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Splash Pilion

Splash Pilion enhances living conditions in communities, offering painting support to vulnerable individuals and ensuring clean, healthy homes for all. Through partnerships and initiatives, their mission is to uplift those in need.

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Splash Pilion

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  1. Splash Pilion Improving lives, homes, communities while creating opportunities

  2. Splash Pilion Welcome Howard Garrick Project Coordinator

  3. Splash Pilion Our Mission Fresh, Clean, Healthy Homes for All

  4. Splash Pilion Background • 10 years ago 100% of Islington Council Housing, Housing Associations and Cooperatives painted and decorated all generic properties before new tenants moved in their new home. • Today All Council Housing Stock and all Cooperative housing is offered to new tenants as it was left by the previous tenant. 60% of Housing Associations have adopted similar protocols. • All new tenants are offered vouchers for painting and decorating at local DIY stores or larger mainstream stores. • These vouchers are set by the size of each property. • From £175.00 to £ 300.00 depending on the number of rooms.

  5. Splash Pilion Background • 6 years ago I witnessed a 62 year old woman who rough slept for 15 years accepting her first home in a sheltered housing scheme run by HFI. • The property was cleared out of all the previous tenants belongings and all carpets were removed. • The walls and ceilings were dark from years of smoking by the previous tenant and the wall paper was peeling. • There was a stain in the sitting room to remind us where the previous tenants was found dead. • She was given £ 300.00 to redecorate. She could only spend it once and at a specific Shop on Holloway Road.

  6. Splash Pilion Background • Between 2007 and 2008 I monitored the moving in of vulnerable clients into their first homes. • I asked staff to photograph the properties at viewings. • I surveyed the clients leaving the service about their concerns • We also monitored the number of clients abandoning their new homes within the 1st year. • We visited those remaining in the flats to see what was the state of their new homes. • We realised something needed to be done to help vulnerable people to improve their chances in sustaining their tenancies and homes.

  7. Splash Pilion The idea was born • We had no money, no support from Council, no ability to raise funds for this idea. • By chance we met Alice from FRP at the Assembly Rooms who reminded us of our idea. • The Cooperative Bank, Evening Standard’s Dispossessed Fund, Help on your doorstep, Cripplegate Foundation, FRP and most recently Vodaphone and Bright Sparks came on board to help us make a difference. • We now could help vulnerable people have hope and not be destitute and depressed in squalor.

  8. Splash PilionAims and Objectives: • To offer support with decorating to low income, vulnerably housed people and those engaging with services that address ‘complex needs’ • To decorate the properties to a clean and healthy standard • To secure contracts for this work with Housing Associations and Local Authority Housing providers • To supply affordable recycled paint to those that are able to decorate themselves • To employ and train volunteers to accredited standards in Painting, Decorating, Customer Service and Health and Safety

  9. Splash Pilion • Research shows that 34% of ‘tenancy abandonment’ is a direct result of poor housing conditions(Shelter) “Resettlement services can help former homeless families and single people make an effective transition to a new home. Homeless people often move into new propertieswith few financial resources or personal possessions and may have lost contact withfriends, family and other social networks. Schemes that provide practical, emotionaland financial help, often combining support from paid staff and volunteers, haveproved successful in ensuring that tenancies do not break down….........”(Shelter)

  10. Splash Pilion • Partners & funders • Forest Recycling Project – ‘deliver practical community based projects to reduce, reduce and recycle waste’ • Vodafone ‘World of Difference’- Donate yourself and get paid for your time • The cooperative members community fund – ‘because it’s good when we all pull together’ • Evening Standard ‘The Dispossessed Fund’ - • EC1 Connect ‘Help on your Doorstep’ • Cripplegate – ‘Helping since 1500’ • Hackney Community College • Aspire Training Associates – ‘aspire to achieve’ • SHP – ‘Preventing homelessness, promoting social inclusion’

  11. Splash Pilion Brendan Earley Community Lead / ETE Youth Specialist

  12. Splash Pilion • STATS and WORK – 2012-13 • 8 Properties painted to a clean and healthy standard • 2 families with 3 very young children in each family • 6 single people with disabilities and/or capability concerns • 4 Community projects successfully completed • 106 young people (16 to 23yrs) have benefited • 135 children have improved surroundings • Community Paint Shop Open – 3 days per week • Over 400 litres of paint sold • 12 Volunteers in training, education and employment

  13. Splash Pilion Case study Monica – Isolated in her home through Multiple Sclerosis and depression Monica was struggling to cope in her flat. Three of the rooms were in a terrible state due to a private company walking off the job. Splash Pilion received the referral from SHP and began work the within a week. Monica chose a bright yellow for her front room and a light pink for her bedroom. The team also painted her hallways and doors. The transformation of Monica’s flat coupled with the light in her eyes and smile once completed was priceless. Monica now feels safe to sleep in her bedroom and regularly breakfast’s in her sun kissed front room.

  14. Splash Pilion Case study Caroline – Having not worked, trained in the last 8 years and previously struggling with addiction issues, Caroline successfully applied to volunteer for a sales assistant position. Caroline comes to work beaming from ear to ear twice weekly and is now working on her NVQ 2 IN Customer Service and will shortly start a business/admin course. She has also managed to include this as further training with her Work Programme Advisor.

  15. Splash Pilion • Project today • Community Paint Shop opening in new premises • 4 Jobs monthly on average • 1 New partnership per month • 1 TMO contract secured so far • New volunteer referrals from partner agencies weekly • Massive growth in interest from the Islington community • An 8 strong team of dedicated volunteers

  16. Splash Pilion • What we want for the future? • Obtain funding to boost our capacity • To secure at least 2 new contracts with TMO’s or housing providers this year • Move to a permanent building • Develop more NVQ courses to enable people to study work and leave benefits. • Sponsorship deal with a blue chip company to get us small transit van. • Grow the community work and revitalise more public spaces. • Community Art Project – Artist in residence • Reduce the sadness and deprivation caused by lack of quality homes for vulnerable and disabled people in Islington.

  17. Splash Pilion • How you can help? • Promote our work by word of mouth. • Let your staff and teams know about the project and the shop • If you know your neighbour is in need let them know about the project. • Donate: • Time • Skills • Support • Cash • Give us a contract. • Mentor and help the team • Sign up to volunteer.

  18. Splash Pilion Questions and Answers

  19. Splash Pilion • Contact information • brendan.splashpilion@piliontrust.org.uk • howard.mc@piliontrust.org.uk • Shop: 225 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 2DA • TEL: 0207 700-2498 FAX: 0207 700- 2542 • @Piliontrust.com or Facebook.com/Splash Pilion

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