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Jeopardy: Elements of Composers in the Medieval Middle Ages

Test your knowledge of the elements of composition in the Medieval Middle Ages with this Jeopardy game. Learn about melody, harmony, timbre, genre, form, and more!

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Jeopardy: Elements of Composers in the Medieval Middle Ages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Elements Composers N & R Medieval Middle Ages Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from H1 A single line of notes heard in succession as a a coherent unit.

  3. $100 Answer from H1 What is melody?

  4. $200 Question from H1 It is created by two or more notes (voices) singing or playing together at the same time.

  5. $200 Answer from H1 What is harmony?

  6. $300 Question from H1 The character of a sound.

  7. $300 Answer from H1 What is timbre?

  8. $400 Question from H1 The category of the music based on who or what is playing and what the music is used for (the social function).

  9. $400 Answer from H1 What is genre?

  10. $500 Question from H1 The structure of the music; how the music is put together.

  11. $500 Answer from H1 What is form?

  12. $100 Question from H2 She wrote more compositions than any other composer in the Middle Ages (that we know about)

  13. $100 Answer from H2 Who is Hildegard?

  14. $200 Question from H2 He was a blind Italian composer of the 14th century.

  15. $200 Answer from H2 Who was Landini?

  16. $300 Question from H2 He wrote songs of medieval courtly love and masses for the church. He was a poet and a composer.

  17. $300 Answer from H2 Who was Machaut?

  18. $400 Question from H2 He took music that was sung and arranged it for medieval instruments.

  19. $400 Answer from H2 Who was Sabio?

  20. $500 Question from H2 These were plainchants, sung in the Cathlolic Church, written by many composers, Not by Pope Gregory, who organized them for the church services.

  21. $500 Answer from H2 What are the Gregorian Chants?

  22. $100 Question from H3 The note that receives four beats.

  23. $100 Answer from H3 What is a whole note?

  24. $200 Question from H3 The rest that receives one beat?

  25. $200 Answer from H3 quarter

  26. $300 Question from H3 It takes two to equal a whole note.

  27. $300 Answer from H3 What is a half note.

  28. $400 Question from H3 The rest that sits on top of the line like a hat.

  29. $400 Answer from H3 What is a half rest?

  30. $500 Question from H3 It takes four of these rests to equal a whole rest.

  31. $500 Answer from H3 What is a quarter rest?

  32. $100 Question from H4 The years of the Medieval Era

  33. $100 Answer from H4 What era was from 400 to 1400?

  34. $200 Question from H4 The way music was copied in this era.

  35. $200 Answer from H4 What is by hand?

  36. $300 Question from H4 The music used in the daily services of the church.

  37. $300 Answer from H4 What is plainchant?

  38. $400 Question from H4 Everyone sings the same line of music.

  39. $400 Answer from H4 What is plainchant?

  40. $500 Question from H4 Poet composers of the Middle Ages.

  41. $500 Answer from H4 What are troubadours, trouveres, or minnesingers?

  42. $100 Question from H5 It dominated intellectual and cultural life during the Middle ages.

  43. $100 Answer from H5 What is the church?

  44. $200 Question from H5 Two or more equal lines sung at the same time.

  45. $200 Answer from H5 What is polyphony?

  46. $300 Question from H5 More than one note sung per syllable.

  47. $300 Answer from H5 What is melismatic?

  48. $400 Question from H5 Meaningless sung syllables.

  49. $400 Answer from H5 What are vocables?

  50. $500 Question from H5 One note sung per syllable.

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