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Explore phase transitions in geometric random graphs and statistics gathering over grids for sensor networks. Study monotone properties and sharp thresholds. Discuss the concept of bottleneck matchings.
Phase Transitions and Statistics Gathering for Sensor Networks Ashish GoelStanford UniversityJoint work with Sanatan Rai and Bhaskar Krishnamachari; Enachescu, Govindan, and Motwani http://www.stanford.edu/~ashishg ashishg@stanford.edu
Sensor Networks • Sensors often reside on the Euclidean plane • Whether two sensors can communicate is determined largely by their Euclidean distance • Often, laid out regularly • Grids, random geometric graphs are reasonable models • Big advantage over general networks in algorithm design and analysis • This talk: • Phase transitions in geometric random graphs • Statistics gathering over grids ashishg@stanford.edu
Geometric Random Graphs • G(n;r) in d-dimensions: • n points uniformly distributed in [0,1]d • Two points are connected if their Euclidean distance is less than r • Sensor networks can often be modeled as G(n;r) with d=2 • Eg. sensors “sprinkled” from a helicopter over a corn field • The wireless radius corresponds to r • Question: How shouldnandrbe chosen to ensure thatG(n;r)has a desirable property P(eg. connectivity, 2-connectivity, large cliques)with high probability? ashishg@stanford.edu
1 Any other pointYis a neighbor ofX with probabilityr2 Expected degree of X is r2 (n-1) r X 0 1 ashishg@stanford.edu
Thresholds for monotone properties? • A graph property P is monotone if, for all graphs G1=(V,E1) and G2=(V,E2) such that E1µ E2, G1 satisfies P)G2 satisfies P • Informally, addition of edges preserves P • Examples: connectivity, Hamiltonianicity, bounded diameter, expansion, degree ¸ k, existence of minors, k-connectivity .… • Folklore Conjecture: All monotone properties have “sharp” thresholds for geometric random graphs • Also, simulation evidence for several properties [Krishnamachari, Bejar, Wicker, Pearlman ’02] [McColm ‘03] ashishg@stanford.edu
To quote Bollobás (via Krishnamachari et al): “One of the main aims of the theory of random graphs is to determine when a given property is likely to appear.” ashishg@stanford.edu
Example: Connectivity Define c(n) such that p c(n)2= log n/n • Asymptotically, when d=2 • G(n;c(n)) is disconnected with high probability • For any e > 0, G(n; (1+e)c(n)) is connected whp • So, c(n) = is a “sharp” threshold for connectivity at d=2 [Gupta and Kumar ‘98; Penrose ‘97] • Similar thresholds exist for all dimensions • cd(n) ¼ (log n/(nVd))1/d, where Vdis the volume of the unit ball in d dimensions • Average degree ¼log n at the threshold ashishg@stanford.edu
Width and sharp thresholds • For property P, and 0 < e < 1, if there exist two functions L(n) and U(n) such that Pr[G(n;L(n)) satisfiesP] = e, and Pr[G(n;U(n)) satisfiesP] = 1 - e, then the e-width we(n) of P is defined as U(n)-L(n) • If we(n) = o(1) for all e, then P is said to have a sharp threshold ashishg@stanford.edu
Example Pr[G(n;r) satisfies P] 1 1-e e r 0 Width ashishg@stanford.edu
Connections (?) to Bernoulli Random Graphs • Famous graph family G(n;p) • Popular model for general random graphs • Edges are iid; each edge present with probability p • Connectivity threshold is p(n) = log n/n • Average degree exactly the same as that of geometric random graphs at their connectivity threshold!! • All monotone properties have e-width = O(1/log n) for any fixed e in the Bernoulli graph model [Friedgut and Kalai ’96] • Can not be improved beyond O(1/log2 n) • Almost matched [Bourgain and Kalai ’97] • Proof relies heavily on independence of edges • There is no edge independence in geometric random graphs => we need new techniques ashishg@stanford.edu
Our results [Goel, Rai, Krishnamachari, Ann App Prob 2005] • The e-width of any monotone property is • Sharp thresholds in the geometric random graph model • Sharper transition (inverse polynomial width) than Bernoulli random graphs (inverse logarithmic width) • There exist monotone properties with width • Tight for d=1, sub-logarithmic gap for d>1 ashishg@stanford.edu
Why cd(n)? • Why express results in terms of cd(n)? • Width gives a sharp “additive” threshold • We are typically interested in properties that subsume connectivity • For such properties, an additive threshold in terms of cd(n) also corresponds to a “multiplicative” threshold • The exact sharpness of the multiplicative threshold depends on L(n) and on the exact additive bounds ashishg@stanford.edu
Bottleneck Matchings • Draw n “blue” points and n “red” points uniformly and independently from [0,1]d • B, R denotes the set of blue, red points resp. • A minimum bottleneck matching between R and B is a one-one mapping f:B ! R which minimizes maxu2 B||f(u)-u||2 • The corresponding distance (maxu2 B||f(u)-u||2) is called the minimum bottleneck distance • Let Xn denote this minimum bottleneck distance ashishg@stanford.edu
Example Bottleneck distance = g ashishg@stanford.edu
Bottleneck Matchings and Width Theorem: If Pr[Xn > g] · p then the sqrt(p)-widthof any monotone property is at most 2g Implication: Can analyze just one quantity, Xn, as opposed to all monotone properties (in particular, can provide simulation based evidence) Proof: Let P be any monotone property • Let e = sqrt(p) • Choose L(n) such that Pr[G(n;L(n)) satisfiesP] = e • Define U(n) = L(n) + 2g • Draw two random graphs GL and GU(independently) from G(n;L(n)) and G(n;U(n)), resp. • Let B, R denote the set of points in GL, GU resp. ashishg@stanford.edu
Bottleneck Matchings and Width(proof contd.) Assume Xn·g. Let f be the corresponding minimum bottleneck matching between R and B. For any u,v 2 B: ||f(u)-f(v)||2· ||f(u)-u||2 + ||u-v||2 + ||f(v)-v||2· 2g + ||u-v||2 Hence, (u,v) is an edge in GL) (f(u),f(v)) is an edge in GU i.e.GLis a subgraph ofGU By definition, Pr[Xn > g] · p ) Pr[GLis not a subgraph of GU] · p = 2(1) ashishg@stanford.edu
· 2g + L(n) Suppose bottleneck matching ·g · L(n) Illustration I: Triangle Inequality ashishg@stanford.edu
Bottleneck Matchings and Width(proof contd.) Pr[GL is not a subgraph of GU] · p = 2 (1) Let q = Pr[GUdoes not satisfyP] Pis monotone, Pr[GLsatisfiesP] = e, ) Pr[GLis not a subgraphof GU] ¸e¢q (2) Combining (1) and (2), we get e¢q · p i.e. q ·e Therefore, Pr[GUsatisfies] ¸ 1- i.e. the -width of is at most U(n) – L(n) = 2 Done! ashishg@stanford.edu
Does not satisfy P q e Satisfies P G(n;L(n)+2g) G(n;L(n)) GLis not a subgraph of GU with probability at least eq Illustration II: Probability Amplification GU GL ashishg@stanford.edu
Our Goal now Analyze the bottleneck matching distance Xn Specifically, we are done if Xn = O(g(n)) with high probability, for some “small” g(n) ashishg@stanford.edu
Comparison with Bernoulli Random Graphs? • We are attempting to show something quite strong • G(n;r) is a subgraph of G(n;r+g) whp, for small g • “Laminar” structure • Corresponding result is NOT true for Bernoulli random graphs even for = ½ • If small bottleneck matchings exist whp, we will get stronger thresholds than for Bernoulli random graphs ashishg@stanford.edu
Existence of Small Bottleneck Matchings • The bottleneck matching length is O(cd(n)) whp for d ¸ 3 [Shor and Yukich 1991; we present a simpler proof] O(c2(n) log1/4n) whpfor d = 2 [Leighton and Shor 1989] O (sqrt(log(1/e))/sqrt(n)) with probability 1-efor d = 1 [Our paper (folklore?)] • This gives us the desired widths • Will omit the proof, focus on implications • There is a small bottleneck matching between a random geometric graph and the grid ashishg@stanford.edu
Lower bound examples • For d=1, the property “min-degree ¸ n/4” has width W(sqrt(log 1/e)/sqrt(n)) • Basic idea: Just the two endpoints on the line are interesting for the purpose of finding the minimum degree • For d¸ 2, the property “G is a clique”has width W(1/n1/d) • Open problems: • Plug the gap in the upper/lower bounds on the width for d ¸ 2 • Also, all our lower bound examples undergo phase transitions at r = Q(1). Is there something interesting and different in the region where r is of the order of the connectivity threshold? ashishg@stanford.edu
Implications – Mixing Time Fastest mixing Markov chain defined on G(n;r) has mixing time Q(r-2 log n) for large enough r [Boyd, Ghosh, Prabhakar, Shah ‘05] Alternate proof: • GRID(n;r): n points are laid on a grid in [0,1]2 and two points are connected if they are within distance r. • Fastest mixing time of GRID(n;r) = Q(r-2log n) [Trivial] • G(n;r) is a super-graph of GRID(n;r-d) and a sub-graph of GRID(n;r+d) whp for small enough d [Our result] ) Fastest mixing time of G(n;r) is Q(r-2log n) whp ashishg@stanford.edu
Implications – Spectra Our techniques can be extended to show that the spectrum of random geometric graphs converges to the spectrum of the grid graph. [Rai ’05] ashishg@stanford.edu
Implications – Coverage • Coverage: Any point in the unit square must be within a distance r from one of the n sensors • Known: there is a sharp threshold in r[Shakkottai, Srikant, Shroff ’04] • Coverage is NOT a graph property, so it does not fall within our framework • But the laminar structure in our proof implies a sharp threshold for coverage as well (weaker than the sharpest known) • Fixed density, increasing area: [Muthukrishnan, Pandurangan] ashishg@stanford.edu
Conclusions • Monotone properties in G(n;r) have sharp thresholds • Much sharper than for Bernoulli Random Graphs • Much stronger too: Random geometric graphs exhibit a laminar structure • Useful for recovering several known results/proving new ones • Randomness is often a red-herring since the grid often yields tight upper/lower bounds • Rule of thumb: Grids are nearly as good a model for sensor networks as random geometric graphs • No useful analogue in general networks (deterministic expanders are no easier to analyze than Bernoulli random graphs) • Open problem: Does laminarity imply anything about throughput (via separators)? ashishg@stanford.edu
Statistics Gathering Assume sensors are laid out on an n £ n grid • Each sensor has 4 neighbors • Each sensor knows its (x,y)-coordinates • A processing agent (sink) at (0,0) Vast literature: model based, gossip based, ODI, throughput maximization, coding This talk: • Answering box queries [Goel, unpublished] • Aggregating spatially correlated data [Enachescu, Goel, Govindan, Motwani, 2004] ashishg@stanford.edu
Answering Box Queries The sink can issue queries for the aggregate statistics in any box Will focus on statistics that can be estimated from a random sample of size K Examples: mean, median, quantiles, standard deviations Some naive strategies: • All sensors send their value to the sink every time unit No query-time cost, very high pre-processing cost (n per node) • The sink samples K sensors from the box at query time No preprocessing cost, cost Kn at query time ashishg@stanford.edu
Notation: K-uniform Samples A K-uniform sample of S is a subset of S obtained by choosing each element with probability K/|S|, independently of all other elements K-uniform samples are equally good for estimation purposes ashishg@stanford.edu
Our Solution: Hyperbolic Gossip Pre-processing: Every time unit, sensor (i,j) chooses z(i,j) uniformly at random from [0,1) • Sensor (i,j) sends its value to all sensors (x,y) satisfying z(i,j) · K/(|x-i|¢|y-j|) [hyperbolic region] • Probability that (x,y) hears from (i,j) = K/(|x-i|¢|y-j|)** H(i,j): set of sensors contacted by (i,j) • H(i,j) is connected, and has expected size O(K log2n) • Pre-processing cost = O(K log2n) per sensor (sharply concentrated) Claim: Every sensor can now derive K-uniform samples from every box that contains this sensor • Querying becomes trivial: sink can query any sensor in this box • Side-benefit: Each sensor has a rough map of the entire sensor-field ashishg@stanford.edu
Deriving K-uniform Samples Suppose sensor (x,y) needs to derive K-uniform samples from box B • Sub-sample: For every node (i,j) in B which has sent its value to (x,y), add the value to the sample with probability |x-i|¢|y-j|/|B| • Probability that (x,y) hears from (i,j) = K/(|x-i|¢|y-j) • Probability that the value from (i,j) is in the sample = (|x-i|¢|y-j|/|B|)¢(K/(|x-i|¢|y-j)) = K/|B| (x,y) ashishg@stanford.edu
Aggregation in Sensor Networks • Highly constrained in power (and hence communication) • Data gathering: Each sensor (source) sends its data to a central agent (the sink) • In-network aggregation (coding) can result in great power savings due to correlations in data or the nature of the query • Example: spatially correlated data • Aggregation gains are unpredictable • Basic Question: What is the best routing structure to aggregate data on? • Does it depend on the correlation? ashishg@stanford.edu
The Spatial Correlation Model • Imagine each sensor is a camera with range k • Can take a picture of any point within a 2k £ 2k square centered at the sensor • Let Ak(s) denote the area imaged by sensor s • Total amount of information obtained from set of sensors S = |s2 S Ak(s)| • What is the right value of k? • Would like a single aggregation tree that is good for all k ashishg@stanford.edu
Rationale • If an algorithm does well for all camera ranges k, it also does well when the aggregation function is a linear superposition of different values of k • For example, consider events of different intensities (fireflies, camp-fires, forest fires, volcanic eruptions) • Different events can be sensed within different ranges • For any sets of intensities and relative frequencies, there is a superposition of different values of k which measures exactly the information in a set of sensors S • The right model for spatial correlation given simultaneous optimization? ashishg@stanford.edu
A Useful Transformation • Instead of focusing on the information captured by a sensor, focus instead on the area in a 1£1 square • We call this a “value” • A value is sensed by all sensors within a 2k£2k square centered at the “value” The value for k=2 ashishg@stanford.edu
Cost Model • Find a routing tree (by choosing a “parent” for each node) to send the information from all nodes to the processing node. • Cost of an edge: Number of values transmitted across the edge • Cost of the tree: Total cost of all the edges • We want to minimize this transmission cost simultaneously for all k, assuming perfect aggregation. • Assume the nodes must send all data values. ashishg@stanford.edu
Collision Time • Consider two adjacent paths in a routing tree. • Collision time = the number of steps before the lower path meets the upper path. Example: collision time = 3 ashishg@stanford.edu
Collision Times and Simultaneous Optimization Theorem: An aggregation tree with average expected collision time O(N1/2) gives a constant factor approximation to the optimum aggregation trees for all k ashishg@stanford.edu
A Randomized Algorithm • Each node chooses one of its two downstream (i.e. closer to the origin) neighbors as its parent • Results in a shortest path tree rooted at the sink • All data flows on this shortest path tree • Choice of parent: Node at position (x,y) chooses the node at position (x-1,y) with probability x/(x+y) and the node at position (x,y-1) with probability y/(x+y) • Different nodes choose independently • Interesting Property: The path from a sensor to the sink is a shortest path chosen uniformly at random from all such shortest paths ashishg@stanford.edu
The Randomized Algorithm [contd.] • Intuition: Consider A= (j-1,j+1) and B = (j+1,j-1) • A is above the diagonal, so has a slight preference for going down • B is below the diagonal, so has a slight preference for going left • But if A goes down and B goes left, they meet! • This “centrist” tendency introduces a small but sufficient bias so that the average expected collision time is O(N1/2) as opposed to O(N) [Enachescu, Goel, Govindan, Motwani; Theoretical Comput Sci 2006] • Proof omitted • Implies that the randomized algorithm is an O(1) approximation for all correlation parameters k • Much stronger than what is known for general graphs [Goel, Estrin] ashishg@stanford.edu
Conclusions (Aggregating Correlated Data) • Simple routing techniques work well for a wide range of aggregation functions • Rule of thumb: Do not couple coding and routing in a sensor network • Supported by [Pattem et al; Beferull-Lozano et al; Goel, Estrin] • Open problems • Extend our results to other correlation models • Example: Gaussian sources, spatial covariance matrix [Scaglione, Servetto] • Conjecture: Our model of spatial correlations captures Gaussian sources • Making Spatio-temporal maps of sensor readings with varying and unknown spatio-temporal correlation • Sampling of correlated data? • Gossip based protocols for computing statistics of correlated data? (along the lines of [Kempe et al., Boyd et al]) ashishg@stanford.edu