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New Sampling/Sensor Initiative “Electrifying” NeSSI - Wireless to the Rescue?

This article explores the application of wireless technology in NeSSI systems, specifically focusing on the benefits and configurations of wireless signal transmission between the sensor analytical manager (SAM) and the controller/analyzer. The aim is to improve the efficiency and remote operation of sampling systems, such as NIR and RAMAN analyzers, by eliminating the need for wiring harnesses and enabling wireless communication.

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New Sampling/Sensor Initiative “Electrifying” NeSSI - Wireless to the Rescue?

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  1. New Sampling/Sensor Initiative“Electrifying” NeSSI -Wireless to the Rescue? Pittcon 2001 Meeting New Orleans, March 7, 2001

  2. V T P A Today: Brute Force Method Analyzer Controller • Power & Signal Delivered to Sensor from Controller Controller serve as the I/O Device Sampling System does not have any “Smarts” All Diagnostics in the Controller

  3. V T P A P V A T A • Local Sensor I/O Manager (like Opto22 devices or PLC) Local SAM Power Each sensor uses individual signal/power wires Requires Wiring Harness Useful for Remote Operation of Sampling System (such as NIR and RAMAN analyzers - would be a fiber-optic probe in this case) Legend: Pressure Sensor Temp Sensor Valve Analytical Sensor Alternative Brute Force Method ve Signal In/Outto AnalyzerController IA Controller (ASIC) SensorAnalyticalManagerSAM

  4. V T P A Improvement 1: Power Bus (Addressed in previous Session) Signal Wires Only SignalIn/Outto AC SensorAnalyticalManager(SAM) Shared Power Bus

  5. SRT SensorAnalyticalManager(SAM) V T P A SensorManager(I/OController) Improvement 2: Wireless Signal between SAM and Controller Analyzer Controller SRT = Sensor Receiver/Transmitter Type 2 Configuration

  6. SensorAnalyticalManager(SAM) V T P A SensorManager(I/OController) Improvement 3: Wireless Signal between SAM and Wireless Hub This configuration would be especially useful where Controller/Analyzer is remotely located from Sampling system (analyzer sensor in this case would typically be a fiber optic probe (e.g., RAMAN and NIR applications) Field Ethernet LAN WirelessHub Connected to Level 2 Ethernet Field LAN Type 3 Configuration

  7. SRT P A V T PowerModule Improvement 4: All Wireless Signal Analyzer Controller Type 4 Configuration

  8. A V T P Examples of Wireless Configurations Analyzer Server & Workstation Level 2 Ethernet Control System RAMAN, NIR etc. GP Area Fiber-OpticSensor. Field WH 1 on 1Type 4 1 on 1Type 3 2 on 1Type 2 1 on 1Type 2 1 on 2Type 2 WH = Wireless Hub

  9. Happy SAM

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