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Avid gamers are very much concerned with various aspect of gaming- resolution, game speed, lags, compatibility, synchronization while playing online etc. Read more: https://tlggaming.com/blog/benefits-of-gaming-PCs-vs-consoles
PC and console gamers have been at each other's throats since the '80s, and the battle doesn't look like it'll end anytime soon. In one corner: fans of an expensive, multipurpose machine that allows unprecedented customization — if you've got time and expertise. In the other corner: advocates of a cheaper box with high-end exclusive games that does just one thing, and may not do it for all that many years.
GAMING PCS PCs have some different advantages, you can customize your PC, the visuals are sharper and more life-like, peripherals are more accurate than a console, and you can modify your games.
You can Customize PC Hardware • The Visuals are Better • Control the way you Play: Gaming Peripherals • You can Rescript Your Rig - or Your Game • PC Games Cost Less
The three components that gamers typically invest and upgrade the most often include: • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) or graphics card which turns data into signals which are sent to the monitor. This data then creates the imagery or video you see on the screen. • Memory (RAM): where game information is stored to be loaded or retrieved quickly. Here gamers consider how much RAM they might need, the frequency at which data can be transferred and speed (latency) of that information. • Hard drive or Solid State Drive (SSD) is where game information, data, programs and other applications are stored on the computer permanently and retrieved when required.
GAMING CONSOLES Consoles have advantages over PCs, they are easy to use, don’t require upgrades, many of your friends also have consoles, so it’s easy to play with your friends, in general they’re cheaper, and wireless controllers allow you to have a more active experience.
Consoles are Simple, Easy to use, and Cost Less. • You Don't Have to Upgrade Hardware • Brings Gaming to the Masses, Including Improving Multiplayer • Console-exclusive Titles • Wireless Controllers
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