10 documents Source:[2]

  20. Precision/Recall Tradeoff • There is an obvious trade-off between precision and recall. • If the whole collection is retrieved: • Recall is 100%, but low precision • If only a few documents are retrieved, then the most relevant documents will be returned • High precision, Low recall • In a good IR-system , precision decreases as recall increases and vice versa

  21. How can we balance out precision and recall? • The two most popular ways: • Average precision is one way of computing a measure that captures both precision and recall. • Another way is the F measure, where P is the precision, R is the recall and determines the weighting of precision and recall. • The F measure can be used for evaluation at fixed cutoffs if both recall and precision are important.

  22. Composite Measures • A composite precision-recall curve showing 11 points can be graphed. Source: This slide is borrowed from [1]

  23. Vector Space Model (VSM) • The vector space model is one of the most widely used models for ad-hoc retrieval • used in information filtering, information retrieval, indexing and relevancy rankings. • Documents and queries are represented as vectors of weights: • Each dimension of the space corresponds to a separate term in the document collection

  24. Document-Term Matrix

  25. Document d2 has the smallest angle with q (closest vector to the query), so it will be the top-ranked document in response to the query car insurance. Source: [2]

  26. What is the similarity measure in VSM? • To do retrieval in VCM, documents are ranked according to similarity with the query • Similarity is measured by the cosine measure or normalized correlation coefficient. Source: https://wiki.cse.yorku.ca/course_archive/2010-11/F/6390/_media/07models-vsm.pdf

  27. Documents ranked by increasing cosine value • cosine (90) = 0 (completely unrelated) cosine (0) = 1 (completely related) • Cosine is a normalized dot product

  28. Term Weighing • The success or failure of the vector space method is based on term weighting. • What is the Term Weight? • Terms: words, phrases, or any other indexing units used to identify the contents of a text. How? • if a term t appears often in a document, then a query containing t should retrieve that document

  29. Term Weighting • Different terms have different importance in a text • A term weighting scheme plays an important role for the similarity measure. • Higher weight = greater impact on cosine • We now turn to the question of how to weight words in the vector space model.

  30. How to weight words? • There are three components in a weighting scheme: • gi: the global weight of the ith term, • tij: is the local weight of the ith term in the jth document, • dj:the normalization factor for the jth document

  31. Local Term -Weighting • Specifies frequency of a term within the document Source: https://wiki.cse.yorku.ca/course_archive/2010-11/F/6390/_media/polettini_information_retrieval.pdf

  32. Global Term-Weighting • They are based on the dispersion of a particular term throughout the documents https://wiki.cse.yorku.ca/course_archive/2010-11/F/6390/_media/polettini_information_retrieval.pdf

  33. Normalization • The normalization factor is used to correct variances in document lengths. • So, documents are retrieved independent of their lengths. • If we do not, short documents may not be recognized as relevant. Why?

  34. Two main reasons that necessitate the use of normalization in term weights: • Higher term frequencies: • long documents usually use the same terms repeatedly • the term frequency factors may be large for long documents. • Number of terms: • long documents also have different numerous terms. • This increases the number of matches between a query and a long document

  35. https://wiki.cse.yorku.ca/course_archive/2010-11/F/6390/_media/polettini_information_retrieval.pdfhttps://wiki.cse.yorku.ca/course_archive/2010-11/F/6390/_media/polettini_information_retrieval.pdf

  36. How to weight words in the vector space • Term weighting:

  37. Example Source: http://www.miislita.com/term-vector/term-vector-3.html

  38. Vector Space Example • This is a basic example with a basic term vector model in which we: • do not take into account WHERE the terms occur in documents. • use all terms, including very common terms and stopwords. • do not reduce terms to root terms (stemming). • use raw frequecies for terms and queries (unnormalized data). • Based on Salton's Vector Space Model incorporates local and global information The following example is provided by Professors David Grossman and Ophir Frieder, from the Illinois Institute of Technology. Source: http://www.miislita.com/term-vector/term-vector-3.html

  39. Suppose we have 3 documents (D=3): • Suppose we query an IR system for the query "gold silver truck". • Extract terms and calculate term weights for each term in documents and query • Calculate the similarity values • Rank the documents according to the similarity values Source: http://www.miislita.com/term-vector/term-vector-3.html

  40. Extract terms and calculate term weights Source: http://www.miislita.com/term-vector/term-vector-3.html

  41. Calculate the similarity values • First for each document and query, we compute all vector lengths (zero terms ignored) Source: http://www.miislita.com/term-vector/term-vector-3.html

  42. Next, we compute all dot products (zero products ignored) Source: http://www.miislita.com/term-vector/term-vector-3.html

  43. Now we calculate the similarity values: Source: http://www.miislita.com/term-vector/term-vector-3.html

  44. Finally we sort and rank the documents in descending order according to the similarity values Source: http://www.miislita.com/term-vector/term-vector-3.html

  45. VSM Advantage & Disadvantage • Advantage: • Ranked retrieval • Terms are weighted by importance • Partial matches • Disadvantage: • Assumes terms are independent • Weighting is intuitive, but not very formal

  46. Improving the VSM Model • We can improve the model by: • Reducing the number of dimensions • eliminating all stop words and very common terms • stemming terms to their roots • Latent Semantic Analysis • not retrieving documents below a defined cosine threshold • normalized frequency of a term i in document j is given by[1]: • Normalized Document Frequencies • Normalized Query Frequencies

  47. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [3] • Reduces the dimensions of the term-document space • Attempts to solve the synonomy and polysemy • Uses Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) • identifies patterns in the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text • Based on the principle that words that are used in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings.

  48. LSI Process • In general, the process involves: • constructing a weighted term-document matrix • performing a Singular Value Decomposition on the matrix • using the matrix to identify the concepts contained in the text • LSI statistically analyses the patterns of word usage across the entire document collection

  49. It computes the term and document vector spaces by transforming the single term-frequency matrix, A, into three other matrices: • a term-concept vector matrix, T, • a singular values matrix, S, • a concept-document vector matrix, D, which satisfy the following relations: • A = TSDT • The reason SVD is useful: • it finds a reduced dimensional representation of our matrix that emphasizes the strongest relationships and throws away the noise.

  50. What is noise in a document [3]? • Authors have a wide choice of words available when they write • So, the concepts can be obscured due to different word choices from different authors. • This essentially random choice of words introduces noise into the word-concept relationship. Latent Semantic Analysis filters • out some of this noise and also attempts to find the smallest set of concepts that spans all the documents

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