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BLended Learning: Online Tools for Learning at School and at Home

Explore the concept of blended learning and discover how online tools can enhance the learning experience both in the classroom and at home. This presentation provides an overview of blended learning, showcases educational tools like Ed1Stop, Khan Academy, MobyMax, and Kahoot!, and offers valuable resources for teachers. Join us and take your teaching to the next level!

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BLended Learning: Online Tools for Learning at School and at Home

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BLended Learning: Online Tools for Learning at School and at Home Presented by: Darcy Long Susan Paulson dlong@wccusd.net @darcyteaches spaulson@wccusd.net

  2. Hello, and welcome! You can find us at: dlong@wccusd.net @darcyteaches spaulson@wccusd.net We are: Darcy Long:K-6 Education-Technology Instructional “Coach” Susan Paulson: 4th grade teacher, Grant

  3. Classroom Technology INtegration

  4. BLENDED LEARNING “Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace.” (From Wikipedia.) “SAGE ON THE STAGE” “GUIDE ON THE SIDE”

  5. BLENDED LEARNING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auzwH1mK2TY&feature=youtu.be&list=PLZ7v1-K0PIbIyDwtRj_dkWYj8iNgR4BaM IT IS… What it ISN’T. (Different tools, same interactions.)

  6. 1. Ed1Stop

  7. Ed1Stop

  8. Ed1Stop

  9. Ed1Stop This is a slide title

  10. 2. Khan Academy

  11. Khan academy Fully differentiated learning capabilities

  12. Khan academy

  13. Khan academy Real-time, student activities management

  14. 3. mobymax

  15. mobymax

  16. mobymax

  17. 4. kahoot! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6gER64oFgA

  18. Assessing students using KAhoot! Post- assessment Pre- assessment Progress monitoring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn0fbKVAlnc

  19. KAhoot!

  20. http://www.wccusd.net/Page/5146 Blended Learning Video:goo.gl/ZcPvqs ed1stop Login Request for WCCUSD Teachers: https://goo.gl/LzieUc Resources and videos http://padlet.com/darcylong/blendedlearning

  21. Thank you for joining us! Any questions? Links to ALL resources can be found at: http://padlet.com/darcylong/blendedlearning You can find us at: dlong@wccusd.net @darcyteaches spaulson@wccusd.net

  22. Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: • Presentation template by SlidesCarnival • Photographs by Unsplash

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