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IPPM WG @ IETF65. Tuesday March 21 17:40-19:50. IPPM Working Group. Chairs: Henk Uijterwaal <henk@ripe.net> Matt Zekauskas <matt@internet2.edu> Email: ippm@ietf.org ippm-request@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ippm. Agenda. Administrativia: Agenda Bashing Scribe

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  1. IPPM WG @ IETF65 Tuesday March 21 17:40-19:50

  2. IPPM Working Group • Chairs: • Henk Uijterwaal <henk@ripe.net> • Matt Zekauskas <matt@internet2.edu> • Email: • ippm@ietf.org • ippm-request@ietf.org • https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ippm

  3. Agenda • Administrativia: • Agenda Bashing • Scribe • Minutes • Blue Sheets • Status of Drafts and Milestones

  4. Agenda (2) • Composition of metrics • Framework: draft-ietf-ippm-framework-compagg-00.txt (Steven v/d Berghe/Al Morton) • Spatial Composition: draft-ietf-ippm-spatial-composition-00.txt (Emile Stephan/Al Morton) • MultiMetrics: draft-ietf-ippm-multimetrics-00.txt (Emile Stephan/Al Morton/Lei Liang)

  5. Agenda (3) • Traceroutes: draft-niccolini-ippm-storetraceroutes-03 (Saverio Niccolini) • Jitter Metric Comparison (Roman Krzanowski and Al Morton) • Packet Burst Metric (Roman Krzanowski) • AOB

  6. Status of drafts • Reordering: draft-ietf-ippm-reordering-11.txt • WG LC done • Sent to the IESG • OWAMP: draft-ietf-ippm-owdp-16.txt • Security issues raised by AD • Solved • Approved by IESG • Ready to become an RFC

  7. Status of drafts (2) • TWAMP: draft-ietf-ippm-twamp-00.txt • Stable • Needs security section • Waiting for OWAMP to be done • Implementation report: draft-ietf-ippm-implement-01 • Discussed with AD • Can be part of WGLC for advancing metrics • Document fine as it is

  8. Status of drafts (3) • Capacity draft: draft-ietf-ippm-bw-capacity-01 • Progress since the last meeting (Email from Joe Ishac) • Comments on the list • Clarify what we mean by "Nominal Capacity does not change over time". • Add a paragraph mentioning that a link can refer to more than one physical connection (or more specifically that it doesn't imply a single connection between two entities). • Unfortunately, we missed the deadline for the Dallas IETF. • Plan on having the new version out shortly after this IETF. • We would like to get this out the door. • Needs more review: • Does this define everything we have to define?

  9. Milestones • Dec 2005:  • Submit draft on the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol to the IESG for consideration as a PS (Done) • Jan 2006: • Submit initial applicability statement for the IPPM and ITU Jitter Measurements to the WG (Open) • Submit draft on a packet reordering metric to the IESG for Proposed Standard (Done)

  10. Milestones (2) • Jun 2006:  • Submit draft on Two-way active measurements protocol (TWAMP) to the IESG for consideration as proposed standard • Submit link bandwidth capacity definitions draft to the IESG, for consideration as an Informational RFC • Submit draft on storing results of traceroute measurements to the IESG • Develop new charter text • Dec 2006: • Submit draft on spatial composition of metrics to the IESG • Submit draft on Temporal Aggregation of Metrics to the IESG • Submit draft on spatial decomposition and multicast metrics to the IESG

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