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Learn the syntax, data types, search tree, and rules of Prolog. Understand clauses, goals, backtracking, and proof trees. Discover how Prolog programs work through examples.
Syntax and Semantics of Prolog Syntax + Terminologies Data Types Search Tree (Proof Tree) Unification Backtracking
Prolog Program consists of • Facts - unconditional statement boy_names(john, 1700, 1). likes(rong, prolog). • Rules - conditional statement likes(rong,X):- likes(X,prolog). grandparent(X,Y):- parent(X,Z), parent(Z,Y). • Queries - something need to be proved (or goal needs to be solved)
Some Funny Terminologies • Head • Body • Neck • Tail gp(X,Y) :- p(X,Z), p(Z,Y). • Clause • Goal
Data Objects in Prolog • Variable - represents unknown object • Constant - represents simple instance • atom • number • Nested Structure • list – represents a sequence of objects • structure - represents compound objects (all data objects are called terms)
Syntax - Data Objects • Variable - strings starting with a capital letter strings starting with a ‘_’ • Constant • atom - strings starting with a lower-case letter, and any strings enclosed in single quotes • number – same as numbers in Java • Nested Structure • list - [term, term, … term] • structure - atom(term, term, …)
Syntax – Prolog Program A Prolog program consists of either goal. or goal :- goal, goal, …, goal. A goal can be either atom (i.e. a name without arguments)or atom(term, term, …) A term can be either variable, constant, or nested structure
Can You Spot Any Syntax Errors? Student_id(adam, 04971111) done :- do[1], do[2] do[3]. done(Job :- design(Job), imp(Job), test(Job), likes(tom marry).
program: father(john,ben). father(john,steve). father(steve,chris). father(chris,adam). father(steve,tom). …… grandfather(X,Z) :- father(X,Y), father(Y,Z). ?- father(steve,X). How Does a Prolog Program Work - by example
program: father(john,ben). father(john,steve). father(steve,chris). father(chris,adam). father(steve,tom). …… grandfather(X,Z) :- father(X,Y), father(Y,Z). ?- grandfather(X,chris). ?- f(X,Y),f(Y,chris). How Does a Prolog Program Work - by example
Unification There is a matching operation between the goal and the head of clause. This matching operation is called unification. Rules of unification: • a variable can unify with any term; • two constants (i.e. number or atom) can be unified if they are same; • two structures can be unified if they have same name and all arguments can be unified.
An Example:Simplify an Arithmetic Expression Problem: given an expression like 3+x+0, we want to change it to 3+x, i.e. remove redundant 0s. What are the rewriting rules? • simplify E+0 to E • simplify 0+E to E • keep E1+E2 unchanged if both E1 and E2 are not 0.
A Prolog Program to Simplify Arithmetic Expressions rules_for_plus(X, 0, X). rules_for_plus(0, X, X). rules_for_plus(X, Y, X+Y):- X \== 0, Y \== 0. simp(X,X):- atomic(X). simp(X+Y, NewXY):- simp(X, NewX), simp(Y, NewY), rules_for_plus(NewX, NewY, NewXY).