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Short Film Analysis . About a Girl Black Hole Get Off My Land Connections The Last Man On Earth . About a Girl. Developed Character:
Short Film Analysis About a Girl Black Hole Get Off My Land Connections The Last Man On Earth
About a Girl Developed Character: • The one main character in this short film is the girl this character is developed through out the film, the opening clip is her singing and dancing to the song Stronger, this could be showing how she is developing through her life and becoming more aware of problems and solving them. • You create a bond with the young girl and can tell that in her situation that she is lonely in her family,she talks about how she has to hide things from herher mother, and she has not got a brilliant relationshipwith her dad. • Although there are others characters in this film you do not follow their story while with the young girl she talks about her whole life and
About a Girl Narrative Structure: • There is not know structure in an short film and this is shown in About a Girl, straight away you do not understand what is going on as you see the girl dancing and then after that her introducing her life to the audience and it soon sets the whereabouts the film is taking place. • The structure is the girl walking around having a narrative structure while bits of her life keep popping up and her talking over the top so you can not tell the story line of the short film.
About a Girl Catalyst: • The catalyst in this clip is the plastic bag how ever you do not notice that it is such a bad twist into the short film. But she is carrying it around through out the whole clip. Once discovered the insides of this bag you see a dead baby
About a Girl Playing with audiences expectations: • The audience do not expect a child in the plastic bag so this is a huge shock to them, as the girl seems like an innocent girl walking around just talking about her life while she is singing and dancing to music.
Black Hole Developed Character: • There is only one character in this short film this is the main developed character even though there is no dialogue in this you can learn a lot about his, for example you could infer that he is lonely by his facial expressions and the way he is the only person working at this certain time. • When noticed about the black hole the man filled up with excitement and straight awaywanted to commit a crime this shows what kind of person he is and that he does not consider the consequences.
Black Hole Narrative Structure: • The black hole does not have any certain set narrative structure as it just start of with him photocopying things then as the black hole appears some sense or story is created however you are still about a bit confused on certain parts of who is he what's he doing why was he photocopying, and a you can only know a certain structure at the end when he gets trapped in the safe.
Black Hole Playing with Audiences Expectations: • This short film plays with the audiences expectations by at the end where the character gets stuck inside of the safe, you do not figure out what happens as the film ends but you predict that there is no air in the safe and dies however someone could open the safe and set him free
Black Hole Catalyst: • The catalyst in the black hole would be the printer as it started the story off and the setting started to get shown and how the rest of the film was being predicted.
Get Off My Land Developed Character: • Even though there are 3 characters in this short film you follow one in depth which is the male character at the beginning, you see this by at the start where he struggles to get over the fence which is also the catalyst. • You can tell that this character is stubborn from the argument that he has with the land lord .
Get Off My Land Narrative Structure: • The structure in this film is very hard to get as you its so short and direct to you, how ever you can see a start and a surprising finish.
Get Off My Land Playing with Audience Expectations: • This film creates a huge shock to the audience as the audience are expecting a comedy kind of ending nothing so violent and when the farmer actually shoots the “trespasser” and then to round it off it does then change to a comedy ending with the farmer saying “actually I think this is a public footpath”
Get Off My Land Catalyst • The catalyst for this film would be the fence where the man tries to climb over, this creates a humorous atmosphere to the film and plays with the audiences expectations even more.
Connections Developed Character • There is a lot you can tell about the main character even though there is no dialogue used in this film, simply by his facial expressions and the actions that he does. • For example the first action that you see is him in the pub drinking alone which shows he is a lonely man • Then also that enhances this is him imagining that he is with a stranger.
Connections Playing with Audience Expectations • Something that confuses the audience the most is the flashbacks, or are they actually his imagination. • Once you see him in the house sniffing through other peoples things you expect something terrible to happen to him, also as he is drinking and obviously has relationship problems. • What is also a problem is that there is no dialogue and is harder to tell what is actually happening.
Connections Catalyst • The catalyst is him in the pub drinking his beer as from there is then goes onto creating the flash back or the little story in his imaginary world with his stranger.
Connections Narrative Structure • There is no set structure for this short film but however this helps play with the audiences expectations by no one not really knowing what is about to go on. • What also confuses the narrative structure is that you do not know if the main character is having flashbacks or if he's imagining, so if he is having flashbacks it starts really messing around with the time line of the film.
The Last Man on Earth Narrative Structure • There is no start to this film however a with the twist at the end you do not understand where the film is planning to go next. • However the chemical which the developed character has taken creates that the assumption of death will happen which then puts a sense of a structure in the audience mind
The Last Man on Earth Developed Character • Straight away you can guess the developed character and many facts about him from his looks. • Another reason why you can tell he is the developed character is that the camera seems to follow his journey which also really helps set the story
The Last Man on Earth Playing with Audience Expectations • The ending of the short film creates the biggest shock to the audience as you actually believe the short films story line that he is alone in this world as there are no one in the streets, his clothes look too messy and looks like he has been through a long adventure by his self • Then to ensure that he is the only man he took his own life away from him however when the phone goes off and he notices that his friend is alive you make the consumption that every one is now alive
The Last Man on Earth Catalyst • It was hard to understand what the catalyst was through this film so I assumed that it was a fallen down stool in the pub at the start of the film as this creates the tone that no one is around and he is alone on this planet