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Biodiversity Information Sharing mechanisms: The case of Uganda Biodiversity Information Facility (UgaBIF). BY INNOCENT AKAMPURIRA, UgaBIF NODE MANAGER, UNCST 2011 TDWG CONFERENCE NEW ORLEANS, USA 16 TH – 21 ST OCTOBER 2011. www.ugabif.go.ug www.uncst.go.ug.
Biodiversity Information Sharing mechanisms: The case of Uganda Biodiversity Information Facility (UgaBIF) BY INNOCENT AKAMPURIRA, UgaBIF NODE MANAGER, UNCST2011 TDWG CONFERENCE NEW ORLEANS, USA 16TH – 21ST OCTOBER 2011 www.ugabif.go.ug www.uncst.go.ug
About UNCST • UNCST is a semi-autonomous government agency established in 1990 by an Act of Parliament (CAP 209). It is mandated to facilitate and coordinate the development and implementation of policies and strategies for integrating Science and Technology (S&T) into the national development process. • Its mission is to provide effective and innovative leadership in the development, promotion and application of science and technology and its integration in sustainable national development.
Earth is home to a tremendous biological diversity which include:- • The thousands of different species • The diversity of their genes, physiologies, and behaviours • The multitude of their ecological interactions • The variety of the ecosystems they constitute
HOWEVER This biodiversity, which is as a result of more than 3 billion years of evolution, is under serious threat leading to these difficult questions • How much biodiversity do we have? • How is biodiversity changing? • Why is biodiversity changing? • What are the ecological consequences of biodiversity changes? • What are the social and economical consequences of biodiversity changes? • How can we best use and conserve biodiversity for the next generations?
To obtain precise answers • A consortium with diversity of professions in Uganda (Stakeholders) agreed to establish the Uganda Biodiversity Information Facility (UgaBIF) to integrate biodiversity informatics benefits for sustainable development in Uganda.
Uganda Biodiversity Information Facility portal • is a data sharing mechanism that facilitates: • Policy Formulation • Conservation Planning • Science Education • Research and • Product Development
The UGaBIF Portal is a result of the GBIF mentoring project between UgaBIF and ETI BioInformatics
Learning about Ugandan biodiversity: Quick access to selected species
The species section presents ‘rich’ information on species that serves many user groups …
Using the UgaBIF portal is easy: Try for instance the general search text box…
You can use the bounding box or the polygon tool to look for data and information within an area of your particular interest Search by location in UgaBIF portal
As result you get a list with all the records (in this case about 476 species). Use the links to explore the available data further.
Reliable ICT Infrastructure (bandwidth, power supply) • Heterogeneous databases • Data digitisation and quality assurance • Human resource development programmes • Availability and accessibility of geospatial layers • Stakeholder expectations Challenges
thefuture-ArchitectureforIntegration Protocols, standards and tools to share information HeterogeneousDatabases <request> Mechanism for integration of results <response> <record> … Standardized structured Data
Demonstrate local relevance - To address national needs and priorities. Provide tangible tools and services to support policy implementation, conservation planning, sustainable use and decision making. Build strategic partnerships and collaborations - Recommendations
Acknowledgment • UNCST • GBIF • Tulane University • ETI Bioinformatics
Thank you www.ugabif.go.ug