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XML-Based Automatic Web Presentation Generation

This paper discusses the design methodology and prototype for an automatic web presentation generation system using XML and XSLT. The system aims to integrate heterogeneous data sources, facilitate presentation adaptation for different users and platforms, and enable semi-structured data queries.

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XML-Based Automatic Web Presentation Generation

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  1. XML-Based Automatic Web Presentation Generation Flavius Frasincar Geert-Jan Houben Databases & Hypermedia Group Division of Computer Science WebNet 2001

  2. Contents • Motivation • Goals • Context: Hera Architecture • Design Methodology • Application Diagram • Presentation Diagram • Prototype: XML/XSL • Further Work • Conclusions WebNet 2001

  3. 1. Motivation • There are a lot of methodologies for manual hypermedia presentation design but not for an automatic one. • The need for presentation automation is justified by the fact that a lot of data is nowadays residing in the heterogeneous ‘deep web’ (searchable databases) as opposed to the ‘surface web’. • There is an increasing need for presentation adaptation for different users/user platforms. WebNet 2001

  4. Deep Web User/Platform Adaptation • Deep Web vs. Surface Web: • 500 times larger • 1000 times better quality WebNet 2001

  5. 2. Goals Develop a methodology that supports automated hypermedia presentation design for Web-based Information Systems (WIS) that: • Integrates heterogeneous data sources. • Facilitates presentation (server/client-side) adaptation: • Network (T1, 128K, 56K etc.) • Display (PC, PDA, WAP Phone, WebTV etc.) • User (preferences, interaction history etc.) • Enables semi-structured data queries. WebNet 2001

  6. 3. Context: Hera Architecture Relational Database Object-Oriented Database XML Database … RDB-XML Wrapper ODB-XML Wrapper Mediator/ Integrator Information Retrieval User/Platform Adaptation Hypermedia Presentation Logical Presentation Logical-HTML Presentation Logical-WML Presentation Logical-SMIL Presentation HTML Presentation WML Presentation SMIL Presentation Query … WebNet 2001

  7. 4. Design Methodology • Based on RMM (Relationship Management Methodology). • It distinguishes two levels: • Logical level: groups data into meaningful content units, called Slices. • Artifact: Application Diagram • Presentation level: translates slices to presentation units, called Regions. • Artifact: Presentation Diagram WebNet 2001

  8. Methodology Phases Application Design Presentation Design Requirements Analysis E-R Design Implementation E-R Diagram Application Diagram Presentation Diagram Phase Artifacts: • Slice • Slice Relationship • Region • Region Relationship • Entity • Relationship (Application Model) (Conceptual Model) (Presentation Model) WebNet 2001

  9. 5. Application Diagram • Based on the concept of slice which groups together attributes (having specific media types) and possibly other slices. • Extends the E-R Diagram, each slice belongs to an entity. • Slices are linked together with slice relationships: • Aggregation relationships: index, tour, indexed guided tour etc. • Reference relationships: link with an anchor specified. WebNet 2001

  10. Application Diagram Example WebNet 2001

  11. 6. Presentation Diagram • Based on the concept of region which contains attributes and possibly other regions. • Each region has a rectangular area associated. • Slices are translated to regions, one slice can be mapped to several regions. • Slice relationships are materialized with: • Navigational relationships • Spatial relationships • Temporal relationships WebNet 2001

  12. Region Relationships • All region relationships can be guarded by a condition and/or an event. • Navigational relationships: represent the classical hyperlinks. Possible events are: mouse-click, mouse-over etc. • Temporal relationships: have associated a timeout event (e.g. time based on a media play duration). • Spatial relationships: specify a relative position (qualitative or quantitative) between two regions. WebNet 2001

  13. Presentation Diagram Example WebNet 2001

  14. Synchronization Petri-net like notation for expressing synchronization (typical for multimedia data). • Temporal • Multidimensional WebNet 2001

  15. 7. Prototype: XML/XSL • Implements the logical level of the design methodology. • Based on transformation steps encoded in XSLT stylesheets that describe to an XSLT processor how to convert the input XML file to the desired output XML file. • Tool: XSLT processor from Apache XML Project. WebNet 2001

  16. Prototype Steps WebNet 2001

  17. Retrieved Data • Retrieved data is an instance of the conceptual model. DTD XML <entity-class id=“entity.painter”> <entity-instance id=“ID_0”> <attribute-instance id=“attribute.painter.name”> <![CDATA[Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn]]> </attribute-instance> </entity-instance> </entity-class> <!ELEMENT entity-class (entity-instance)*> <!ATTLIST entity-class id ID> <!ELEMENT entity-instance (attribute-instance)*> <!ATTLIST entity-instance id ID> <!ELEMENT attribute-instance (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST attribute-instance id CDATA> WebNet 2001

  18. Step 1: Data Cleaning • Enriches the retrieved data with information from the application domain model (appropriate relationship names, inverse of relationship instances). XSL <xsl:when test=“@id=‘painting-technique’”> <xsl:attribute name=“id”>relationship.exemplifies</xsl:attribute> </xsl:when> WebNet 2001

  19. Application Model • Describes at logical level the hypermedia aspects of the application. DTD XML <!ELEMENT slice (text | (slice-ref | hyperlink | index | guided-tour))> <!ATTLIST slice id ID> <!ATTLIST slice owner IDREF> <slice id=“slice.painting.main” owner=“entity.painting”> <slice-ref idref=“attribute.painter.name”> relationship-ref=“relationship.painted_by”/> … </slice> WebNet 2001

  20. Step 2: Logical Transformation Generation • Builds the main transformation engine that packages the retrieved data into slices using the application model. • This step is applied only once for one application (model), the output stylesheet is reused for each retrieved data instance. • XSLT: automatic numbering (slice ID) and template modes (root/reference slice). WebNet 2001

  21. Step 2 (cnt’d) XSL <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=“http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform” xmlns:axsl=“http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/TransformAlias”> <xsl:template match=”/”> <axsl:stylesheet> <axsl:template match=”/”> … <xsl:apply-templates select=“/main-slice”> <xsl:apply-templates select=“//slice-ref” mode=“ROOT”/> </axsl:template> </axsl:stylesheet> </xsl:template> … </xsl:stylesheet> WebNet 2001

  22. Step 3: Logical Transformation • Packages the retrieved data into slices based on the stylesheet generated by the previous step. XSL <text> <axsl:value-of select=“attribute-instance[@id=‘attribute.painting.main’]”/> </text> WebNet 2001

  23. Step 4: Presentation Transformation • Implements the presentation. • There are two code generators built for: HTML (tables) and WML (cards). WML XSL HTML XSL <xsl:template match=“slice-instance”> <TABLE> <xsl:apply-templates select=“*”/> </TABLE> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match=“slice-instance”> <CARD id=“{@id}”> <xsl:apply-templates select=“*”/> </CARD> </xsl:template> WebNet 2001

  24. Implementation HTML implementation (Netscape Navigator – Web Browser) WML implementation (Nokia 7110 – WAP Phone Emulator) WebNet 2001

  25. 8. Further Work • Add media types to the model (now: strings and URLs). • Build slices-on-demand on a servlet (now: precomputed). • Set up user adaptation module based on a UM (User Model). • Implement the presentation level of the proposed methodology. • Make use of query technologies for XML and RDF: XQuery and RQL (now: SQL). • Experiment with different kinds of applications (e.g. Electronic TV-Program Guide). • Use Semantic Web: model descriptions in RDF(S). • Taxonomies of classes/properties based on inheritance. WebNet 2001

  26. 9. Conclusions • Methodology for automatic hypermedia presentation generation for the Deep Web (searchable databases): • Logical level (presentation semantics). • Presentation level (presentation implementation). • Prototype based on XML/XSLT: • Platform adaptation (Web browser, WAP phone). • Fosters UWA (Ubiquitous Web Applications): • web applications accessible anywhere at any time: PC, Laptop, PDA, WAP Phone, Watch Phone, WebTV etc. WebNet 2001

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