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The Government of Britain - How the UK is Governed

Explore the British system of government, with details on the Houses of Parliament, the Prime Minister, the Queen’s role, and the British Constitution.

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The Government of Britain - How the UK is Governed

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  1. TheGovernmentofthe UK • www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. TheGovernmentofBritain The British systemofgovernment has developedthrough many hundredsofyears. Britain, whichisofficiallyknown as the United Kingdomof Great Britain and NorthernIreland, isthe second most populous country in Europe. HowisBritaingoverned ? TheQueenreigns but does not rule. The country isgoverned in itsname by thegovernmentresponsible to parliament. There are twoHousesofParliament– The House ofCommons (elected) - The House ofLords (hereditary forlife) There are 650seatshere.

  3. Obrázek 1 The Houses of Parliament, seen across Westminster Bridge

  4. The UK of Great Britain and NorthernIrelandisgoverned by Her Majesty´sGovernment in thenameoftheQueen. 5 3 The QUEEN 4 Judiciary 6 Civil Service Prime Minister and Cabinet 8 7 House ofLords House ofCommons PARLIAMENT

  5. Parliamentarytradition in Englandstretchesback to the 13th century. Westminsterisknown as theMotherofParliaments. Amongthe many partieswhichcompeteforseatseveryfiveyears in a first-past-the-post election:…..Five hold mandates !!!.... The House ofCommons IN

  6. Mr. David CAMERON – the leader oftheConservative Party – is Prime Ministeratthe moment. TheBritish constitutionis not a single document but a collectionof many importantacts, lawsand postulations. Obrázek 2 Magna Charta-oneofonly 4 survivingexemplificationsof the 1215 text, cottonMS.Augustus II.106,property oftheBritishLibrary

  7. GUESS !!! TheBritish Flag The flag ofthe United Kingdomof Great Britain and NorthernIrelandis officiallycalledthe Union Flag, commonlyknown as theUnion Jack. 9 England Ireland Scotland …thecrossesofthe patron saintsofEngland… St George´s St Patrick´s St Andrew´s

  8. TheBritishnationalAnthem GodsaveourgraciousQueen ! Long live our noble Queen ! GodsavetheQueen ! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reignoverus, GodsavetheQueen. ….firstperformed as “GodSavethe King“ in London in 1745.

  9. TheRoyalFamily King George VI (1895-1952) m.Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon ( Queen Elizabeth, TheQueenMother) Queen Elizabeth II (b.1926) Princess Margaret (b.1930) m.Philip, Dukeof Edinburgh ____________________________________________________________________ Anne, PrincessRoyal Charles, Prince of Wales Andrew, Dukeof York Prince Edward m.Captain Mark Phillips m.Lady Diana Spencer m.SarahFerguson Prince William of Wales (b.1982 ) Peter Phillips (b. 1977) Princess Beatrice of York (b. 1988) Prince Henry of Wales (b. 1984 ) Zara Phillips (b. 1981) Princess Eugenie of York (b. 1990)

  10. 1. Whois Mr. David Cameron ? 2. Whatiscalled as a collectionofacts, laws, etc. …? 3. Whatisknown as the Union JACK ? 4. In whichyearwasnational anthem performed as “GOD Savethe KING“ ? 5. Whois Zara Phillips and Princess Eugenie of York ? 6. Do youknowthesonsof Prince Charles of Wales ? 7. How many partiescanbefound in the House ofCommons ? 8. How many HousesdoestheParliament UK consistof ? Answers Ad 1. Prime Minister of the UnitedKingdom Ad.2 TheBritishConstitution Ad 3. the flag ofthe UK of Great Britain and NorthernIreland Ad.4 in 1745 Ad.5 a daughterof Anne, Princes Royal and a daughterof Andrew, Dukeof York Ad.6 Princes William and Henry of Wales Ad.7 5 ( five ) Ad.8 2 ( two )

  11. Obrázek 1 The Houses of Parliament, seen across Westminster Bridge PINGSTONE, Adrian. wikipedia.org [online]. June 2005 [cit. 3.2.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Houses.of.parliament.overall.arp.jpg Obrázek 2 Magna Charta-one of only 4 surviving exemplifications of the 1215 text, cotton MS.Augustus II.106,property of the British Library THE BARONS AND KING JOHN OF ENGLAND. wikipedia.org [online]. This is one of four known surviving 1215 exemplars of Magna Carta [cit. 9.2.2013]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Magna_Carta.jpg Obrázek 3-8 (slide 4): Klipart MS Office [cit.2013-02-26]. Dostupný pod licencí Microsoft Office 2010 na www:<http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/images/> Obrázek 9(slide 7): Klipart MS Office [cit.2013-02-26]. Dostupný pod licencí Microsoft Office 2010 na www:<http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/images/>

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