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Report @ CERN-KEK about LHC upgrades programs

Report @ CERN-KEK about LHC upgrades programs. Lucio Rossi 14 December 2011. The path and goals: 3000 fb -1 – L peak < 5 10 34. Rad. damage. Tuning of the goal after summer.

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Report @ CERN-KEK about LHC upgrades programs

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  1. Report @ CERN-KEK about LHC upgrades programs Lucio Rossi 14 December 2011

  2. The pathand goals: 3000 fb-1 – Lpeak< 5 1034 Rad.damage LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  3. Tuning of the goal aftersummer Efficiency is defined as the ratio between the annual luminosity target of 250 fb-1 over the potential luminosity that can be reached with an ideal cycle run time with no stop for 150 days: trun= tlev+tdec+tturn. The turnaround time after a beam dump is taken as 5 hours, tdecay is 3 h while tlev depends on the total beam current LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  4. Cycle in the HL-LHC run 20E+34 pile up heatdeposition in IR and DS other? Levelling LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  5. Possible evolutiontoward 3000 fb-1 LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  6. IR Magnets(triplet, D1, D2, MQ4, …) SC CrabCavities, IR Collimation LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  7. Other changes Cryogenics During LS2, a new refrigerator will be installed at P4, to feed RF cavities and restore IR 5L Refrigerator 6.5 kW @ 4.5 K: 4.5 kW + 0.25 kW (flash) + 0.12 kW (thermal losses line & valve box) + 1.6 kW (contingency 33%) During LS3 new refrigerators for P1-P5 Warm compressor installed in surface. Warm gas lines in Pit Cold boxes installed in underground and surface (if 2 K or 1.8 K options) Distribution and transfer lines to equipments (magnets, DFBs, crab-cavities ?, SCL ?, sector powering ?...) LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  8. Other changes (list not exhaustive…) R2E: whateverneeded, seefromexperience frome nextyears P8 Removal of EPC and DFBX from tunnel to surface via long SC links rated of 0.1-1 GW d.c. LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  9. LIU – LHC Inj Upgrade (R. Garoby)LS2 (2018) and LS3 (2012-23) • Linac4 (160 Mev H- vs. 50 MeV H of Linac2)Ready by mid 2014Connected 2015?Reliability, brilliance… • PS Booster upgrade:from 1.4 GeV (800 Gev)to 2 GeV to reducespaceahrgeat PS injectionIntensity gain : +65%Project launched; • SPS reduction of impedencenew opticswithlowt (2615 GeV)new 200 MHz cavitiesreductione-clouds by vaccumchambercoating (or scrubbing?) LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  10. The HL composition, largerthan FP7 HiLumi Matching section and correctors Collimation Project High Field Magnets R&D Beam Diagnostics HE-LHC Studies EuCARD2 WP10 on HTS dipoles Hardware Commissioning LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  11. Budget FP7 HiLumi and HL-LHC Perfect score 15/15, ALL request to EU granted Estimatedcost for the thewhole HL-LHC over 10 years in M€ (October 2010) LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  12. 3 days Collaboration Meeting at CERN 14-18 Nov (160 people)Collaboration Boardmembers/invited LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  13. LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  14. Staff HiLumi Design Study, with 377 p-m by US Labs and 159 by KEK (Magnets, CC, AP) 163 FTE-y LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  15. New baseline to follow the new EU strategy for HEP! Goal: HL-LHC approved by 2013 CB of 17 Nov 2011 , message fromPresident of Council, Prof. Spiro: PDR neededin preliminaryform by Oct 2012, endorsed by SAC and MAC, approved by CERN Mngt for Council and HEP strategy Group (final step : Council Bruxelles June 2013) Need to fixchoiceearlier LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  16. Malta Workshop14-16 October 2010HE-LHC @ 33 TeVc.o.m Magnet design: verychallanging but not impossible. 300 mm inter-beam Multiple powering in the samemagnet (and more sectioning for energy) Work for 4 years to assess HTS for 2X20T to open the way to 16.5 T/beam . Otherwiselimitfield to 15.5 T for 2x13 TeV Higher INJ energyisdesirable (2xSPS) The synchrotron light is not a stopper by operating the beamscreenat 60 K. The beamstability looks « easier » than LHC thanks to dumping time. Collimation ispossibly not more difficultthan HL-LHC. Reaching 2x1034appearsreasonable. The big challenge, after main magnettechnology, isbeamhandling for INJ & beam dump: new kickertechnologyisneededsincewecannotmaketwice more room for LHC kickers. LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  17. EC - FP7 EuCARD2 joint researchactivity WP10 : Future Magnets : 2013-2016. 5 T HTS DipoleMagnets40 mm bore Accelerator Quality To betested as insert in existing 13 T magnet KEK and Univ. of Kyoto (and 5 US labs & Univ) declaredassociatecollaborators. Interest in YBCO technology. LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  18. What is the possibile for HE-LHC? US basic programs and LARP R&D EU FP6-CARE-NED EuCARD 13 T large dipole+ 18 T small insert US 13 T Quads FP7-HiLumi US NbSn-HTS development US 16 T smalldipole LARP 11 T long quad EuCARD R&D 15-20 T R&D dipolemodels and prototypes 15-20 T dip final proto & Industrialization Final deliveryMagnets HE-LHC 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 EuCARD2 full bore dipole HTS HE-LHC preliminarystudy HE-LHC start-up HTS for HE-LHC: yes.or.no Industrycontracts, startconstrution LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

  19. HiLumi (and HE) LHC : the best use of the (renovated) existing infrastructure LHeC ? LRossi@CERN-KEK Dec2011

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