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Américo Paredes, George Washington Gómez Lec III

Américo Paredes, George Washington Gómez Lec III. Ramon Saldivar Stanford University. Identity, Naming, and the Symbolic Cultural Order of Subjectification, or What’s in a name?. “And what shall we name him?” GWG I, 2, p. 15 “A great man who will help his people” GWG I, 2, p. 16.

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Américo Paredes, George Washington Gómez Lec III

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  1. Américo Paredes,George Washington Gómez Lec III Ramon Saldivar Stanford University

  2. Identity, Naming, and the Symbolic Cultural Order of Subjectification, or What’s in a name? • “And what shall we name him?” GWG I, 2, p. 15 • “A great man who will help his people” GWG I, 2, p. 16 Paredes, GWG

  3. Louis Althusser:Interpellation • Process whereby an “individual” is • “appointed as a subject in and by the specific familial [political] ideological configuration in which it is ‘expected’ once it has been conceived” • “Ideological State Apparatuses” (1971) Paredes, GWG

  4. Mikhail Bakhtin -- “Speech Genres and Other Essays” • Speech Genres: • Forms of utterances • Permissible locutions • Normative restraints on intentions • Boundaries of what one can say and not say Paredes, GWG

  5. Identity and the Instability of the Name • GWG II, 4, pp. 50-51 “Why am I, I” • GWG III, 1, p. 110 “Indian name” • GWG III, 7, p. 137 “hate his name” • GWG III, 9, pp. 147-8 “Anglo-american self” • GWG III, 9, p. 147 Modernist checkerboard of consciousness Paredes, GWG

  6. Pablo Picasso,Man with a Clarinet. 1911 - 1912 Paredes, GWG

  7. The transcultural Borderlands Subject • GWG III, 9, p. 148 “gently prodded toward complete Americanization” • GWG III, 9, p. 150 “name of contradiction” Paredes, GWG

  8. Schools and the Process of Americanization • Ideological State Apparatus • American Ideological system • Mexican folkloric cultural system Paredes, GWG

  9. The Function of Folklore -- Antonio Gramsci • Language itself • Common sense • Popular belief • The entire system of daily life Paredes, GWG

  10. Identity and the Economic, Social, and Cultural Forces • GWG II, 1, p. 36 • GWG IV, 3, pp. 195-6 • Pre-capitalist subsistence agrarian life replaced by • Modern large-scale market-oriented agri-business • The last scene of Manifest Destiny Paredes, GWG

  11. George G. Gómez and the Political Unconscious • Pre-WW II “border security” GWG V, 5, p. 299 • Guálinto’s recurring dream GWG V, 1, pp. 281-2: • “childish daydreams” and “silly imaginings” • Fantasy, the Unconscious, and History Paredes, GWG

  12. The Limits of Male-gendered Narratives • Corrido as male-gendered speech genre • Joins patriarchal authority and defeat • Failed utopian vision of novel’s end • Points to new models of Identity formation Paredes, GWG

  13. Next Time • Lecture I, Willa Cather, The Professor’s House (1925) • Narrative Strategy and American Identity Formation Paredes, GWG

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