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This article provides an overview of the Scholarship Programme, a close partnership between SIU, RANNIS, and AIBA. It discusses the program's role in contributing to policy and strategic development in educational cooperation through grants mechanisms. The article also highlights the program's objectives, project examples, and coordination efforts.
Partnerships in Education: The ScholarshipProgramme from an overall perspective Veena Gill Senior Adviser SIU 10 June 2016 Brussels
SIU, RANNIS and AIBA – DonarProgramme Partners National contact for the EEA and Norway grantsScholarshipProgramme Close partner ofthe FMO especiallysector for theeducation and scholarshipprogrammes Contributing to policy and strategicdevelopmentofeducationalcooperationthroughthegrantsfinancialmechanisms Internationalisation and educationaldiplomacy – partners in developmentof relevant educationalprogrammes in BS Advisingimplementationofprogrammes in BS Advisinghomeministriesand the FMO secretariat Analyticalreview, selfevaluationsunderway and suggestions for adjustmentsofprogrammes Participation in Cooperation Committees in the BS – programmedevelopment – calls-selectionofprojects – reportingonresults Coordination and assistance, information and promotionoftheprogrammes in Donor States
EEA and Norway grants - ScholarshipProgramme2009-2014 (2016) 11 ScholarshipProgrammesapprox. 42 million euro Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain Calls for applications January 2013 – Desember 2015 Spring 2016 bilateral funds Ongoingprojects - 2016
EEA and Norway grants- background Economiccrisis, growingunemployment, agingpopulations and strainedwelfarebudgets. Threatofincreasingsocio-economicdifferenceswithin and between European nations. Economicgrowthwillneedinnovation , research and increasededucationalcompetence to providethenecessaryedgeofcompetetiveness. EU educationalpoliciesincludingour program aregearedtowardsthis end.
The Financial Mechanismscomprise: EEA grants (include 3 EFTA countries) Norway grants Objectives: Reducingsocial and economicdisparities in Europe Strengthening bilateral relationsbetween Norway and the BS 10 main program areas 150 programmes EEA and Norway grants 2009-2014(16)
The ScholarshipProgramme 2009-14 (16) • Bilateral cooperation – partnerships – potential for multilateral projects • Overarchingprogrammemodel • More strategic and coordinatedefforts – common guidelines and regulations - definedoutcomes
Programmetheory Overarchingprogrammeapproachwithclearlydefinedobjectives and expectedoutcomes Bilateral cooperationbetween BS and DS Institutional framework - commonguidelines for country programmesand regulatoryframework Institutional projects at all levelsofeducation primary and secondary,adulteducation and training, VET, and highereducation and research
Programmetheory Synergiesbetween EEA/Norway grantsscholarship and research Cooperation withtheothersectorprogrammes- untappedpotential Enhancingcompetence and capacity – building human capital Comparativeadvantage - addedvalueofcooperationwithinstitutions/mileus from DS Sustainability Recipientresponsibility and ownership Cross cuttingissues – gender, goodgovernance, environmentalconcerns
Principles Anchored in educationalprioritiesof BS (specialsectors/areas/ marginalisedgroups) Donor prioritiessecuredthroughMoUswith BS mottakerlandene
Objectives Knowledge exchange and building human capital Strengthening bilateral relations A. Highereducation and research - enhance and consolidatemileusthroughprojects - tertiarylevelmobility –students and research and academic staff and trainees B. All educationlevels - institutionalprojects at all educationlevels - mobilityonly as a part ofprojects - mainly students at tertiarylevel and staff – mobility at schoollevel– onlythroughinstitutionalcollaborativeprojects – mainly staff taking advancedleveleducation or training
Highereducation and researchcooperation in line withcurrent Norwegian and European policy Coordinatedapproach - relevant line ministries in DS and BS Poolingofresourcesbetweenresearch and scholarshipprogrammes (Ex. Latvia) Integrated policies at implementationlevel Prioritisationbasedonnationalneeds in BS Streamliningfocus and thematic areas in country programmes
Examplesofhighereducation and researchcooperation in the present period Someexamples: - courses on scientific methods/theory developed through research in specialized fields for both bachelor and master students and innovative features related to research introduced in the content of study courses - designed interdisciplinary course modules based on the novel data resources created in the course of research project - developed optional new modules by research institutions based on their research interests that bachelor and master students participate in - involved PhD, master and bachelor students in research projects by working on their assignments/thesis on related research topics, contributing to data obtaining process in research projects, analysis of results, writing of publications as part of research thesis - involved academic staff in research project activities to facilitate knowledge-transfer and theoretical and practical training in development and application of advanced methods that can be applied in teaching activities
Overview from projectscompleted and reported FMO Incompletedataset - trends Disbursements Donor partnerships Types ofinstitutionsinvolved
Ongoingcooperation 2015-2016 Nearly 800 projects – mostly in highereducation, butalsogoodspread in secondaryschool, adult education and VET 150 participatinginstitutions from DS Over 350 participatinginstitutions from institutions/organisations in BS 2000+ staff and student mobilities
Overview Results 1,566 Mobile staff 617Staff with increased skills and competences 495Joint products and services e.g. teaching materials etc. 1,046 Students that gained ECTS credits 85% of projects have bilateral cooperation
Mobility data (collected for Bilateral Mid-Term Evaluation, FMO)
Number of partnerships for the main donor project partners (scholarships) (Norwegian higher education institutions*) Norwegian UniversityofScience and Technology (121) *As per 1.1.2016
Number of partnerships for the main donor project partners (scholarships)* *There are different approaches to registration of projects for the different programmes. Most of the projects in CZ07 are of small amount
Number of partnerships for the main donor project partners (scholarships)* *There are different approaches to registration of projects for the different programmes. Most of the projects in CZ07 are of small amount
Number of partnerships for the main donor project partners (scholarships)* *There are different approaches to registration of projects for the different programmes. Most of the projects in CZ07 are of small amount
Wellontheway to contributing to long term outcomes • Mainstreamingintocurrent European policy and education/researchprogrammes • Enhancinginternationalisation at institutions and higherqualityeducation • Contributing to consolidate and enhancingsustainableeducationmileus at institutions in BS • Facilitatinglong lasting institutional bilateral cooperationbetween BS and DS • Reducingdiscrepancies in access for all to education • Increasingpotential for impactonreducingsocio-economicdifferences in Europe
Concludingremarks ScholarshipProgramme • Contributed to knowledgeproduction and strengthening bilateral relations • At all educationlevels • With a focusonuserneeds • Hopefullycollaborationbetween BS and DS in this area willhelpopennewavenuesofcooperation in thenextfundingperiod in theeducationsectoracrossdisciplines and nationalboundarieswiththeaimofreducingsocio- economicdifferences and discrepancieswithregards to access to theknowledgeeconomy
General recommendations to line ministries at home Continue and consolidaterelationsalreadyestablished Largerprogrammeportfolios Closerlinkage to innovation and research and worldofwork
Measures – Quality and Relevance for knowledgeeconomiesofthefuture Curriculum developmentto meetfutureneeds Innovative models and newtechnologies in education Developing/enhancing skills for jobpotential Innovative solutions for recruiting to study, work or entreneurship Youthentrepreneurshipthrougheducation and training