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ERCOT Planning Go-Live Update

This update discusses the concerns and necessary steps for the planning Go-Live in ERCOT, including the need for data maintenance, commitment from TSPs, and testing timelines. It also covers issues with Data Set A cases and the use of the Topology Processor/Model on Demand Integrated System.

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ERCOT Planning Go-Live Update

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  1. ERCOT Planning Go-Live Update Jay Teixeira Manager, Seasonal Planning ROS

  2. ERCOT Concerns regarding Planning Go-Live • Topology Processor is in production for CRR • Data, such as connectivity node groups (CNG) must be maintained by ERCOT and TSPs • Equipment IDs and Circuit IDs for all equipment must be populated and unique and are dependent on correct CNG definition • TSPs will need to commit to Go-Live barring unforeseen major problems • SCR needs commitment • No reflection on current TSP efforts, but TSPs will need to commit necessary resources to complete testing in an expeditious manner • 2012 Base Case testing • SCR testing, testing timelines will be tight • Building base cases while testing system has stressed workload ROS

  3. ERCOT Concerns regarding Planning Go-Live • June PLWG discussion on no longer creating Data Set A cases because TSPs do not use them • Delay affects Data Set A cases which where shown to be mainly used by ERCOT • Big effect on Near Term congestion analysis and studies to support ERCOT Operations • Studies simulate planned outages, manual process to map to SSWG cases ROS

  4. Data Set A Uses from June PLWG meeting ROS

  5. Current Process – Separate System for Planning ERCOT/TSP Network Model update via NOMCR NMMS db Case Posted ERCOT Topology Processor for ODMS CRR Top Output Yes TSPs submit RAWD files for their area containing Topology, Load, Voltage Control Case complete? No TSPs submit Changes via IDEV, other ERCOT Dispatch ERCOT Manual Process Planning Case Creation TSP Review ROS

  6. Topology Processor/Model on Demand Integrated System ERCOT/TSP Network Model update via NOMCR NMMS db Case Posted ERCOT Topology Processor for ODMS CRR Topology Output ERCOT Dispatch Profile Yes TSP Profiles Case complete? No TSPs submit Change via MOD Planning Topology Output TSP Standard PMCR ERCOT Model on Demand TSP Review TSP Future PMCR Planning Case Output ROS

  7. Model on Demand Separated System ERCOT/TSP Network Model update via NOMCR NMMS db Case Posted ERCOT Topology Processor for ODMS CRR Top Output ERCOT Dispatch Profile Yes TSP Profiles Case complete? No TSPs submit Change via MOD Topology from Existing Planning Case ERCOT Model on Demand TSP Review TSP Future PMCR Planning Case Output ROS

  8. MOD Standard PMCR Count by TSP as of 11/8/10 ROS

  9. SCR Resolution Methodology (Preliminary) ROS

  10. SCR Resolution Timeline (Preliminary) ROS

  11. ERCOT Request • SSWG commitment to Go-Live barring unforeseen major problems • TSPs commitment to provide resources to complete testing in an expeditious manner • Decide Model on Demand Separated System Go-Live for 2012 Data Set A case build first • Then decide for 2012 Data Set A whether to move to Topology Processor/Model on Demand Integrated System ROS

  12. Other Issues ROS

  13. Protocol 3.10.2 – Which Five Years? • 3.10.2 Annual Planning Model • For each of the next five years, ERCOT shall develop models for annual planning purposes that contain, as much as practicable, information consistent with the Network Operations Model. The “Annual Planning Model” for each of the next five years is a model of the ERCOT power system (created, approved, posted, and updated regularly by ERCOT) as it is expected to operate during peak Load conditions for the corresponding future year. • . • . • . • ERCOT shall coordinate updates to the Annual Planning Model with the Network Operations Model to ensure consistency of data within and between the Annual Planning Model and Network Operations Model to the extent practicable. ROS

  14. Topology Processor/SSWG Case Comparison • Case Comparison between Topology Processor and 10FAL1 case • Limited to those differences greater than 5% • Limited to Branches that exist in both cases (From Bus, To Bus, Circuit ID exactly the same) ROS

  15. Questions? ROS

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