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Data Filtering and Software

Data Filtering and Software. IceCube Collaboration Meeting Monday, March 21, 2005. Overview. Data Filtering and Software includes: Processing and Filtering (PnF) System at Pole Production Processing software environment Offline software suite IceTray software framework

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Data Filtering and Software

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  1. Data Filtering and Software IceCube Collaboration Meeting Monday, March 21, 2005

  2. Overview • Data Filtering and Software includes: • Processing and Filtering (PnF) System at Pole • Production Processing software environment • Offline software suite • IceTray software framework • Dataclasses event containers • Build system and tools • Database design and implementation • Database server • Access tools • Data visualization • Event Viewer • Root-based analysis tools Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  3. DAQ Dispatch P&F Server Filt/Rec Data Raw Data Recon Worker X 50-60? PnF System Overview Expt. Control / Logging DAQ Land 4-15MB/s 1500-2000Hz ALL: RAW+FILT+REC FILT:RAW+FILT+REC Data Handling ALL:FILT+REC Transient Buffer Online Analysis Rec/Filt Data Online Analysis Tape Online Analysis Recon Monitor Offline Software/IceTray Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  4. PnF system at Pole • V1.0 of PnF system was deployed at Pole this past season. • Running IceTray in Online environment • Parses and decodes the incoming DAQ stream • Currently performs no reconstruction. • Currently not in the Main data stream. • Lack of global run information at Pole • Lack of system-wide integration testing • No PnF output sent via satellite • TestDAQ/Monolith output tarfile only output sent • New version of Monolith soon (April) • Real testing of data flow to PnF (SPTS -> SPS) Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  5. PnF Plans for next year • With the “Real DAQ” in place: • PnF output IS the output stream for RAW event data from IceCube DAQ. • All other non-event data will be handled by databases. • After this next deployment season: • Filtering at South Pole will be REQUIRED. • Will require reconstruction/filtering modules be ready and fully tested in IceTray offline! Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  6. Offline Software • Several incremental releases this past year • In use by reconstruction and simulation groups. • Current release (new!): • OFFLINE-SOFTWARE V01-05-00 • Full details on release, and HEAD at: • http://glacier.lbl.gov/ • Plans for more functionality and tools over the next year. • More details regarding “readiness” of software later…. Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  7. Databases (Mons group) • DOM assembly and testing database setup and in use for FAT testing. • Geometry database for String 21/IceTop up to date with Kurt’s latest numbers. • Includes “nominal” locations for other strings • Preliminary version of DOM calibration DB • IceTray module for DB access in place • In the next few months: • Run configuration DB for data from current year • Continued integration of database into IceTray Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  8. Visualization • Event viewer in place • Animations • Fits, features, readouts • Root analysis Tree tools in place • Fit/reconstruction level analyses • Waveforms, features, hits level analyses • Plans for more over the next year. Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  9. Current State of Offline SW(Is it “analysis ready”?) • IceTray software Framework • Has been released for ~1 year. • Can handle single events in a linear chain of modules • More advanced module topologies planned this year • Dataclasses event storage classes • Have been released for >9 months. • Designed for storage of • IceTray DOM data • Amanda data (treat as stand-alone/together) • Reconstruction results • Geometry, calibration, monitoring structures, more… Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  10. State of Software (cont’d) • More extensions planned as need dictates. • Can hold TestDAQ data from this year • I/O routines for IceCube data • Monolith-reader can decode data from Pole. • Triggered events from South Pole in dataclasses • Basic functionality is there. • Includes domcal information (Thanks Dima…) • Still some work to do (trigger ID, run ID, etc) • Run “meta-data” – Run configuration info. • Data exists (files), but documentation and wider understanding is minimal. • Need docs, fill run configuration database to make properly available for analysis in IceTray. Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  11. State of Software (cont’d) • Cleaning, feature extraction • Basic functionality in place and working • Hit selection/cleaning • FeatureExtractor (Dima) • Advanced cleaning needs to be implemented • Amanda specific: Cross talk, flare checking, etc. • Plans for that in next few weeks with Peter Steffen and others • Reconstruction • Basic algorithms are done (and reviewed!) • First guess (linefit, dipole, c-first, TOI, JAMS) • Standard Log-likelihood for muon tracks • Advanced (exotic PDFs, iterative fits) needed Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  12. State of Software (cont’d) • Cut parameters/observables • Work has just started here and much remains. • Filtering capabilities • Currently possible to use linear chain of modules to reduce data files. • Branching of flow in modules planned for this year. • Allow muon and cascade recos in same chain. • Needs a “decision” module • Amanda • Full support for calibrated F2K files • Includes TWR in F2K files Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  13. State of Software (cont’d) • TWR readouts (non-F2K) support this year • Working towards being ready to merge AMANDA/IceCube data this summer. • IceCube and Amanda data are both handled naturally together in IceTray/dataclasses. • Simulation (Significant driving force in the design and requirements for IceTray.) • Merging input frames to overlay events • Currently developing simulation releases against OFFLINE-SOFTWARE releases. Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  14. String 21 Data – A few plots Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  15. String 21 Data – A few plots More like this in Gary’s talk Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  16. Status Summary Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

  17. Status Summary (2) • IceCube Offline software effort needs more: • Users • Developers of applications • Feedback, bugs found, documentation readers, etc. • We’re providing the framework and some tools. • Real work of providing reconstructions, analyses, simulations will be the work of the entire collaboration. • Start using it. It’s ready. • There are many ways to help out in software. Data Filtering and Software – E. Blaufuss

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